Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3031: Climbing altar

Chapter 3031: Climbing the Altar

The number of stone steps on all sides of the altar is the same, all of which are nine hundred and ninety-nine floors.

Each stone step is separated by tens of thousands of meters, which looks extremely majestic and spectacular.

The ancestor Long Kuan quickly walked over one hundred stone steps, behind him was a road stained with blood by the **** king, **** and cruel.

He didn't dare to delay his awakening, his expression became solemn, and he began to go all out to climb.

With every stone step up, the assimilation ability from the innate Dao source will become stronger, and the pressure he feels will naturally increase, but it does not overwhelm the awakening.

He has always been able to stick to his heart and not be assimilated by the innate source.

He found that when resisting the assimilation ability of Innate Daoyuan, whether the mood is strong and firm enough is of vital importance.

"This kid..."

When the ancestor Long Kuan looked back and saw that Wake had also walked through a hundred stone steps, he couldn't help frowning.

He had to admit that he was shocked.

One hundred stone steps are a hurdle, and ordinary people can't cross it at all. Even the generation of Tianjiao is extremely difficult to do, but it seems that it is quite easy to wake up.

Obviously, his limit is much more than that.

At this time, the ancestor Long Kuan had crossed two hundred stone steps and still maintained the momentum of being far ahead of awakening, and he took every step very steadily, and it seemed that the pressure was less.

Although Sha Lingyuan is not as good as Xian Daoyuan, it is also extremely extraordinary.

Even to a certain extent, the evil spirit source and the innate Dao source have an airtight relationship, if light and dark.

Where there is light, there must be darkness.

Light is the source of innate Taoism.

And that darkness naturally refers to the source of evil spirits.

During the period of the Twelve-Day Ghost, it was a “feast”. When he was in Yaqi City before, he swallowed Tang Jizhi, the Black Mountain King, the White Bird King, and Tang Xiulan and other Tang's army.

Half of the people in the Dragon King Valley who died at that time were also reduced to "food" for the twelve heavenly ghosts.

Now, they all beheaded Long Shige and others in a "living sacrifice" manner.

This made the fierce grievances and evil spirits in the twelve days of ghosts reached an unprecedented heyday, and it is precisely because of this capital that the ancestor Long Kuan chose to finish his work.

He wanted to take down the Xiantian Daoyuan in one effort.

After waiting for so many years, I tried countless ways, and now, success or failure is in sight.

This is a plan that spans an unknown number of years, and ordinary people cannot imagine it.

There are nine hundred and ninety-nine levels of stone steps, and each one hundred levels is a level. In the past so many years, the ancestor Long Kuan has been kept out. His best result was only to climb eight hundred levels.

Although he did not reach the top, the ancestor Long Kuan, relying on his profound cultivation and special secret methods, almost threatened the innate Daoyuan, and that was the same time when He Tong was born.

Now, Long Kuan's goal is to directly climb to the top.

Three hundred, four hundred, five hundred...

The ancestor Long Kuan is getting closer and closer to his goal. He has reached the six hundredth stone steps. Looking back, his gaze can't help but condensed slightly. On the five hundredth stone steps.

Although compared with the ancestor Long Kuan, it is still hundreds of stone steps behind, but it is already shocking enough.

You know, awakening is purely relying on himself to resist the assimilation ability of Innate Daoyuan. He is surrounded by flames, like being in a sea of ​​fire, but there is no ashes.

However, the ancestor Long Kuan soon discovered that his awakened face was pale. Obviously, he was just clenching his teeth and insisting, and the pressure he was under was already considerable.

"Boy, ancestor, I am suddenly curious now, how long can you hold on?" Long Kuan ancestor said.

"Since the ancestor is curious, let's watch it!" Su Xing replied. As he spoke, his body lifted up, crossing another stone step.

The ancestor Long Kuan jumped his eyelids and continued climbing.

As time passed, the height of the two kept rising, getting closer and closer to the top of the altar.

The ancestor Long Kuan has always maintained a speed that is not fast or slow, and he seems to be comfortable.

In contrast, after waking up to the six hundredth stone steps, it was obvious that he felt very strenuous. His face became paler, his body was sweating like rain, and his body was even shaking uncontrollably.

However, his resilience was extremely amazing, and he never fell.

"No matter how tough the bamboo is, it will eventually be overwhelmed..." Old Ancestor Long Kuan snorted coldly. He was always paying attention to waking up, wanting to see the moment when he woke up and fell.

And falling down on this altar means being assimilated by the innate Dao source, which is no different from the death of the body.

At this time, the ancestor Long Kuan had already stood on the seven hundredth-story stone steps, and continued to climb up. Not long after, he successfully broke through the eighth-fifth stone steps, reaching the highest height in the previous years.

This was supposed to be a pleasant thing, but when the ancestor Long Kuan saw the trembling awakening, he even climbed the seven hundredth stone steps, his face sank involuntarily.

"This kid, can't you overwhelm him?" Old Ancestor Long Kuan's mouth twitched slightly.

Although he wanted to wake up and fall down, he still had to feel a little admiration in his heart. Awakening was the person with the highest talent and the most powerful mood he had ever seen.

Before meeting Awakening, he had never seen a person who could reach such a height on his own.

"Is this the extraordinary thing about the Nine Tribulations Tianjiao? After nine times of the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation, you have experienced the nine times of life and death. Both the talent and the mood have undergone a qualitative transformation, which is very comparable."

The ancestor Long Kuan had a sense of enlightenment in his heart, as if he had figured out something.

But what he didn't know was that after removing the baptisms of nine times of heavenly calamity, he did not know how much he had experienced when he was awakened. His mood was far stronger than the ancestor Long Kuan imagined.

It is also very difficult for the ordinary Nine Tribulations Tianjiao to stand on the stone steps of the seven hundredth floor of this altar alone.

However, after reaching the seven hundredth stone steps, awakening also stopped.

He really has reached the limit, he can clearly feel that if he takes a step forward, he has a great possibility of being assimilated by the Innate Daoyuan.

"Is it finally the limit?"

Old Ancestor Long Kuan squinted his eyes and saw that his awakening state was extremely bad. He couldn't help but said, "Boy, it's already pretty good. Just stand there and watch how I got the origin of the innate Dao Yuan. !"

"When the ancestors are reborn from Nirvana, you will be included under your command. In the years to come, you will accompany the ancestors, and I will go to the Southern God Realm with the ancestors!"

The ancestor Long Kuan laughed and continued to climb.

Below, Su Xing turned a deaf ear to the words of the ancestor Long Kuan, squeezing his fists, trying to break the limit, even at this point, he did not want to give up.

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