Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2916: Great Terror

Chapter 2916: Great Terror

Jia Longjun comes from the Great Yu God Realm and has an extraordinary identity.

The breath of its cultivation base also gives people a feeling of indecision.

Moreover, he often rides in the spirit world Tianzhou, which can be described as a seasoned and veteran.

Everyone expressed their respect in their words, hoping that Jia Longjun could reveal some unknown information.

"I don't know what kind of power is the danger within the Golden Spirit Realm. I only know that no matter what happens, nothing will happen without leaving the Spirit Realm Heavenly Ark."

Jia Longjun paused, and then said: "Besides, if you see a dark door in the middle of the night, no matter what sound you hear from it, remember, don't shake it."

"If you look at your nose, your nose and your heart, if you stand still, there will be no problems."

People looked suspicious.

He was awakening while listening, and there was a glimpse of surprise in his eyes, and he couldn't understand what Jia Longjun's "Gate of Darkness" was.

But Jia Longjun seemed to have a taboo, so he didn't dare to talk more.

No matter how other people asked, he didn't mention a word, but looked at the outside of Tianzhou quietly, and at a certain moment, he suddenly muttered: "The great horror... is coming again."

His waking eyes had already looked beyond Tianzhou.

I saw the outside world, unconsciously, has become very dark, even with waking eyesight, it is difficult to see things beyond a hundred meters.

Vaguely, in the darkness, it seemed that something huge was moving.

An extremely depressed feeling enveloped the hearts of many spiritual practitioners on the deck, like a huge boulder pressed against their chests, feeling abnormally uncomfortable, and even feeling extremely difficult to breathe.

"To... what the **** is it?"

"Why do I... I feel trembling?"

"Ok... it's a terrible feeling."

Among the divine cultivation on the deck, many people's faces showed undecided fright, their faces were pale as paper, and their eyes were full of fear and panic...

It was as if a mortal hit a ghost in the middle of the night and saw something extremely terrifying.

However, in fact, so far, nothing has appeared, just the repressive and terrifying atmosphere, which makes people unconsciously panicked, as if the body is falling into a dark abyss step by step.

A mood called despair, soaring like wild grass, spreading like wildfire.

Su Xing's eyes condensed slightly, but his mood was strong and his expression was not the slightest strange. He glanced at Jia Longjun and found that although the latter's face was quite pale, he was still stable.

After all, the number of experiences is not rare, and the psychological endurance is much stronger than the average person.

"Jia...Senior Jia, what...what's going on?"

"Do not talk!"

A divine repair tremblingly wanted to ask, but was stared back by Jia Longjun sternly.


Suddenly, a terrifying roar sounded in everyone's ears.

Many people just feel their heads dumbfounded, their ears are full of buzzing roar, and their faces become extremely pale, without the slightest blood, as if they have fallen into some kind of huge fear.

"You are standing firm, if you are thrown out of the spiritual world Tianzhou, you will be at your own risk." Jia Longjun shouted.


"Boom boom boom..."

It seemed that there was some kind of terrifying behemoth that was constantly hitting the Spirit World Heavenly Ark, causing the huge body of the boat to shake violently.

Su Xing looked around, with his cultivation base and eyesight, he was able to see things with a radius of one hundred feet, unlike other people, who only felt that it was dark outside and couldn't see anything clearly.

In that darkness, from time to time there will be various attacks.

Some of them were beast claws that exuded gloom, slamming on the protective array of the spiritual world heavenly boat, bursting out incomparably terrifying power, even with the current cultivation base, it feels that they can't stop the beast claws. power.

Even if there is no block from the protective array, the breath of the beast claws alone would be enough to shock him to death.

This is too terrible.

It was so terrible that with regained eyesight, it was impossible to infer what level the power of the beast claw had reached, the level of the gods? Or is it at the ancestor level?


There are also some wings, like blades, slashing on the protective array of the spiritual world heavenly boat.

The wings also contain unpredictable power, no weaker than beast claws.

More weapons such as swords, spears, swords, and halberds came.

Each weapon seemed to possess the power of a third-rank heavenly granted divine weapon, which was extremely terrifying.

Even with a rejuvenated state of mind, after witnessing it with my own eyes, there is a sense of fear in my heart. This is a weak creature. When faced with a powerful creature, it will naturally feel that it cannot be stopped.

However, waking up will not become flustered because of the fear in his heart, and still appear very calm.

He somewhat understood why this forbidden spirit world wall must be crossed with the help of the spirit world heaven boat.

There are many great horrors outside, and none of them can be resisted by manpower.

As a result, the spiritual world Tianzhou became even more extraordinary.

It can actually intercept all attacks. The seemingly weak protective formation is exceptionally strong, as if there is no force in this world that can tear it apart.

The attack lasted all night.

Until dawn appeared, until dawn emerged from the sky, the darkness was gradually dissipated, and the many horrors in the darkness also retreated.

Looking around, the sea is calm and the sky is blue.

There is no trace left.

If it weren't for the fear of last night, it left everyone too deeply impressed, and people even thought they had hallucinations.

On the deck, many gods were limp on the ground.

Including Jia Longjun, his look is also very ugly, with sweat on his forehead, but his condition is much better compared to others.

Jia Longjun's eyes fell on his awakened body.

When everyone was in a state of panic, waking up was a calm expression, and it was suddenly outstanding.

"The little friend is in a good mood, admire it." Jia Longjun bowed his hand towards the awakening and took the initiative to say hello.

This scene made the rest of the gods on the deck envious.

Jia Longjun comes from the Great Yu God Realm, and his vision is very high. Most people talk to him. Most of them are indifferent. At this time, he takes the initiative to say hello to Awakening. This treatment is quite different.

"You're good too!" Su Xing glanced at Jia Longjun plainly, and then stepped into the cabin.

At this time, there were also many gods who came out in the cabin.

The divine repair in the cabin, the perception last night was far less intense than that of the people standing on the deck, but the violent shaking of the Spirit World Heavenly Ark also shocked them.

One by one palely walked onto the deck to check the situation.

However, apart from waking up, no one can see the outside situation clearly, so naturally they will probe for nothing.

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