Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2982: Murder in the street

Chapter 2982: Murder in the street

The huge movement that suddenly appeared, naturally attracted the eyes of countless gods in Shengming City.

The petite figure that stood in the air burst out with unparalleled power, which was extremely impactful and shocked to everyone who saw this scene.

The seven or eight people who died were all gods.

But their blood of the **** king, before it spilled on the ground, it turned into a stream of **** water, poured into the body of the petite figure, and was completely swallowed by her.

"It's boring!"

"I didn't get hit so much, why didn't I fall down yet."

He Tong curled his lips, his little face was full of disappointment.

When Kui Si flew not far away, his face was already pale, and he hurriedly said: "You... why don't you agree with me, just kill the person directly! How can I explain this?"

"Explain what?" He Tong glanced at Kui Si, and said indifferently: "Your eyesight is not bad, you can't see those guys, are you planning to rob in the street?"


Before Wei Si's voice fell, there were silhouettes quickly appearing around them.

"Bold wicked animal, dare to kill our people in Yeleng Villa in broad daylight. If you are not allowed to punish you today, how can our Yeleng Villa's face survive?" The leader is a middle-aged man with a deep cultivation.

Under his anger, he did not hide his cultivation base aura, the third-order power of the Divine King Realm spread.

And beside him, there are many **** kings.

"Yeleng Villa? What kind of **** is that? Are you the boss of some bullshit?" He Tong glanced at the middle-aged man indifferently.

"The little girl's mouth is quite poisonous. I am the owner of the Lord Ye Leng Shan, Shi Leng Xiao." The middle-aged said.

At this time, there were more spiritual cultivation, and they ran to the nearby area to wait and see.

Everyone is not unfamiliar with Ye Leng Mountain Villa. It is a force not far from Shengming City. Although its background is not as good as the several big families in Shengming City, it should not be underestimated.

The owner, Shi Lengxiao, can also be regarded as a famous generation.

In the villa, get rid of Shi Lengxiao's third-tier peak **** king, and several third-tier **** kings.

Under normal circumstances, no one dares to provoke them.

But I didn't want to, today I suddenly lost seven or eight **** kings.

Everyone could see that Shi Lengxiao was raging and angry. The reason why he didn't rush to do it was because this was Shengming City. He had a lot of scruples, and worried that several big families would be angry because of this.

"Who is that little girl?"

"I don't know! Looks young, who would have thought that seven or eight **** kings could be killed, although they are all first-tier **** kings, they should not be underestimated!"

"Why haven't I heard of this person before? Could it be that he came to Shengming City recently?"

"How do I feel, that girl looks a little familiar, but for a while, I can't remember where I saw it."

Most of the gods on the sidelines are native residents of Shengming City, and there are constant discussions.

"Since you are the leader of those people, you must be the same. Those people are trying to rob them in the street. Is it possible that you are planning behind the scenes?" He Tong glanced lightly at Shi Lengxiao.

"Nonsense." Shi Lengxiao obviously wouldn't admit it, and said angrily: "Naughty animal, not only did you kill me the elites in Ye Leng Villa, you even dared to spit people, whoever comes today can't save you."

"It's not enough to stuff my teeth with you. Do I need someone else to help?" He Tong shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, take this girl down first." Shi Lengxiao obviously couldn't help it. He Tong seemed to have no repentance after killing someone, and he was provoking again and again.

The clay figurine still has three points of anger.


However, when a group of Ye Leng Shanzhu crowded up with murderous aura, their bodies soon burst, turning into a cloud of blood mist and exploded.

Their **** king is weak and pitiful, like a mayfly shaking a tree.

The sight was **** and cruel, and people couldn't help but breathe in cold air, dumbfounded.

No one thought of all this.

Shi Lengxiao couldn't help retreating one after another. Among those people around him, there were two second-order **** kings, who turned out to be dead on the spot with no resistance, making him frightened.

"What are you going to do, are you afraid?" He Tong glanced lightly at Shi Lengxiao. At this time, all the blood mist around her had been swallowed by her and integrated into her body.

"You..." Shi Lengxiao felt as if he was being watched by the devil, and his heart was chilling.

"I know who she is."

"I also remembered, she is He Tong."

"Yes, it's He Tong, Senior He's granddaughter, He Tong!"

At this time, there were a series of exclamations in Shengming City.

This situation is very similar to hundreds of years, and many people immediately recognize He Tong.

People panic for a while.

A team of people from the sky flew quickly, and everyone from the Xu family headed by Xu Yao arrived first. They were the closest to this place, and there was such a big movement, naturally it was impossible not to feel it.

Especially when He Tong is involved, things become very sensitive.

"Patriarch Xu, please be the master for me!" When Shi Lengxiao saw Xu Yao, he immediately cried and said, pointing to He Tong, "This cannibal demon, she killed a large number of the gods of our Lord Yeleng, Even I am killed now."

"It's all an old man, it's not too shameful to be crying and crying!" He Tong stared at Shi Lengxiao contemptuously, and didn't bother to explain anything.

"Kill the little demon."

"Kick her out of Shengming City, she is not welcome here."

At this time, a lot of sounds sounded around.

Memories from hundreds of years ago came to mind, and when many people looked at He Tong again, they couldn't help but be surprised and angry.

No one wanted the peace of Shengming City to be broken, and suddenly a little demon who could eat people appeared at any time, and the strength of that little demon was far stronger than that of the past.

He Tong's face gradually turned cold, and his hands began to squeeze involuntarily.

Xu Yao was quite a headache. He didn't know what to do with the situation at the moment. He naturally knew that He Tong was released when he was awakened, and he is now with him.

I thought that waking up could restrain He Tong, but I never thought that He Tong would cause trouble so soon.

If you deal with He Tong's words, not to mention whether you have that strength, even if you have, how can you ignore the idea of ​​waking up? If you wake up from anger, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

But people are terrible. If he stays indifferent and allows He Tong to chaos, everyone in Shengming City will be in danger at that time, and they don't know what the chaos will look like.

Xu Yao began to regret it. If he knew he shouldn't stand up long ago, he would be over if he didn't know what to do.

Look at Nie Chengyun, then look at Jia Xingxiao. He hasn't shown up yet, isn't he just pretending to be dead?

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