Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2946: Fire Sun Poison Ammonite

The 2946th chapter fire sun poison dragon saliva

In Shengming City, the Poisonous Miasma Forest is an eternal legend.

It's just that no one can find its location in the past.

Now, as the news about the location of the Poisonous Miasma Forest was leaked out, almost everyone in Shengming City knew about it overnight.

Many spiritual practitioners even went out of the city overnight to go to the Poisonous Miasma Forest.

Obviously, no one wants to miss this opportunity, and I can't wait to go there, for fear of falling behind.

However, not everyone thinks so.

There are always some more stable spiritual cultivation, they did not rush to set off, but thought of sharpening the knife and not cutting wood by mistake, and began to make careful preparations for this expedition.

The poisonous miasma forest, as the name suggests, the biggest danger is definitely from poison.

Therefore, overnight, the prices of the "Preventing Poison Pill" and "Detoxifying Pill" in Shengming City began to skyrocket. The biggest part of the reason was that the major forces in Shengming City also participated. Scramble.

No one wanted to be inexplicably poisoned to death when entering the Poisonous Miasma Forest.

Early in the morning, Wake appeared again outside the Gods Business League.

He also needs to prepare some detoxification pills and other things, but he doesn't like ordinary pills, and he is too lazy to compete with others.

"Master Luo, now the ordinary detoxification pills, the business alliance is basically exhausted, the people of the major forces in Shengming City almost filled the business alliance of the gods last night." Chang Guanshi smiled bitterly.

"Meaning, I'm going to run for nothing?" Su Xing was shocked.

"Not really." Chang Guanshi smiled and said, "There is also a detoxifying artifact in the Commercial League, called'Fire Yang Poison Dragon's Mouth,' which is quite expensive in terms of price."

While talking, Chang Guan handed the information about Huoyang Poison Dragon to Suwax.

The Fire Sun Poisonous Dragon was born in a wild land. It likes to eat monsters and many poisons. Its temperament is very cruel and bloodthirsty, and its number is scarce. The saliva dripping from its mouth is an excellent detoxification thing.

In addition, it also contained the terrifying aura of the Fire Sun Poison Dragon, causing ordinary poisons to dare not approach at all.

"What's the price?" Su Xing asked.

"Five hundred thousand Hunyuan Tianjing." Chang Guanshi said with a smile.

"..." The corners of Su Xing's mouth twitched slightly. The price is simply too expensive, and it is no different from grabbing money. You must know that he had only spent one million yuan Tianjing before purchasing five kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures.

"Young Master Luo, don't worry, Huoyang Poison Ammonite is definitely worth the money."

"Shengming City's several big families have taken a fancy to it, but they don't have a four-star VIP order, they are not eligible to buy it, and only Fengyuting can buy it."

"Furthermore, as far as I know, there must be a lot of treasures in the Poisonous Miasma Forest. As long as Lord Luo's luck is not bad, then, naturally, he can easily earn back the half-million Yuan Tianjing. ."

Often manage things with a deep smile.

The businessman's eloquence is fully displayed at this moment.


Awaken and gritted his teeth.

Reluctant to bear children, can't catch wolves.

"Master Luo is wise." Chang Guanshi quickly took out the Fire Sun Poison Dragon's saliva, which looked only the size of a thumb, solidified, shaped like a dragon, lifelike, and exuding an unusually mysterious aura.

Soon, Chang Guan took out a small jade cauldron, and then drooled it in.

"Master Luo, this jade cauldron is not particularly precious, but it was also created by the Shangmeng League. It was specially used to place the Fire Sun Poison Dragon's Saliva. It can fully exert its effects."

"At the same time, it will not cause the medicinal properties of the Fire Sun Poison Ambergris to lose too fast."

Chang Gang explained with a smile on his face.

"No, you wait a moment."

"What is the loss of drug power?"

Su Xing's heart suddenly burst, with a bad premonition, staring at Chang Guan, his face pale and said: "Old Chang, don't you tell me, this fire sun poison ambergris is a consumable?"

"Since it needs to be detoxified, it will naturally be consumed." Chang Guanshi said with a smile: "But Lord Luo, don't worry, this fire sun poisonous dragon will last for a hundred days after being matched with a jade cauldron."

"Presumably, Lord Luo has already made a lot of money by then, and he will leave the Poisonous Miasma Forest."

Su Xing took a deep breath, resisting the urge to hit someone, and left with a black face.

The Business League of God, he didn't want to stay any longer for a quarter of an hour.

It's simply cheating!

In one hundred days, it costs 500,000 Hunyuan Tianjing, so how much does it take on average a day?

Wake up and have no interest in calculating, and his heart aches.

"Master Luo go slowly!"

"If you get any unwanted treasure in the Poisonous Miasma Forest, you can sell it to the Merchant League! The price is fair."

Chang Guan Shi waved his hands, watching to wake up.

After returning to Zuixiao Tower, he awoke and entered the Chaos Pool and began to practice.

He took out all five treasures, quickly absorbed and refined them, and blended them into his body.

The Nine Heavens Divine Polar Body, the awakening cultivation speed is three times faster than the original, naturally, the speed of refining and cherishing treasures has become quite fast.

The majestic and pure energy quickly poured into the body.

These treasures not only have great benefits for the Nine Heavens Divine Polar Body, but can also help awaken and improve cultivation.

In the evening, five treasures were all refined by him.

And his cultivation base finally broke through from the early stage of the first stage of the **** king realm to the middle stage.

"When the cultivation base reaches the Divine King Realm, it is really difficult to upgrade."

Su Xing shook his head and sighed. You know, he hadn't given up on improving his cultivation level before. Until this moment, with the help of five treasures, he finally made a breakthrough.

Compared to the cultivation base, the Nine Heavens Divine Polar Body hardly reacted, and it was still in a state of early completion.

I don't know how many heavenly materials and earthly treasures need to be swallowed before the Nine Heavens Divine Polar Body can enter the acquired Great Perfection. As for the innate level, it is estimated that it will be the year of the monkey.

Wake up and leave the Chaos Pool.

The time he agreed with Qin Qianqiu was tonight.

Su Xing did not say hello to the shopkeeper Li, and left the Zuixiao Tower quietly. Now everyone's attention is attracted by the Poisonous Miasma Forest, and the business of the Zuixiao Tower has fallen a lot.

However, compared to other restaurants, it is still much better.

Outside Shengming City, above a mountain ridge, there was a huge ship parked with a flag flying at the top and three characters "Wind and Rain Pavilion" written on it.

Around the ship and on the deck, many guards stood in order.

Awakening did not hide his traces, so Qin Qianqiu had already noticed it the first time he appeared. A beautiful voice came from inside the building: "Master Luo, please!"

As soon as the awakened figure flashed, it passed many guards and stood on the top deck of the ship.

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