Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3021: Behind the scenes

Chapter Three Thousand and Twenty One

"Twelve Heavens Ghost Array?"

With Tang's very straightforward experience, he has never heard of such a big formation.

However, he could feel the power of this big formation, and a dignified expression involuntarily appeared in his face.

"Extremely straight ancestor, this level of formation cannot be controlled by no one. We only need to break the formation and find the person behind the scenes, and the crisis will come in contact with it." Black Mountain Wang said.

"It's a good idea, I'm afraid you can't break the formation!" Old Ancestor Long Kuan shook his head indifferently, not worried about anything.

Outside the city of Aceh.

At this time, looking from the outside, the entire Aceh City was enveloped by a dark brown light, and it was impossible to see the situation inside, only to hear the roar of a ghost from time to time.

The three of Su Xing, Qi Peixuan, and Qi Yuanliang stood in mid-air, and they seemed to be able to see everything in the city of Yaqi.

And just above the city of Aceh, at the highest point of the formation barrier, sat an old, towering figure.

If Tang Ji rushed out of Yaqi City, he would probably be able to recognize at a glance, who was the old, majestic figure, was the ancestor of the Qi family, Qi Zhiyuan.

Tang Ji could not have imagined that the Qi family would appear here.

Although there are not many people from the Qi family, each one is a very important person. The ancestor Qi Zhiyuan, hidden behind the scenes, is a seventh-order **** king, the strongest of the Qi family.

Qi Peixuan, the contemporary Patriarch of the Qi family, is in power.

Qi Yuanliang, the first heir of the Qi family, the future owner of the house.

Today, Qi Zhiyuan is in control of the Twelve Heavens Ghost Array, blocking the entire Archie City.

This is also the reason why Long Kuan did not worry at all that someone could escape from Aceh City.

"Tang's is about to end." Qi Yuanliang spoke leisurely, and couldn't help but glance at Reawakening. The latter was the biggest culprit in Tang's destruction...

He woke up and looked calm, with no sense of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

When the ancestor Long Kuan found him, he just wanted him to sing the empty city plan, and then went to Haoyuan City to sack and attack the west. Although the plan was good, it was limited to that.

And setting up an ambush in Aceh City was the idea that came to life.

This requires a prerequisite, that is, the Qi family must intervene, otherwise, relying on the strength of the Dragon King Valley side, at most can only trap the Tang clan, and it is impossible for them to suffer heavy losses or even destroy the clan.

When Xing Xing passed his thoughts back to Qi's family, Qi Yuanliang and Qi Peixuan were all shocked.

They originally only wanted to kill Tang Yifeng, frustrated Tang's spirit, and caused Tang's to suffer some losses. How can they think of waking up to play so big, they actually want to kill Tang directly...

In the end, Qi Peixuan agreed.

Although there are many risks in this matter, there are also many benefits. The most important thing is that the plan of awakening is too tempting. In his plan, the Qi family does not need to show up, just secretly assist.

Thus, there was the scene where the ancestor Qi Zhiyuan presided over the twelve-day ghost formation and cooperated with the scene of Dragon King Valley killing Tang.

Qi Zhiyuan would not fight people head-on, and it would be impossible for others to figure out his identity through his magical skills and moves, and his concealment was extremely high.

As for Qi Peixuan, Qi Yuanliang, and even awakening himself, just watch the theater.

Qi Peixuan suddenly said: "My nephew, Long Kuan ancestor, it is better not to trust too much."

"Why did Uncle Qi say this?" Su Xing asked in confusion. He knew that as Qi Peixuan, it was impossible to speak for no reason.

"I can't tell you the specifics, but the ancestor Long Kuan has always given me a warm and cold feeling."

Qi Peixuan paused, and then said: "Moreover, looking at this twelve-day ghost array, I don't know how many creatures have been slaughtered before it can be successfully refined. It has such power."

"Even though the ancestor Long Kuan said it used the blood of a monster beast, who knows the details?"

Wake up and nodded, the twelve-day ghost array is indeed strange. When Long Kuan ancestor took out this array, he said that he must have the strength of the seventh-order **** to be able to host this array.

Otherwise, ordinary people who preside over forcibly will suffer from the formation backlash and be consumed by the twelve days ghost.

Su Xing looked at Qi Yuanliang, and said, "If you have something, you can tell me directly next time. You don't need to ask Uncle Qi to wait."

Qi Yuanliang spread his hands and said, "I'm afraid you won't listen to what I said."

"That's not necessarily."

Su Xing replied plainly.

Before Qi Peixuan spoke, he felt a faint sound transmission from his soul, and he knew that Qi Peixuan's words were actually meant by Qi Yuanliang, but the latter was worried that he would not listen, so he asked Qi Peixuan to relay it.

For Qi Yuanliang, although he was a little displeased about waking up, it was not as serious as Qi Yuanliang had imagined, and he would not even refuse the kindness that the latter specifically reminded.

Looking up, the confrontation in the city of Yaqi has become white-hot.

The Dragon King Valley men and horses headed by Long Shige, and Tang Xiulan's army headed by Tang Xiulan, like two stars, collided fiercely.

Great battles of this magnitude rarely happen in the Dayu God's Domain.

On weekdays, in the eyes of people, the king of God is very powerful, and his life is worthless like a grass mustard. In almost every breathing time, there will be a king of God falling, and Dragon King Valley and Tang Shi are both suffering.

But in comparison, the loss of Dragon King Valley is smaller.

The Twelve Heavens Ghost Array is very fierce and can help Dragon King Valley fight and greatly enhance their combat power.

At a higher level, the battles between the ancestors of Long Kuan, Tang Jizhi, the King of Black Mountain and the King of White Birds were also extremely fierce.

The huge face made up of twelve heavenly ghosts fights with the black mountain king and the white bird king.

The ancestor of Long Kuan directly confronted Tang Ji. The two were already old rivals. They were in the same strength. It was difficult to tell the winner or loser at a time. It was the battle between the Twelve Heavens Ghosts and the Black Mountain King and the White Bird King. Has become the key.

Now it depends on whether the Twelve Heavens Ghosts are stronger, or the Black Mountain King and the White Bird King are stronger.

The plan of the Black Mountain King and the Shiratori King couple to try to break the formation was doomed to be unrealistic from the beginning, and they could not escape the attack of the twelve heavenly ghosts.

Every force landing contains a strong and fierce aura.

Gradually, the black mountain king and the white bird king showed signs of not supporting.

This is not surprising, although the two of them can contend against the seventh-order **** king, but they are limited to contending, and it is impossible to defeat the seventh-order **** king.

In fact, the limit of the couple is more than 300 strokes.

They had competed with a seventh-order **** king, and after more than 300 moves, they were defeated.

In contrast, the strength of the twelve heavenly ghosts has completely reached the level of the seventh-order **** king, with huge faces covering the sky and sun, attacking like a shadow, and constantly exerting pressure on the Black Mountain King and his wife.

The couple fought and retreated, and finally there was no way to retreat.

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