Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2994: Void black hole

Chapter 2994: Void Black Hole

"Boss, what do you do now?" Kui Si inevitably became nervous. He was originally courageous and could become a **** cultivator, all because he had a strong desire for survival and did not want to be swallowed up by the dangerous Southern God Realm.

In this situation, there is no way to deal with it.

In contrast, He Tong is obviously not afraid of the sky, and Kui Si is two extremes.

"Look at you, what are you afraid of! It's a big deal!"

Su Xing ignored He Tong, nor did he kill Tang and his party. In his mind observation, that Master Wei was already quickly using the space teleportation.

"Young man, you can't escape. Why don't you stop, let's have a chat!" Master Wei transmitted through the air, looking calm and relaxed, everything under control.

Wake up naturally will not believe the other party's nonsense, so-called chat, I am afraid it is to take his life.

"Luo Qing, your doomsday has arrived." Tang Yifeng was domineering and direct, his eyes flickered, and when things reached this level, he naturally didn't bother to hide his killing intent.

"I think you, Master Tang, should think about how to prepare for the ransom." Su Xing had already seen Tang Yifeng's identity from the eyes of Tang and his party.

His soul thought soon fell on Master Wei, and said through the air: "As for you, let me catch up with me first!"

"Oh?" Master Wei was not angry, and looked interested: "Then I will see today, how do you escape the palm of the old man."


Awakening no longer speaks much, centering on him, there is a strong wind around him.

It was late at night, when everything around him suddenly became darker, and more dense spatial fluctuations continued to surface, vaguely, as if a black hole emerged out of thin air, swallowing everything in the world.

Master Wei took the lead in completing the space transfer.

A group of people appeared thousands of miles away to wake them up.

For the **** king, this distance is obviously very close.

But at this moment, Master Wei's face changed slightly, his eyes were fixed on the surrounding area, and he exclaimed: "This is...the ninth level of the void black hole?"

"How is it possible, this trick is extremely difficult to learn, how can you..."

Su Xing stared at Master Wei flatly, and said, "You can't learn, it doesn't mean that others can't."

"Brother save me!"

When Tang's Seventh Young Master's voice fell, he saw that the black hole behind Wake was completely stabilized, and then he took Tang's Seventh Younger, together with He Tong and Kui Si, stepped into the black hole.

In an instant, the four figures disappeared instantly.


Tang Yifeng saw this scene and couldn't help but smash out a fist, destroying a large mountain forest.

However, the anger in his heart still failed to vent.

Just a little bit, they were able to catch and rescue Tang's Seventh Younger, but they still let the wake up escape.

Master Wei's face also became difficult to look, and he was no longer calm and calm.

This made Tang Yifeng's mood worse, but he was confused and asked, "Master Wei, what is the void black hole?"

"That is the ninth stage of Heaven Solution."

"Without extremely high savvy, without the extremely high talents of cultivating the spatial avenue, it is basically impossible to learn."

"Not to mention, that kid is young."

Master Wei was unsteady, and some of the answers were not what he asked.

This is mainly because he was shocked by the void black hole displayed by Awakening.

You must know that he has practiced the Great Way of Space for more than ten thousand years, and he asked himself to be exceptionally talented in this area, and it was because of that Ning Shao's relationship that he had obtained the five-fold cultivation method before Tianjieshu.

But even so, he has only cultivated the Heaven Solution Technique to the third level.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is already very powerful.

Because of this, he was honored as "Master Wei" by the people, but now compared with Wake, he is nothing.

The ninth stage of the Heavenly Solution Technique, for Master Wei, was an unattainable realm.

He couldn't imagine how awakening succeeded in cultivation.

In fact, even if the awakening talent is extremely high, under normal circumstances, it is indeed difficult for him to cultivate to the ninth level, mainly because he has the guidance of his mother.

As the founder of Tianjieshu, Empress Void, her guidance is an unimaginable opportunity.

After a long time, Master Wei calmed down for a while, and then said: "Tang Dashao, the essence of the void black hole is actually space transmission, but it is even more unpredictable."

"After opening the void black hole, the distance that can be traversed at one time is very far away."

"In addition, when the void black hole disappears, it will swallow all the surrounding spatial fluctuations, which will cause other space monks to be unable to track it."

"Our only way now is to spread all our souls and find the whereabouts of that kid."

This method is pure luck.

If the distance spanned by the black hole of the awakening is beyond the range covered by the soul mind, there is nothing to do, or some special secret treasures can also cover the exploration of the soul mind.

While speaking, the void black hole has slowly disappeared.

"Then do it!"

Tang Yifeng obviously knew that this method was very difficult to achieve, so he was not interested in his performance.

Having said that, he will not give up whenever there is a glimmer of hope.

Unfortunately, no miracle happened.

When Master Wei, Tang Yifeng, and several other Tier 5 **** kings used their souls to probe, they did not find the slightest trace of awakening.

The dawn gradually revealed.

Before you know it, the whole night has passed.

Tang Yifeng stood in the void with cold eyes, quietly thinking.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his eyes, he looked at Master Wei not far away, and said, "Master Wei, I think we have a new goal."

"Oh?" Master Wei revealed a look of doubt.

"Biyu Ancient City."

Tang Yifeng calmly said, "We set off directly to Biyu Ancient City."

"Tang Da Shao meant that Luo Qing would take Qi Shao to Biyu Ancient City?" Master Wei said.

"There is a 60% possibility." Tang Yifeng analyzed: "Today's Dayu Divine Realm, only Biyu Ancient City is relatively safe, so that we cannot act unscrupulously. If I were Luo Qing, I would go to Biyu. Ancient city."

This is the result that he gradually calculated after he calmed down.

"The possibility of 60% is indeed worth trying." Master Wei nodded. He did not question. Tang Yifeng is not only a good talent, but also a great skill. Even Ning Shao has praised it many times. .

"Leave immediately. Let's go to the nearby God City and use the large teleportation array to drive. Maybe we can take Luo Qing one step before arriving at Biyu Ancient City and make arrangements early." Tang Yifeng promptly said.

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