Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3002: Qi Yuanliang

Chapter Three Thousand and Two Qi Yuanliang

"Yifeng, don't worry, isn't it just looking for someone? Just wrap this little thing on me." Qi Yuanliang smiled indifferently, and agreed.

"It's over."

"Since Big Brother Yuan Liang has participated, we probably won't have anything to do with us."

"There is no way! Twenty million Yuan Yuan Tianjing, Brother Yuan Liang will also be heart-warming."

A wailing sound came from all around.

Tang Yifeng smiled, and said, "Don’t be discouraged. Finding someone is sometimes not based on strength but luck. In case you are lucky, Yuan Liang found Luo Qing in one step. I'm not sure."

"Yifeng's words are reasonable, let's play fair, so as not to say that I Qi Yuanliang is a small family." Qi Yuanliang laughed.

"With the words of Brother Yuanliang, we are relieved."

"Hey! Then I'm not welcome!"

The atmosphere was harmonious, with laughter and joy.

Many people can't even wait to leave early and start to act.

Qi Yuanliang smiled and didn't care. When the banquet was over, he bid farewell to Tang Yifeng and left calmly, "Yifeng, you just wait for our good news!"

"Okay! I have prepared the 20 million Hunyuan Tianjing, and I'm waiting for you." Tang Yifeng sent Qi Yuanliang to the gate of Guangju Building, which was the turn back.

Soon after, he came to the highest point of Guangju Building, overlooking most of the Biyu Ancient City, and muttered: "Luo Qing, no matter where you are, I will find you out. Then, I will let you take care of yourself. What you did, paid ten times, a hundred times the price."

Biyu Ancient City is the first place among the major forces to inherit the people's energy.

In order to obtain 20 million Hunyuan Tianjing, they are doing their best this time.

The major restaurants, inns, and teahouses soon added a lot of eyeliners, and they were investigating the traces of awakening, and even many houses were invaded by the subordinates of those who succeeded in order with various forces.

According to this method to search, let alone a person, it is difficult for even a fly to escape.

Among them, Qi Yuanliang was also involved, and he sent more people than other successors, with a larger scale and greater momentum.

What people did not expect was that Qi Yuanliang quietly appeared outside Yunxi Island.

He looked at Yunxi Island surrounded by clouds and mist, and there was also a hint of emotion in his eyes.

This large-scale search did not affect Yunxi Island for the time being, and it is estimated that it should not be affected later, but Qi Yuanliang's appearance at this time is a bit surprised.

The mist parted on both sides and gave way.

However, no one came out to meet.

Qi Yuanliang stepped into Yunxi Island and soon saw his awakening in the front yard.

Su Xing looked at Qi Yuanliang up and down, and said, "It looks like Uncle Qi told you that my foothold is here, right?"

Qi Yuan highlighted the head and said: "Many things are inconvenient for the owner to show up. It is better for me to do the work."

Su Xing pointed to the stone bench in front of him: "Sit down!"

"Thank you!" When Qi Yuanliang disappeared and met Tang Yifeng, the free and easy temperament of the aristocratic family appeared a little restrained, and he would often secretly look up and wake up, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

When Qi Peixuan told him everything, he was naturally surprised.

Before, he had also heard that a Nine Tribulations Tianjiao appeared in Jiehai, but as the saying goes, seeing is worse than hearing, and hearing from hearsay is far less impactful than witnessing.

"I have to agree to Tang Yifeng's request, otherwise he will definitely be suspicious. With me, no one will search for Yunxi Island. This will actually have the effect of black under the light." Qi Yuanliang said actively.

"Well! This is bothering you." Su Xing nodded.

"You are polite, since it was the Patriarch's account, I will naturally do my best to do it all." Qi Yuanliang said immediately: "If you have any other instructions, just tell me."

"Is it possible to capture Tang Yifeng?" Su Xing asked.


Qi Yuanliang's expression changed. It wasn't that he liked to make a fuss, but the suggestion of waking up was too amazing.

Although the battle between Tang and Dragon King Valley is not completely over, but fools can see that the Tang is now like a rainbow. Under such circumstances, who dares to touch Tang's brow?

Even the Qi family can only protect themselves.

What's more, the capture of Tang's first heir is no longer considered to be touching Tang's brows, it is simply offending Tang's death, and the two sides will never die.

"Don't be nervous, I just ask if there is that kind of possibility." Su Xing said calmly.

Although he also knew that the possibility of this kind of thing was very remote, but when he thought of the great benefits after capturing Tang Yifeng, that kind of thought came out again.

"This... is basically impossible. If you don't talk about others, the master Wei who is next to Tang Yifeng is the biggest problem and it is difficult to solve."

Just when Su Xing thought that there was no play at all, Qi Yuanliang hesitated for a while, and said: "Unless some special circumstances are used, it is absolutely necessary to act first."


Su Xing looked at Qi Yuanliang in amazement: "Just speak freely."

"Okay! I just have some immature ideas, please listen first."

Qi Yuanliang cleared his thoughts, and then said: "There are not a few dangerous places in the Great Yu Divine Realm. Even the Qi family and the Tang family are unwilling to set foot in some places, or they dare not set foot in them, such as'Huge Rock Hill', ' Wanmotan' wait."

"Is the huge rock hill in your mouth the area with many huge rock turtles?" Su Xing asked.

"Exactly." Qi Yuanliang said in surprise: "Could it be that you have been there."

"Yeah! Fortunately, Uncle Qi showed up in time, otherwise it would take a lot of effort to escape." Su Xing said.

"...You are one of the few people who can or can walk out of the huge rock hills." Qi Yuanliang took a deep breath, suppressing the shock in his heart, and then said: "Compared with the huge rock hills, Wanmotan is the most dangerous. The first fierce land in Dayu God's Domain."

"You mean to introduce Tang Yifeng into the Ten Thousand Demon Lake?" Su Xing asked.

"No! Just mention it casually." Qi Yuanliang shook his head and said, "Tang Yifeng is not a fool. It is impossible for Tang Yifeng to take a risk and enter the Ten Thousand Demon Lake, but there is another place where he might go."

"That place is called'Pan Snake Mountain'."

"The danger in Pansnake Mountain is unknown to most people. I discovered it by chance. The news has been hidden, and it is not too far away from Biyu Ancient City."

Soon, Qi Yuanliang took out a map detailing the situation in Panshe Mountain.

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