Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3105: Wei Chi Jin

Chapter 3105: Defeat Wei Chi Jin

"Sister Nangong, the dust hasn't settled on who will win and who will lose. Let's talk about some things later!" Qi Xuan said.

A flash of surprise flashed in Gu Yucheng's eyes, he knew Qi Xuan, and if the latter said this, he could no longer control the anger in his heart.

This kind of thing happened in the past, but it rarely happened.

"It seems that Xuan'er really pays attention to that Luo Qing..."

When Gu Yucheng's thoughts flashed, the confrontation in the sky had already begun.

"The first trick!"

Accompanied by Yuchijin's deep shout, he held a spear and stabbed forward suddenly.

In an instant, countless gun shadows around him quickly gathered and turned into a huge river of gun shadows intertwined, traversing the sky and rushing to wake up.

The power level of this blow is already making it difficult for most sixth-order **** kings to take it.

Qi Xuan couldn't help squeezing her jade hand, a worried look appeared in her spirit eyes.

In contrast, Nangong Qing showed a rather satisfying smile.

Awakening calmly watched the turbulent river approach, with one foot in the void lightly, and the figure swept back, looking very elegant and agile.

Although his figure was still submerged by the river after all, he also bought enough time for himself.

I saw a Taoist seal flying out of the awakened palm, colliding with the gun shadows that were bombarded around.

And the elegant and flexible body method can also wake up and avoid many gun shadow attacks.

"What is this guy doing?"

In the Chaos Pool, He Tong looked at this scene and couldn't help but wondered, "What kind of **** Wei Chi Jin, with the strength of waking up, he can pinch to death with one hand, right?"

"Hey! You don't understand this! Even if you defeat Yuchijin, the little girl named Nangongqing will probably not give up." Gong Kun laughed.

"So you mean, wake up will deliberately lose?" He Tong asked in a stunned voice.

"Of course not. If you lose, you will lose the qualification to compete for the order of the ascendant. I just don't want to win too easily when I wake up. I deliberately hide my strength and leave more means to deal with the subsequent entanglement of Nangongqing. ."

"This kid is cunning and ruthless."

Gong Kun touched his chin, showing an old fox smile.

"How do you know?" He Tong asked curiously.

"Ahem... guessing." Gong Kun naturally wouldn't admit that he used to do this kind of thing so often, wouldn't it expose himself?

This man! It's good to pretend to be stupid when you are all right.

Outside, waking up and fighting and retreating, it was finally resolved, Yuchijin's offensive, the torrential river disappeared, and the sky restored calmness.

"It's a bit of strength!"

Yuchijin was a little surprised, but didn't pay much attention. He waved his hand and said lightly: "Then let you taste the power of my second trick!"

"Broken God!"

Following Yuchijin's deep cry, the silver spear in his hand burst into dazzling brilliance, and then the silver spear quickly zoomed in and quickly became as big as a mountain.


The huge silver spear burst out of the air, carrying the sound of thunder, and rushed to wake up.

The awakened figure backed away again, fighting for a buffer time for herself. At a certain moment, his figure turned into afterimages, forming a huge tornado.


The wind howled, Wake rushed towards the silver giant spear.

At the moment when the two were about to collide, the countless afterimages became extremely slippery, avoiding the sharp edge of the giant spear, but flying around the huge gun body, constantly flying forward.

From a distance, it looked like a large python entangled the gun body.

"It's a good move with ingenuity, this kid is somewhat capable." In the palace, Gu Yucheng couldn't help but nodded secretly after seeing this scene.

Most of Yuchijin had never encountered such a situation before, and was at a loss for a while.

However, as the sixth-order **** king, his reaction speed was extremely fast, and he quickly abandoned the silver giant spear and prepared to perform another divine skill. At this time, a figure quietly appeared behind him.


Accompanied by a loud sound, Yuchi Jinru was struck by lightning, and his figure fell from the sky and hit the top of the mountain severely.

When Yu Chijin was struggling and wanted to get up, a figure appeared beside him, stepped on his back, and said lightly: "You are already defeated."

"No! I can't lose, how could I lose to an unknown person like you." Yu Chijin yelled, struggling to get up, but found that his awakened foot was pressing on him like a mountain, and he couldn't break free anyway. .

Not only Yu Chijin, but most of the people at the scene were confused and could not accept this fact.

Everything happened too hastily.

A moment ago, Yu Chijin was still showing great power. Who could have imagined how he was suddenly defeated and defeated, lying on the ground like a dead dog.


There was a deep drink.

Nangongqing walked out of the palace with a cold face, staring at the awakening and said, "Don't let Yuchijin go."

"Actually, I don't have much interest in stepping on this kind of subordinate defeat." Su Xing smiled faintly, and then kicked Yu Chijin's body, who flew to Nangong Qing like a meteorite.

Nangong Qing didn't make a move and turned a blind eye. Just when Yu Chijin was about to hit her, a translucent energy emerged, intercepting Yu Chijin.

Then a ninth-order **** king appeared behind Nangong Qing.

"Bold madman, dare to attack the eldest lady, what should be the crime?" the ninth-order **** king shouted coldly.

"Are you blind? I just returned Yu Chijin to her at the request of the eldest lady. Why should I attack?" Su Xing shook his head and said indifferently.

"You are looking for death!" The ninth-order **** king narrowed his eyes.

"Liu He, what do you want to do? Anyway, you are also a dignified ninth-order **** king, do you have to take a shot at a junior?" Gao Shan appeared beside Wake, his face calmly looking at the ninth-order **** king.

"Liu He, don't say it." Nangong Qing stopped Liu He's continued useless quarrel, and his eyes fell on the awakened body, and said: "I'm curious, what conspiracy and tricks did you play that led to the defeat of Yuchijin?"

"What does this elder sister mean? Luo Qing and Yuchijin are a fair fight. How can they say that they are conspiring?"

Qi Xuan stepped out of the palace on his own and looked at Nangong Qing and said, "Originally, according to my sister, Awakening was able to block Yuchijin's ten strokes and it was considered as a pass, but now Awakening only used two strokes to defeat Yuchijin. Do you still need to question the general results?"

"Could my sister deliberately make things difficult for Luo Qing?"

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