Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3095: Forcibly expropriated

The third thousand and ninety-fifth chapter forcibly expropriated

In the hall that opened the door, apart from Ning Linchen, most of his subordinates were also well-known figures in the Vermillion Bird Domain, such as being good at true kings.


At a certain moment, Ning Linchen put down the wine glass in his hand and looked up at the sky outside the palace.

I saw a circle of energy ripples in the blue sky, spreading in all directions, forming a huge vortex, and then at the center of the vortex, a huge ship quickly sailed out.

The tower boat is extraordinary in style, guarded by many large formations, and on the top deck, a flag painted with a pattern of Hunyuan Tianjing is flying, which is the unique symbol of the Gods Business League.

Lou Chuan is naturally the teleportation boat of the God's Business Alliance.

As usual, after completing a space teleportation, the teleporting flying boat should fly forward quickly, but at this moment, the palace where Ning Linchen is located is blocked on the only way to the teleporting flying boat.

The teleportation boat stopped temporarily.

Many of the passengers on the flying boat noticed the abnormality and came to the deck to stop and watch, but everyone did not feel any sense of crisis. For a long time, the reputation and heritage accumulated by the Alliance of Gods made everyone nothing to worry about. .

A ray of light flew out of the teleporting flying boat, standing in the sky not far away.

When the light dissipated, a tall and burly middle-aged man showed his figure. He was wearing a **** armor and looked majestic, but he didn't feel nervous.

As if not worried, someone was doing robbery.

This is also normal. People who dared to rob the business alliance of the gods are also very few in the entire Southern God Realm, and how can those who stand at the peak level look down at their ants?


Ning Linchen flew out from the hall with a group of confidants. He arched his hands towards the burly middle-aged man and smiled and said, "Lord Luo, it's been a long time since I saw you, don't come here without problems."

"Shao Ning?" The middle-aged man Luo Commander frowned, "What are you doing?"

"Lord Luo, I want to temporarily requisition your teleporting flying boat on behalf of the Ning family." Ning Linchen said straightforwardly.


"My God, Ning Shao is really big!"

"Although the Ning family is qualified to requisition the Teleportation Boat, at least double the price will be required in that case? What the **** is this for?"

Ning Linchen was so famous that many people on the Teleportation Boat recognized him.

However, everyone was still shocked by Ning Linchen's words.

As a third-rate Celestial Clan, the Ning family has a profound background and natural financial resources. It is a major customer of the Gods Business League in the Nine Realms of the East Spirit.

Naturally, the Ning family can also enjoy many privileges.

One of them is that it can be forcibly requisitioned, the teleporting flying boat of the God of Business Alliance, but it has to pay a corresponding price, that is, at least twice the usual rental price.

"Are you sure?" Luo Tongling was also a little surprised.

Under normal circumstances, forcibly requisitioning the teleportation boat, it is mostly necessary to temporarily transport some important cultivation resources, materials, treasures, etc., but now Ning Linchen does not seem to have any important things.


Ning Linchen smiled and nodded, then waved his hand and threw a storage bag to the commander Luo.

Commander Luo checked and found that there were a full 500 million Hunyuan Tianjing in the storage bag, and it would take about 200 million Hunyuan Tianjing to lease a teleportation boat normally.

The price Ning Linchen paid was obviously enough.

"Since Ning Shao wants to do this, please!" Luo Tong led his body sideways.

"Thank you!" Ning Linchen arched his hands, and then took a group of subordinates and walked towards the Teleportation Boat. Soon, they boarded the Teleportation Boat.

At this time, Ning Linchen looked at Luo Commander who had also returned to the flying boat, and said: "Luo Commander, according to the rules of the business alliance, since this teleporting flying boat is requisitioned by me, then the passengers on the flying boat, I have the right to invite them Go on?"

"This is natural!" Luo commander nodded.

Everyone will sign an agreement in advance when riding in the teleportation boat. One of the contents of the agreement is that when encountering force majeure, the passengers need to leave the boat.

The forceful requisition of the teleporting boat is a force majeure factor.

Of course, the Alliance of Gods doesn’t mean that they don’t care about the passengers. They will give them two choices. One is to wait for the arrival of the new teleportation boat, and then take everyone on the road.

The second is to refund the money and let passengers leave by themselves.

"That's good!"

Ning Linchen smiled slightly, waved his hand, and motioned to the King of Goodness to come forward.

Being good at the real king, he looked around and shouted: "We need everyone to leave the teleportation boat, but everyone should not panic. Ning Shao is just looking for someone."

"If the person is found, others can continue to ride the flying boat."

"But if anyone deliberately prevents Ning Shao from finding someone, don't blame us for being rude."

Speaking of the last, the look of the true king who was good at it was cold and sharp, and it spread the strong majesty of the ninth-order **** king.

There was no one who dared to fight Ning Linchen, and was good at the deterrence of the true king, which immediately had an effect. For a while, the entire teleportation boat became silent.

"Come up one by one and accept the inspection!"

Soon, someone started to come out and accepted the inspection very obediently.

With the first one, there will soon be a second, a third...

No one dared to disobey Ning Linchen's meaning, it meant a disaster. On the contrary, it would not be difficult to make a choice regardless of what happened to oneself under the inspection.

Ning Linchen stood not far away, waiting quietly.

This arrangement of his hand can be said to be seamless, as long as he wakes up on the teleporting boat, no matter what means, it is impossible to escape with his wings, let alone hide.

Time passed by every minute.

Although there is no trace of awakening yet, Ning Linchen is not in a hurry. Instead, he looks forward to it. Wouldn't it be more interesting to keep the surprise until the end?

On the other side, Good King carefully investigated everyone.

A grain of sand on the opponent's body will not be missed by him, and will be carefully checked.

Moreover, even after the inspection, they were not allowed to leave at will. They were arranged in the sky outside the flying boat, guarded by many people.

In addition, everyone's cabin number is registered.

It took several hours to be good at the real king to check everyone, but still no trace of awakening.

"Go and look inside the cabin." Ning Linchen was not disappointed, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised. It doesn't matter if the suspect is gone, it only means that he didn't pretend to be someone else.

The next cabin is the top priority.

"It's me, that kid has space treasures on his body and he is good at hiding." The King of Goodness quickly walked into the cabin.

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