Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2923: Oyu Sanctuary

Chapter 2923: Great Yu God Realm

Xuantianzong is a third-rate power.

It is by no means an easy task to rescue the imprisoned members of the void survivors.

With the current cultivation base awakened, it is impossible to attack by force, so it can only be outsmarted.

And the best way is naturally to mix into Xuan Tianzong.

Xuan Tianzong leaned against the Haotian Taoist Gate.

There are many natural connections between the two, and in the future, awakening can also use this to go to the Haotian Taoist to save people, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Easier said than done, I am afraid it is extremely difficult.

The process is even more dangerous. Otherwise, Empress Void will not warn you to wake up, and don't save people if you can't do anything.

On the surface, Awakening promised, but in the heart, it was about saving people and was determined to win.

Although he had never met the members of the Void Bereaved Clan, they were the members of his mother's clan, and like his relatives, they were tortured now. Now that he knew it, he couldn't ignore it.

In addition, he also hopes to help his mother.

With this opportunity, you will never miss it, you must perform well.

The Spirit World Heaven Boat came to a halt slowly, half of its body, extending out of the Forbidden Spirit World Wall, docked on the long coastline. The front was the vast and majestic eastern boundary.

"Southern God Realm, I am here."

"Being away from home for 30,000 years, once he became famous all over the world."

"My ambition of Lingyun will definitely be realized in Southern God Realm."

Many gods on the deck spoke.

Everyone crossed the wall of the forbidden spirit world and came to the Southern God Realm in order to allow one day to make a name for themselves and obtain many opportunities.

Soon, many divine cultivators rose into the air and flew to the vast expanse of land.

Jia Longjun looked at this scene and shook his head slightly.

There are too many people who have the same thoughts as those of the gods, just like the crucian carp who crosses the river, but in the end, there are very few people who can really realize their dreams.

Most people are submerged in the years of history.

Or fall, or desolate everyone.

Jia Longjun tilted his head to look towards him, not waking up in a hurry to leave, and said, "Does this little friend have a purpose in this trip?"

"Not yet." Su Xing shook his head.

"Why don't you go with me and go to Shengming City?" Jia Longjun introduced: "The Shengming City is about 30 million miles away from here, which is the most prosperous city in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles."

"Looking at the Dayu Divine Realm, it's also somewhat famous."

Although compared with other gods, Awakening looks young, but before facing the great horror in the dark, the performance of Awakening was different from ordinary people.

That calmness was remembered by Jia Longjun.

Although he couldn't see how his awakening cultivation base and talents were, he could see that his state of mind was extraordinary.

Jia Longjun had been talking about his thoughts a long time ago, but for more than a month, he had been awake and stayed in the room and did not come out, which caused Jia Longjun no chance.

Now that the Spirit World Tianzhou has landed, Jia Longjun naturally has to seize this last opportunity and send out an invitation.

"Shengming City?" Su Xing did not rush to answer.

"Just make friends, little friends don't need to think too much, when they arrive in Shengming City, little friends can stay as they please." Jia Longjun said again.

"Then Lao will lead the way." Su Xing nodded and agreed.

The jade slip given by Senior No. 12 only roughly recorded some conditions in the Southern God Realm, and did not describe too much about the Eastern Realm and Dayu God Realm.

This is also very normal. With No. 12's vision, he would not care about the big and small things in the Eastern Realm.

This also led to the fact that Awakening didn't know much about the situation in the Eastern Realm. He only knew the names of the three dominant powers in the Eastern Realm, but didn't know the specific situation.

Therefore, it is also a good choice to go to Shengming City first to find out about the situation, and then move forward.

"Little friend please!" Jia Longjun smiled slightly, politely: "I haven't asked the name of the little friend yet."

"Luo Qing!" Wake up.

Now that he decided to sneak into the Xuan Tianzong, it was natural not to reveal his true identity.

He is different from others, his reputation is too loud, even in the Eastern Boundary, there are probably many people who have heard about a Nine Tribulations Heavenly Journey in Biehai.

As for the pseudonym of Luo Qing, it was naturally taken from the name "Luo Qingxue".

Standing on the same piece of land as Luo Qingxue, awakening will inevitably overflow with longing.

After getting off the Spirit World Tianzhou, Jia Longjun took out a ship from his storage bag and invited to wake up and board the ship, and then the ship flew straight ahead.

Wake up standing on the deck of the ship, and felt slightly, that he discovered that the aura of the laws of the Southern God Realm was much richer than that of the Jiehai and the Northern God Realm.

"The God Realm is vast and vast, and the Southern God Realm occupies 90%."

"Naturally, it also makes the aura of the law of the gods here much stronger than other places."

Jia Longjun noticed the strange awakening, so he explained.

"The Southern God Realm is really extraordinary. It's no wonder that countless arrogances and strong men have been born throughout the ages." Su Xing exclaimed.

"This is natural." Jia Longjun laughed: "But there is no absolute truth. Some time before Jiehai, didn't he also give birth to a Nine Tribulations Heavenly Pride? The so-called hero does not ask for the source!"

"That's true." Su Xing nodded with a smile.

He naturally knew that what Jia Longjun said was himself.

This is not surprising, since Jia Longjun went to Jiehai to do business, he naturally heard of his many deeds.

The flying speed of the ship is not slow, which is equivalent to a first-order **** king flying at full speed.

But with the awakening of today's spatial attainments, a single spatial teleportation can span a distance of more than one hundred thousand miles. In contrast, the boat building is much slower.

It doesn't hurt to wake up in a hurry.

He stood on the deck, admiring the majestic mountains and land of the eastern boundary, and saw many majestic places, some of them were breathtaking, and some places were also difficult to see through his eyesight.

However, the flight route of Jia Longjun’s ship is very safe, avoiding many dangerous places.

Suwaken did not ask, he was already guessing that Jia Longjun had been walking between the Eastern Boundary and Boundary Sea for many years and had already had a wealth of experience.

In the next few days, when Wake up and Jia Longjun communicated, he had a more detailed understanding of the situation in the Great Yu Divine Realm.

There are three sect families in the Great Yu God Realm.

One of them is the Qi family where Concubine Qi Long is located, and the other two forces are Tang Family and Dragon King Valley.

These three powers all belong to the seven streams.

Like Qijia, it is a Qiliu Heavenly Clan.

In contrast, the Jia family where the Jia Longjun is located is a bit weaker. It is an eight-liuity heavenly clan, and is as famous as the Ten Thousand Thunder God Sect that has been in contact with Awakening.

The Baliu Celestial Clan is also very profound and extraordinary.

The number of **** kings in the clan is far from comparable to those of the Lin and Xing clan.

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