Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3069: Start again

The third thousand and sixty-ninth chapter re-starts

The League of Gods is very strict in judging the performance of the assessment.

It's harder to get the best grades.

For example, if waking up just to escape, then he can only get an inferior good grade. He must kill all Luo Yun and his party without leaving one in order to get the superior.

Undoubtedly, this is extremely difficult.

In the eyes of many gods, it is completely impossible.

More importantly, Suwa himself didn't know about the assessment, so he couldn't do anything deliberately. Unlike other assessments, the examiner at least knew about it, at least in which direction to work hard.

It sounds like this assessment of the God of Business Alliance is a bit unreasonable.

In fact, the same is true.

But from the perspective of the Gods Merchant League, the more unconscious the behavior, the more true the ability of the assessment can be reflected. For example, this time, whether Awakening can kill Luo Yun and others all depends on whether he is decisive enough.

As long as he acts with the slightest sloppyness, it may cause the enemy to escape.

Obviously, his performance is perfect in Yan Hui's mind.

But this is only the performance this time. The first stage of the assessment has not yet come to an end. When the assessment is over, Yan Fei will give a holistic assessment of the awakening results.

That assessment is the most important.

There was a ripple in the pupils of Gu Jing Wubo's eyes, as if she was hoping for something.

The performance of waking up gave her a little expectation involuntarily.

"Wake up, I hope you can live up to Brother Wu's expectation!" Yan Wei murmured in her heart. The Brother Wu she was talking about was the person who gave the Wake up identity token in Shengming City.

Depending on the situation, Yanfen and Wu Da people seem to have a good relationship.

Of course, Yanhui will not resort to cheating for personal gains, and will make it easier to wake up. No one can interfere in the assessment of the Gods Business Alliance. Yanhui also needs to act impartially and impartially.

Three days later, the Teleport Flying Boat was repaired.

Su Xing had observed the Teleportation Boat in secret, but could not see any clues. The Teleportation Boat had indeed suffered a lot of damage, and Yan Fei did nothing to leak.

"Everyone, I'm very sorry for the delay in your itinerary. Now that the Feizhou has been repaired, it will start again within an hour. Please come back to the Feizhou."

Ji Hong's voice resounded throughout the plain.

The passengers gathered up the palace one after another and boarded the teleportation boat again.

The three of Su Xing, He Tong, and Kui Si also quickly arrived on the Teleportation Boat, but did not rush back to the cabin of Tianzi No.1, but looked into the distance.

It was getting closer and closer to the time for Teleport Flying Boat to depart.

At the last moment, Gong Kun flew back, and in front of his awakening, boarded the teleporting flying boat, and said with a smile: "The efficiency of the business alliance of the gods is really amazing! The huge flying boat was repaired in just three days. I haven’t seen enough of the scenery."

"Senior Gong can continue watching, no one is stopping you." Su Xing said calmly.

"Things are prioritized! There will be scenery everywhere, so it's more important to hurry."

Gong Kun shook his head indifferently, looked up and down to wake up, and curiously said: "Little friend Luo, the old man has always been very curious, how did you kill Luo Yun and his party?

"Senior Gong, if you really want to know, wait until the East Spirit Nine Realms, let's talk carefully?" Su Xing said.

"Okay!" Gong Kun nodded happily, and then said: "It's just that as far as the old man knows, most of the powerful hole cards will pay a lot of money when they are activated. Little friend Luo still needs to be cautious!"

"It's really worrying seniors." Su Xing said indifferently: "The price is indeed there, but it depends on whether it is worth paying. If you endanger your life, you will pay some price to kill the enemy, you will not hesitate."

"That's reasonable." Gong Kun smiled, turned around and returned to the Tianzi No. 2 cabin first.

"This old guy..." He Dong stared at Gong Kun's back, his eyes squinted. Compared to three days ago, Gong Kun was obviously calmer when facing awakening.

In the past three days, Gong Kun has almost calmed down. Not only did he dare to awaken in words, but also returned to the Teleport Flying Boat, indicating that he is not dead and will not leave the field halfway.

"Go back to the cabin first!" Su Xing prevented He Tong from continuing. He was worried that Gong Kun might be hiding in the cabin of Tianzi No. 2 and secretly observing their every move. At this time, you must not reveal any flaws.

However, I am not particularly worried about waking up.

In fact, the most dangerous time was the previous three days, which has now passed.

If three days ago, after awakening killed Luo Yun and the others, Gong Kun shot directly at him, then the awakening situation may be very dangerous and it will be difficult to escape.

However, Gong Kun did not dare to do it after all.

Next, awakening only needs to go through the general manager and purchase the medicinal materials for refining the Fake Death Pill at the next repair location of the Teleport Flying Boat, and the situation will get better.

When Kui Si refined the Fake Death Pill again, he would really have a hole card against Gong Kun, instead of doing it like singing the empty city plan as it is now.

The teleportation boat restarted and soon disappeared in the plain.

In the cabin of Tianzi No.1, He Tong and Kui Si both started to practice and experienced the incident. In addition, there is another more difficult Gong Kun who lives at the opposite door, and He Tong is completely gone to play in the tavern. thought.

In the room, he awoke to examine himself, and studied the changes after the fusion of the sculpting divine technique on fire and the lunar constellation.

He released the Moon God constellation. From the outside, it seemed that the five moon spirits above the nine stars had indeed undergone considerable changes.

The original Moon Spirit's color was bright and pure, without any flaws.

Now, the Moon Spirit looked muddy a lot. To be more precise, the light released was darker in color, but it didn't give people the feeling of confusion, on the contrary, it had a thick and solid taste.

Awakening could perceive that his current Lunar Constellation gradually had a "mutation".

Compared with the ordinary Luna Constellation, it should be more powerful.

Awakening began to test, what kind of energy the Moon God Constellation could consume now, there were many types of cultivation resources in his body, and he began to try one by one.

A few days later, waking up had a lot of gains.

Although the Luna constellation can now swallow most of the energy for its own use, there is also a difference in efficiency. The purer the energy, the better it can be swallowed.

Otherwise, the effect will be greatly reduced.

For example, in the battle before awakening, to swallow the power in Luo Yun's attack is too mixed and violent, causing it to seem to swallow a lot of power, but in fact it does not increase the physical power much.

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