Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3033: The death of ancestor Long Kuan

The third thousand and thirty-third chapter Long Kuan's death

The ancestor Long Kuan was completely angry, completely ignoring the resuscitation plan.

He now has only one idea to kill and wake up.

The ancestor Long Kuan himself is a seventh-order **** king, and the strength of the twelve-day ghost is even stronger. Where is the opponent when he wakes up? The nine-layer divine light stimulated by the Nine Heavens Divine Polar Body is mainly used to fight against the innate Daoyuan, and it is difficult to block the ancestor Long Kuan.

At the critical moment, just as he was waking up and preparing to escape, in the black palace behind him, another roar like a thunderous roar rang out, and then a cloud of fire swept out.


Those fire clouds awakened and collided fiercely with the palm strength of the ancestor Long Kuan.

The terrifying power raged open, if it weren't for the solid and immortal altar, it had been protected by the Innate Daoyuan, and if it were changed to another place, how many miles would have been destroyed.

What is shocking is that in the heavy bombardment, the ancestor Long Kuan was actually shaken back several steps.

The light of the fire cloud is immortal, and He Tong's figure standing on the cloud, looks extraordinary and sacred.

"It's you……"

The ancestor Long Kuan stared at He Tong, and already recognized her identity through the breath of He Tong.

"Yes, it's me."

He Tong didn't deny it either, staring deep at the ancestor Long Kuan: "Do you think I should thank you? After all, without your tricks, there might be no me."

Back then, the reason why He Tong's parents entered the Wanmotan twice in a row was because the ancestor Long Kuan was behind the scenes.

At this moment, Old Ancestor Long Kuan's expression was hard to see the extreme, killing intent surged crazily from his side. Originally, he was only full of killing intent to Awakening, but now he added another He Tong.

For the ancestor of Yu Longkuan, it was He Tong who stole his achievements.

Had it not been for his repeated planning, He Tong would have been unable to obtain some innate source of Taoism.

"You also die for me!" Ancestor Long Kuan roared, and the twelve ghosts followed him. After he took a palm shot, they quickly swarmed towards He Tong.

"Little Bear, it's your turn."

He Tong was not afraid. After a soft drink, a huge figure rushed out of thin air. With a thud, he shot a big palm that covered the sky and the sun.

The violent and domineering power swept away, and the power of Innate Daoyuan was mobilized in a large amount.


In the explosion, the twelve heavenly ghosts were shaken off one after another.

It was the ancestor of Long Kuan, who also vomited blood, and his expression was pale.

"You already control the Xiantian Daoyuan?"

"No! It's impossible..."

Ancestor Long Kuan's face was full of incredible color.

Waking up was also surprised.

With He Tong's own strength, he is not even his opponent, let alone the ancestor Long Kuan?

It is precisely because He Tong borrowed the power of Innate Daoyuan that he was able to frustrate Long Kuan ancestors one after another, but the crimson pool in the palace where He Tong entered the palace for a very short time, how could he merge the Innate Daoyuan so quickly?

"When you can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it. You shouldn't use your own vision to judge the true geniuses of a fool like you. That will only make you more ignorant."

He Tong looked old-fashioned and scolded the ancestor Long Kuan.

Not to mention the ancestor Long Kuan, even when he wakes up, he has the urge to beat people.

Sure enough, the ancestor Long Kuan was furious, and his **** Wang Li was completely released. The twelve days ghost quickly merged behind him, and soon turned into a huge face, covering half of the sky, with a vicious aura.

"Wow!" The giant flame bear let out a terrifying roar, and rushed out first, with a simple and domineering punch, killing the twelve heavenly ghosts in the air.

At the same time, He Tong also fought with the ancestor Long Kuan.

At the top of the whole altar, the battlefield is unified, awakened and standing in the black palace, without being affected too much, watching the changes in the battle situation...

This battle did not last too long.

The attacks of He Tong and the Flame Bear were extremely fierce and domineering, causing Long Kuan's ancestor to fall under the wind from the beginning, only passive defense, but blindly defensive, eventually fell behind.

This can't be blamed on the ancestor Long Kuan not knowing how to fight, but that he can't fight back at all.

On weekdays, He Tong's hostility is extremely heavy, and the methods of attack are amazing. This time, thanks to the help of the innate Daoyuan, his strength has been greatly improved, and it is a fierce mess.

The ancestor Long Kuan vomited blood and retreated steadily.

The ghost form of the twelve days is illusory, showing signs of weakness.

In the end, the ancestor Long Kuan was bombarded and killed by He Tong, and the Twelve Heavens Ghost was also destroyed.

This evil spirit source planned for many years, but it fell short in the end.

Awakening was quite amazed. I didn't expect a crisis to be resolved in this way. I don't know what He Tong experienced in the pool in the palace.

He Tong turned around and looked to wake up: "Help me..."

"save you?"

Wake up for a moment, feeling a little inexplicable.

He Tong was in a mess just now, why did he call for help now? Is it acting?


He Tong seemed too late to explain anything, his figure quickly scattered, and together with the giant flame bear, turned into streamer, and flew to the pool in the palace.

Su Xing frowned, there was indeed something wrong.

It's just that he hadn't experienced this kind of thing, and he didn't know what happened to He Tong.

"Do you two know?" Suwa asked the Golden Bull and Jade Phoenix Chicken in the Chaos Pond. Although he had thrown the Chaos Pond to the pool in the palace before, the moment He Tong rushed out, the Chaos Pond returned automatically. To him.

"He Tong's situation seems to be assimilated by Innate Daoyuan." Golden Bull said.

"Why see?" Su Xing asked.

"This...I'm just a speculation. He Tong should have been able to fuse the Xian Daoyuan, but she just forcibly used the power of the Xian Daoyuan, so most of the gains must be lost."

Huang Jinniu said with suspicion: "Now that she has been absorbed into the pool, it is estimated that it was caused by innate Daoyuan."

"It makes some sense." Su Xing nodded, and after a little thought, he felt that the golden bull's speculation is true, and asked: "Then what should I do to save He Tong?"

"Well! I'm afraid you need to go into that pool to see the situation." Huang Jinman paused, then said: "But before that, you need to have a deeper understanding of Xiantian Daoyuan."

The Golden Bull and the Jade Phoenix Chicken have extraordinary origins, and they know far more secrets than ordinary people.

They also have a lot of understanding of Xian Daoyuan.

"Then talk about it carefully!" Su Xing said.

"Speaking of Innate Daoyuan, then the innate divine body must be mentioned. The two are closely related and inseparable..." Huang Jinniu said.

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