Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3135: God King Stage 4

Chapter 3135: God King Realm 4th Tier

Nangong Qing's eyes flickered a few times, staring at Ning Linchen and said, "You came to Xuanhuang City to deal with Luo Qing?"

"Didn't Mrs. Nangong ever heard that I once chased Luo Qing all the way to your Azure Dragon Region, and finally met with Senior Brother Gu outside the Baiyang God City?" Ning Linchen said.

"Is it collision conflict?" Nangong Qing said.

She was naturally aware of this matter, so she considered waking up as a breakthrough to deal with Qi Xuan, so she had already believed a lot of Ning Linchen's words in her heart.

However, Nangong Qing was not an ordinary person, and did not show it deliberately.

She continued: "Ning Linchen, why do you think that I will help you? You know, Luo Qing has now gotten the order to ascend to the sky, and he is trained by the Gu family."

"If I help you, wouldn't I be opposing the Gu family and standing on the opposite side of my husband?"

Ning Linchen shook his head and smiled, "Why do Mrs. Nangong cover up? Gu Zhe has already told me all about you. Isn't Mrs. Nangong happy to see Luo Qing ascending step by step, and Qi Xuan's identity follow the tide?"

"As far as I know, Qi Xuan and Gu Yucheng have a very good relationship."

"Once Qi Xuan's status is different from the past, then the status of Mrs. Nangong will be greatly threatened. By then, Qi Xuan will only be more favored."

Nangongqing's face changed slightly.

Her mood during this period has been very bad.

The reason is because of awakening.

She knew very well that she and Su Xing and Qi Xuan were already on the opposite side. The higher the status of the pair of siblings, the more sad her life would become.

"Luo Qing is in the Zhentian Valley of the Yeming Mountains, can you have any way to deal with him? You know, even if you are a disciple of the Xuantian sect and force yourself into the Yeming Mountains, there will be no good end." Nangong Qing said. .

"If you can't attack by force, then take it out of mind. The path to becoming a **** is tens of thousands. You may not have to take that path." Ning Linchen smiled lightly and stretched out his hand to indicate: "If Mrs. Nangong is interested, then go into the hall and talk about it? "

A hesitation flashed in Nangongqing's eyes.

Ning Linchen continued: "Mrs. Nangong, based on my knowledge of Luo Qing, his chance of entering the Xuantian Sect is more than 50%."

These words made Nangongqing feel a huge threat, and she stopped hesitating and stepped into the palace.

Ning Linchen watched this scene, a cold light flashed across his eyes.

"Ning Linchen, talk about your method of dealing with Luo Qing." Inside the palace, Nangong Qing said straightforwardly.

"The way! It's actually very simple. I need you to find a way to lead Gu Yucheng and Qi Xuan out of Xuanhuang City, and leave the rest to me." Ning Linchen said simply.

"What do you want to do?" Nangong Qing's face changed slightly.

"Mrs. Nangong, don't worry, aren't Luo Qing and Qi Xuan sisters and brothers in love? Once we capture Qi Xuan, will Luo Qing come to rescue him? Will he leave the Yeming Mountains then?" Ning Lin Dust road.

"Then why let Yucheng and Qi Xuan leave Xuanhuang City together?" Nangong Qing asked.

"If it's just Qi Xuan, would Mrs. Nangong be confident and lead her out of Xuanhuang City alone?" Ning Linchen shook his head and smiled, "Will Mrs. Nangong think that I will be against Senior Brother Gu?"

"Well, we are also the same sect brother, this is the Azure Dragon Region again, do I dare to do that?"

Nangongqing snorted coldly and said, "You think too much. I'm worried that you don't have the ability to take Qi Xuan away from Yucheng."

Ning Linchen was not angry either, and smiled slightly: "Mrs. Nangong, don't worry, I naturally have a way."

Nangong Qing said, "What time?"

Ning Linchen said, "There is no need to worry about it. There is still half a year before the Nei Zong assessment begins. Mrs. Nangong only needs to lead Qi Xuan out of Xuanhuang City before then."

Nangongqing nodded. She understood what Ning Linchen meant. She couldn't deliberately do things like drawing the snake out of the cave. You need to wait for a good time, otherwise it will be easy to get rid of the snake and fall short.

"What about Gu Zhe?" Nangong Qing asked.

"Gu Zhe suffered a disastrous defeat at the ascent to the sky and regained consciousness. He was discouraged and went out to explore the Xuanhuang City for a relaxing time. He won't be back for a while." Ning Linchen laughed.

Nangongqing said nothing.

What Ning Linchen said was naturally just a rhetoric. The real situation was that Gu Zhe might not escape death, after all, he already knew too much.

However, in order to avoid arousing Gu Clan's vigilance, Ning Linchen should not kill Gu Zhe for the time being. After all, a arrogant such as Gu Zhe must have set a restriction in his body. Once he dies, the Gu Clan will definitely be aware of it.

Ning Linchen watched Nangong Qing leave until the other party's figure disappeared before he returned to the hall.

The people who were good at Zhen Wang and others gathered to Ning Linchen's side.

"Remember, these things are top secret. During this period of time, anyone dare to divulge half a sentence and kill without mercy!" Ning Linchen said with cold eyes.

The henchmen around him promised.

"Master, this stupid woman, Nangongqing, seems to really believe your words! I thought your goal was just Luo Qing." Good at real kingly.

Ning Linchen's face gradually eased, and the corners of her mouth evoked a cold arc: "A little Luo Qing, why is it worth the young master to risk himself and come to this Xuanhuang City?"

A group of his henchmen nodded.

Nangong Qing didn't know it, they were naturally clear. This time Ning Linchen's goal was not Luo Qing at all, but... Gu Yucheng.

This sounds like a fantasy.

Even if Ning Linchen was talented and was the leader of the young generation of the Ning family, he wanted to kill Gu Yucheng in the Azure Dragon Realm.



The environment is quiet, but the power of apocalypse that sometimes breaks down will often break this peace.

But as far as awakening is concerned, he is not here to admire the scenery. Naturally, he hopes that the power of apocalypse comes as much as possible.

After more than half a year, his cultivation realm has ushered in a breakthrough. From the third-tier peak of the **** king realm, he stepped into the fourth stage of the **** king realm in one fell swoop, and his comprehensive combat power level has naturally also been greatly improved.

Now, facing Taniyama Sakura again, within a few strokes of regaining confidence, he can defeat the opponent.

This is because his level of combat power has already entered the eighth level of the Divine King Realm, far exceeding the previous level.

Of course, in the past six months or so, whether Gu Shanying has made progress or not, it is not clear if she wakes up. The chance of this world is not only Zhentiangu.

If Taniyama Sakura gets other opportunities and her strength is also greatly increased, it will be very difficult to wake up and defeat the opponent.

Speaking of it, Gu Shanying is considered to be the most talented person in the Gu family except Gu Yucheng, who has actually practiced the two heavenly magic arts to the beginning of the Void Realm.

In this respect, even waking up is not as good as her.

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