Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3055: Forgetful grandfather

Chapter 3055: Forgetful Grandfather

The second-class high-grade god-given artifacts are very precious, even with the status of Ning Linchen, they can't produce much.

In particular, the Water Elemental Poison Heart Pearl belongs to a very special second-grade high-class god-given artifact, and it happens that Ning Linchen's side also has a Poison Xiu who is one of his most powerful henchmen.

At the beginning, Qin Qianqiu also went to the deepest part of the Poisonous Miasma Forest. With her ingenuity, she naturally guessed that she would wake up and get the inheritance of Ma Ru Poison Lord.

That curiosity caused Gong Kun to leave after all.

He can control the Cangxuan Divine Realm with one hand, and his keen sense of smell is far from comparable to ordinary **** cultivation.

"What's your name?" Su Xing looked at the seventh-order **** king indifferently.

"Luo Bing." The seventh-order **** king continued: "Boy, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Does your so-called question mean going to see Ning Linchen with you?" Su Xing shook his head and said, "If it is, that person is very sorry. I have no interest in Ning Linchen."

"That's probably not your responsibility." Luo Bing said with squinting eyes.

"Really? Is it possible that you can still act **** the teleporting boat?" Su Xing said curiously: "If you have that courage, I will let you see Ning Linchen, how?"

"You can't stay on the teleportation boat forever, this journey will end sooner or later." Luo Bing said.

"Isn't it over yet?" Awakening said indifferently.

"Boy, it looks like you are toasting and not eating, you must have fine wine." Luo Bing said coldly.

"I'm going to see Ning Linchen with you, even if it's a toast? But as far as I know, Ning Linchen should want to take my life? Did he give you the order to capture me instead of inviting me?" Wake up.

"You kid is a sensible person, so that's good! Ning Shaoxu has a good attitude. If your kid has a better attitude, maybe Ning Shao is happy and will keep you by his side as a running dog." Luo Bing said.

"Stooges? Just like you?" Su Xing shook his head: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested. I prefer to travel around the world with Senior Gong, freely."


The corner of Gong Kun's mouth twitched a few times in the corner.

How to say this, did you involve yourself again?

"Shut up your kid, the old man has nothing to do with half of your Hunyuan Tianjing." Gong Kun hurriedly replied. Now he is very thankful that he has stayed and still has the opportunity to explain.

Otherwise, I don't know how to pull him into the water behind his back.

"Senior Gong looks at what you said, your great-great-granddaughter is very happy with me." Su Xing smiled.

"What great-granddaughter?" Gong Kun suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Grandfather, don't you even know me, right?" He Dong stepped into the tavern, looking at Gong Kun with aggrieved expression, with a look of weeping.


Gong Kun almost vomited blood out of anger.

Such a big pit, if I jump into it, I am afraid I can't clean it anymore!

Luo Bing's eyes have changed.

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense, the old man doesn't know you at all." Gong Kun hurriedly said.

"Huh! Forgetful grandfather, I know you would say that. Fortunately, I was prepared. This is the token of our Gong family, created by you. It can identify the breath of blood relatives."

As He Tong spoke, he took out a token, and as she poured God Wang Li into it, the token whistled and flew towards Gong Kun.


Gong Kun waved his hand, a strong **** power shattered the token into powder.

But this can no longer make up for anything.

From the moment the token appeared, Gong Kun's face became ashen, and he could naturally recognize it at a glance. The token He Tong took out was the identity of their Gong family.

Reminiscent of the previous turmoil in the Nine Profound City, the death of the thirteen young masters of the Gong family, and the opportunity for He Tong to steal an identity order, there are undoubtedly many...

However, Gong Kun didn't pay attention to that kind of little things.

Who would take away the order of identity for normal people? It's useless at all.

But He Tong did that, and he played a big role at this moment.

"Little girl, how dare you steal my Gong family's identity order, **** it!"

Gong Kun's face was pale, after taking a few deep breaths, he looked at Luo Bing and the others, and said, "Don't get me wrong, this is the trick of Luo Qing and this little girl, trying to get us into conflict."

"It doesn't matter if there is a conflict," Luo Bing said lightly.

"...Yes!" Gong Kun wanted to yell at Luo Bing for a few idiots, but after all he resisted it. He put his posture very low and said: "The old man doesn't mean to interfere with the contradictions between you, please feel free. "

"This old guy is too capable of pretending." He Tong was a little helpless. She already recognized the thief as a grandfather, and she didn't gain much.

"It's not that there is no gain. Although Luo Bing didn't believe it, after this trouble, there is no longer any possibility of cooperation between him and Gong Kun..."

Su Xing saw through He Tong's thoughts, Chuanyin said.

What he needs is for Gong Kun, Luo Bing and others to have absolutely no possibility of cooperation, otherwise, once the two parties cooperate, his situation will be extremely bad.

He Tong said indifferently: "I see the arrogance of the people like Luo Bing. There is not much possibility of cooperating with Gong Kun. You have been busy for a long time, I am afraid it is unnecessary."

Waking up slightly silent.

Luo Bing's look of arrogance soaring into the sky also surprised him a bit.

However, this kind of thing cannot have fluke thoughts, it is a matter of life, and it is better to handle it safely.

"Boy, no matter how many tricks you play, it is useless. Your life no longer belongs to you, but to Ning Shao." Luo Bing glanced indifferently to wake up, and then left with the others.

He really didn't dare to do anything on the teleportation boat, the attitudes of both sides were already clear, and it didn't make much sense to say more.

Today, all you need to do is to wait for the moment.

"I really want to tear his arrogant face." He Tong stared at the direction where Luo Bing and others had left, and said coldly.

"This requires Senior Gong's help!" Su Xing smiled slightly and turned his head to look at Gong Kun who had not left.

"Do you want to take the old man into the water?" Gong Kun glared fiercely and regained consciousness before getting up and walking outside.

"Senior Gong is not curious, why did Ning Shao send someone to chase me all the way around?" Su Xing suddenly transmitted a voice to Gong Kun, causing the latter to pause slightly.

"Why?" Gong Kun couldn't help asking.

"This is not a place to talk. Senior Gong will follow me to the Tianzi No. 1 cabin. Let's talk carefully?" Su Xing suggested.

"The beauty your kid thinks, if you have anything, just say it here, the old man is not going anywhere.

Gong Kun rebuffed. Now his relationship with Luo Bing and the others is relatively stiff. If he wakes up to the Tianzi No. 1 cabin, even if it doesn’t matter, he will be recognized by Luo Bing and others. Plotting something.

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