Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3042: The first stage

The first stage of the third thousand and forty-second chapter

Biyu ancient city.

Qi Peixuan and Qi Yuanliang returned to Yunxi Island after waking up after seeing off.

Today, Yunxi Island is empty.

The powerful two of the Qi family sat opposite each other in a courtyard, enjoying tea quietly.

After a while, Qi Peixuan said, "I know that you are reluctant, but you can't really stay in Qi's house for the rest of your life. You have to go out and try."

"Even if it fails, it's no big deal."

Qi Yuanliang was silent, like a silent and stubborn child.

Qi Peixuan continued: "After I talked about your matter with Su Xing, he also agreed with you to leave Dayu Divine Realm. In his words, there is no unsolvable curse, only people who are troubled."

"Even if the path of heaven collapses, we must go against the trend."

"Divine cultivation, the ultimate cultivation is a fearless move forward."

Qi Yuanliang remained silent.

Qi Peixuan seemed to be a little angry, and said angrily: "Concubine Long has sent a letter back. She has successfully joined the Innate Dojo, and Xuan'er is there. Now the situation in Dayu God's Domain is very stable and Qi family is safe."

"You are a dignified seven-foot man anyhow, hesitate to shit!"

Qi Yuanliang finally spoke and squeezed a few words from his teeth: "I'm leaving, isn't it because no one will be scolded by you in the future."

"How many people in the Qi family, get rid of the ancestors, who can't I scold? I still need you?"

Qi Peixuan almost laughed, and slapped him on the stone table, saying: "Qi Yuanliang, when I picked you out of the dead, did you promise me that you won't violate my orders in the future?"


"Don't you, you, me, you, the big man, just go ahead, the tomb of God, pope, are you going or not?"

"I don't want to go..."

"what did you say?"

"...Want to go."

Qi Yuanliang finally compromised.

"Then take that thing out, I personally watched you crush it." Qi Peixuan urged.

Qi Yuanliang reluctantly took out a token. The whole body was pitch-black and the shape was weird, like a small tombstone. As he crushed the token that looked like a tombstone, there was a burst of gray energy overflowing. Out.

Those energies didn't have the slightest lethality, but quickly disappeared into the void.

The Pope of the Tomb of God, a hidden and powerful force.

In the entire history of the God Realm, there are very few descriptions about it, but those powerful people know that since the ancient times, many major events have had the shadow of the Pope of the God Tomb.

It was a group of living dead, monsters in people's eyes, but they possessed extraordinary abilities.

Their way of recruiting members is also very weird. People who are not the living dead will not be accepted, and those who are not willing to accept me will not...

Back then, Qi Yuanliang got the tomb solicitation order from the Pope of the God Tomb, but he never agreed. Now the situation in the Dayu Gods is stable, and Qi Peixuan repeatedly persecuted him, he finally crushed the solicitation order.

Then what awaits him is another vast world.

His life trajectory will undergo tremendous changes from this moment on.

But Qi Yuanliang didn't show much interest in all that. Qi Peixuan was not surprised. Qi Yuanliang was good at everything, except that he was a little lazy.

In other words, he likes to stay at Qi's house, to be the first heir with little influence, to look at the flowers every day, enjoy the scenery, and be happy.

What kind of intrigue, he least likes to mix things up.

However, once he chooses to blend, there is almost nothing he can do.

He always makes the most correct choice and possesses extremely keen insight.

In many cases, his consideration is more comprehensive than Qi Peixuan.

After refining the evil spirit source this time, Qi Yuanliang has obtained many benefits in terms of cultivation strength, and now even the sixth-tier early **** king is not his opponent.

"I'm leaving after all!"

Qi Yuanliang sighed. He knew that after crushing the solicitation of the tomb order, the people of the Pope of the God Tomb would feel, and it would not be long before they would appear in the realm of Dayu.

When that happens, he will have to leave.

There is no room for remorse.

"I secretly lost the solicitation tomb order if I knew it."

"What are you talking about."

"Ahem! No, come and drink with you."


God’s Business Alliance.

Chang Guanshi walked into an unnamed palace. The layout of the palace was very strange. There was a stone niche in the center, revealing an atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes.

Inside the stone niche is a statue of a god, but there is no face, which is quite strange.

While Chang Guanshi waved his hand, mysterious runes flew out and sank into the idol in the stone niche, and then he showed respect, as if waiting for something quietly.

Soon after, the idol shined and a face emerged.

If you wake up here, you will recognize it at a glance, that face is from Master Wu.

"Chang Song, what's the matter?" Master Wu said.

This is a way of communicating with each other in the air. It is more advanced than the five-star VIP that awakened. Master Wu seems to be able to see things clearly in remote places.

Chang Song is the name of Chang Guan Shi.

"Um... I want to ask, has the assessment for awakening started?" Chang Guan asked. When he was in contact with awakening, he always referred to as "Lord Luo" and pretended not to know the identity of awakening.

However, now that it looks like this, it is obvious that he has already known his awakening identity.

"The first stage of the assessment has been put on the agenda, and it will start soon." Wu Da said.

"Thank you Master Wu."

Hearing that, Chang Guan seems to have fallen into a big rock in his heart.

"You can set off to the Eastern Imperial City."

After Master Wu finished speaking, the light on the idol quickly dissipated, and this exchange with the manager was over.

But Chang Guan still saluteed respectfully, until the light on the idol disappeared completely, he raised his head and muttered: "I can finally go to the Eastern Imperial City, great."

"Wake up, you have to come on!"

"The assessment of the Business Alliance of Gods is not easy to exchange for money!"

The assessment in his mouth refers to the assessment of the recruitment of internal and core members of the God of Business Alliance. The most unique aspect of this assessment is that the person receiving the assessment does not know it.

There are three stages in this assessment.

Only after passing the first stage, the assessment personnel will know, and then the God of Business Alliance will let them choose whether to continue the assessment...

It sounds a bit domineering in the business alliance of God.

But fortunately, this kind of assessment will not take human life. At most, it will be a shock. But if the assessment fails, it means that a chance to climb to the sky is lost.

The reason why the examiner is not informed is that he does not want the examiner to be prepared, and let him respond with the most ordinary posture, so as to observe the most real performance.

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