Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2992: The origin of Ning Shao

Chapter 2992 The origin of Ning Shao

Judging by the current signs.

There was no strong player among the Tangs suddenly, nor did they get any particularly powerful hole cards, so the source of their confidence is basically from outside.

Undoubtedly, the big man in the mouth of Tang's Seventh Young Master, that Ning Shao, is very likely to be Tang's confidence.

This is probably the reason why the Qi family remained silent and did not participate in the battle between Tang Shi and Dragon King Valley.

Most of the Qi family saw something.

"This matter is not a secret anymore, and it will gradually spread soon." Tang's Seventh Young Master was also relieved, and said: "Luo Qing, you offend us Tang's small, offending Ning Shao is big."

"Qin Qianqiu has suffered many losses in your hands. Ning Shao mostly knows about this matter. Even if he has no time to come to Dayu Divine Realm, the people around him will do their best."

Su Xing didn't care, but curiously said, "Who is Ning Shao really so good?"

"What are you talking about?" Tang's Seventh Young Master said, "Luo Qing, don't you want to join Xuan Tianzong? There is Ning Shao's territory. It can be said that Ning Shao is a man with a face and a face when looking at the entire Eastern Realm."

Wake up startled.

He really didn't expect that Ning Shao had such a big background.

Although he was not frightened, his plan to join the Xuantian Sect and rescue the members of the void leftover clan might encounter great resistance in this way.

Tang's Seventh Young Master said again: "It's okay to tell you. This time Ning Shao's men are three people. It is because of the three of them that we, Tang, dare to declare war on Dragon King Valley."

The trivial three of them gave Tang's confidence so much, it is not difficult to imagine that those three must be extraordinary in strength.

Wake up and said: "You should have a way to pass the news to you Tang people!"

Tang's Seventh Young Master was taken aback. He didn't expect Wake up to say this suddenly, but he quickly reacted and said with a smile: "The person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man. It is not too late for you to look back now."

Soon, Tang's Seventh Young Master sat down on the spot and began to cast the spell.

Although his injury did not improve, he used a little power of the gods, but there was no problem. Before, he did not dare to mess around under his awakening eyelids. Now that he has awakened to speak, he naturally will not hesitate.


A trace of water flew out from the body of Tang's Seventh Young Master.

Those water currents are very magical, intertwined with many mysterious runes, exuding an unusually sacred breath, which is Tang's Heavenly Punishment Profound Power, Void Spirit Holy Water.

Void Spirit Holy Water does not have much destructive power, but it has many auxiliary magical effects.

It is of great help to cultivation, healing, etc.

A trace of Ethereal Holy Water quickly sank into the void and disappeared.

The Seventh Master of Tang's eyes opened, and said towards the awakening: "As long as there are my Tang's men and horses nearby, you can feel the breath of the Ethereal Holy Water. I believe someone will come soon."

He didn't say much when he woke up, his soul thought spread out.

A few hours later, within the range of his soul and thought, there were indeed a group of people and horses flying quickly, with a large number of people, but most of them were not particularly powerful.

This is also normal, after all, the number of real masters is still rare.

Not to mention Tier 6 God Kings like Ten Beast Kings, even Tier 5 God Kings are not common. For example, in Shengming City, the ancestors of the five major families rarely show up at ordinary times.

"My people have already arrived." Tang's Seventh Young Master stood up and said toward the awakening: "Since you spared my life, then the matter between us is written off. In the future, the well water will not be offended by the river."

After speaking, he flew towards the nearest man and horse.


A fiery palm print fell from the sky.

The Seventh Young Master Tang, who had just taken off, was slapped into the ground arrogantly, embarrassed.

He Tong lightly retracted his palm.

"Luo Qing, what do you mean?" Tang's Seventh Young Master crawled out of the soil, staring at awakening pretendingly in anger.

"Put away your acting skills! When did I say I would let you go?" Su Xing said flatly.

"You..." Tang's Seventh Young Master's face changed slightly.


"Let go of Qi Shao."

"You'd better be obedient and catch it!"

At this time, there was a loud shout in the surrounding sky.

A group of people who belonged to the Tang family all showed a frightening expression.

"He Tong!"

Wake up without doing anything, just yelled plainly.


He Tong's eyes gleamed.

In the next moment, her figure disappeared from the same place, and then there was a roar in the surrounding area, and fire clouds swept away.

On the misty river, one after another silhouettes fell.

No one can resist He Tong's move.

Although he was not full of fun, He Tong, who was born aggressive, obviously liked fighting very much.

"Keep alive!"

Su Xing had to remind him, lest He Tong would kill everyone.

He had no intention of pity, these people came to kill him, so he didn't need to be polite.

Soon after, He Tong returned, and at the request of awakening, stayed alive.

"You go back and tell Tang that if you want to save Tang and his party, show some sincerity." Su Xing glanced a few times, and the few survivors spoke plainly.


The few people were amnesty and left in a hurry.

They had been stunned by He Tong, each of them pale as paper, and their bodies trembled again and again.

"Let's go!"

"Let's go to Biyu Ancient City."

"Since your Tang family doesn't attack the Qi family, then the Qi family must be a little jealous!"

Awaken glanced at Tang's Qishao plainly.

The Seventh Young Master of Tang was silent, and the more he had contact with Awakening, the more frightened he was. The latter was not only talented and extremely powerful, but also decisive, with sharp wrists and superior wisdom.

If such a person cannot be eliminated, then the Tang family is likely to be destroyed.

Before Tang's Seventh Young Master was indeed acting, even if he could leave, he would not be able to write off his grievances with Su Xing. He agreed, but Tang would not.

The two sides are already in the same situation.

"Fortunately, there is Young Shao Ning..."

Thinking of that Ning Shao, Tang's Seventh Shao felt quite settled.

With such a big backer, the battle between Tang Shi and Su Xing cannot be lost.

In the hearts of Tang's Seventh Young Master, the biggest shortcoming of awakening was that he was too sharp and didn't know how to forbearance. This offended them early, and even Ning Shao.

Under the space transmission, the figures of the awakened few people quickly disappeared.

This is why he doesn't care about the exposure of his position.

There is no trace of space teleportation, and it is difficult for others to know where he will teleport to. Unless there is a space monk to take action, it is possible to find his teleportation location through spatial fluctuations.

However, although the number of space cultivators in the Southern God Realm were quite large, they were not many in each area.

Wake up unexpectedly, Tang Shi actually invited a space monk.

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