Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2910: There is no never-ending feast

Chapter 2910: A Feast That Never Disperses in the World

There is no never-ending feast.

Not only did Kong Xuanye, Gu Yuanzheng, Qi Qiuyue, and Lao Ma leave, they also took the Blood Moon Guard.

Wake to see off in person.

Although the Blood Moon God Guard did not help much, he remembered the heart that came from a long distance, and he believed that with his relationship, the Blood Moon God Guard would later be used in the worship of the moon. , There must be an opportunity to flex its muscles.

There are some things that don’t need to be said. Kong Xuanye is a wise man and knows how to do it.

After that, Tian Anshan, Yu Yang and other people from Xiuluo Mountain also bid farewell to Reawakening.

"Old Su, this farewell, I'm afraid we can only meet in the Southern God Realm." Xia Yuanjia looked at the awakening, with emotion, with a high morale: "I hope you can block me three times. The power of fist."

"The cowhide is not afraid of being blown. It would be good if you can block the three punches." Ying Xiaoyi finished speaking lightly, looking at the awakening: "See you in the Southern God Realm..."

She is not good at communicating, even if she is reluctant, she only has a few simple words when she speaks.

"Take care!"

Su Xing smiled slightly at Ying Xiaoyi, and then patted Xia Yuanjia on the shoulder: "Lao Xia, I hope that by then, your Conferred God Dao body has achieved something, not just the acquired level."

"Don't worry! With you, the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Pride, I don't dare to slack off." Xia Yuanjia smiled.

When Xia Yuanjia and others disappeared from the vision of awakening, soon after, Bai Xueer, Bai Yangpu and others began to say goodbye to awakening.

"I should go to Pope Sun and Moon with Kong Li, so let's see you in the Southern God Realm!" Bai Xueer stretched out a crystal jade finger, poked her awakened chest, and said with a grin.

The Bai family of Lucheng was originally part of the Moon Worship Sect.

With Bai Xue'er's talent, coupled with her current circumstances, she is fully qualified to go to the Pope of the Sun and Moon.

In this regard, Kong Xuanye must have proper arrangements.

"Goodbye, Southern God Realm!" Su Xing smiled slightly.

"Wooden fish!"

Bai Yangpu stared at Suwa, and muttered coldly.

"What did Senior White say?"

Su Xing looked at Bai Yangpu with a puzzled face.

"It's nothing."

Bai Yangpu was too lazy to talk. First, he didn't want to pierce that layer of window paper, and second, he was really not interested. In terms of men and women, it could be said that Yumu's head was awakened, so he should do more to explain.

"I would also like to thank Senior Bai for coming to help me this time." Su Xing smiled.

"You're welcome." Bai Yangpu didn't bother to watch Wake up, but looked at Bai Xue'er and said: "Xue'er, time is almost up, we should also go."

This look, to put it bluntly, just didn't want Bai Xueer to have too much contact with Su Xing.

He didn't want his precious granddaughter to leave any emotional scars.


Bai Xueer arched her hands at Miao Ke'er, Lei Xueyi, Ding Xi, Xiao Du and others, and then looked at Reawakening again. There was a ripple in the depths of her star eyes, but she was still hidden after all.

It's not suitable to say anything more in the timing and occasion.

I don't know when dawn will come quietly.

The dawn of the sky makes people feel comfortable and warm.

However, Awakening had to bid farewell to his old friends one by one. Everyone had their own way to go. It was inevitable that he felt a little sad, but he still looked forward to and blessed more.

He believed that Xia Yuanjia, Ying Xiaoyi, Bai Xueer and others could shine even in the Southern God Realm.

As the morning sun rises, the group of people wakes up and walks out of Mingyuan.

The light golden sunlight poured on them, as if putting a layer of holy gauze on everyone, it looked sacred and extraordinary, and even made people have the urge to worship.

The Nine Yuan Dragon Pillar had already been destroyed by the Lord Yushan.

This makes the Kowloon Order useless.

People's eyes quickly gathered on the headed Wake.

The Mingyuan is destroyed, the Lin family is destroyed, the Xing family is destroyed, the six tribes are destroyed...

This is destined to be a night that will be recorded in the annals of history. There have been too many things. The great forces and the heavens have been destroyed one after another, and the fall of a **** king is shocking and inexplicable.

And all this is because of one person.

Suddenly, people discovered that awakening has eliminated the talents that make people look up to, and its influence, unknowingly, has reached a level that people can hardly reach.

Fu Yunlu, Kong Xuanye, Tian Anshan... I don't know how many gods, and even the guardians of the moon worship, are willing to accompany him in this life and death battle.

In contrast, Lin Shuzhi needs to work hard to calculate.

The gap between this is too big.

Su Xing's eyes calmly looked around the world, giving people a sense of mastery.

Then, his gaze stayed on, above the clouds.

Without any words, Fang Chi, Lu Tongtian, Tuobahu and others felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

You know, they are all at the helm of a big power, and they are all majestic people. On weekdays, when others see them, they will feel oppressed.

But I don't want to, at this time the situation is completely reversed.

In the end, Fang Chi, Lu Tongtian, Tuo Bahu and others flew out one after another.

They are worried that if they continue to stand still, they will be irritated and awakened, leading to some unpredictable consequences.

"Little friend Su, congratulations on getting rid of your confidant troubles and revenge." Fang Chi arched his hands.

"You Xiaoyou Su destroyed Mingyuan this time, it can be described as immense merit. There are countless gods in the world, and you will definitely remember your kindness." Lu Tongtian said sincerely.

"Mingyuan Cholera Quartet should have been wiped out long ago, but unfortunately I have the power to wait, and only a genius like Su Xiaoyou can do it. It is really amazing." Tuo domineering.

The faces of several people were full of smiles, and they almost wrote the words "flattering" on their faces.

Countless cultivators saw this scene, and after the initial surprise, they couldn't help but sigh. The majesty and majesty of the awakening now can be described as shocking the past.

Fu Yunlu and Lu Sheng didn't speak. With their eyesight, they naturally understood the reason why Tuobahu and others were so flattering and trying to ease the relationship with Rejuvenation.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows that Tuobahu and the others came yesterday, seemingly to watch the battle, but they also have the idea of ​​waiting for opportunities.

Now that he is flattering, he is naturally worried about waking up to settle accounts after autumn.

In the flattering smiling faces of the three Tuobahu people, he awakened and said calmly: "What I said outside Yuxu City still counts."

After finishing speaking, he looked ahead, no longer caring about the Tuobashu people, and walked away in the void.

Fu Yunlu, Lu Shengdongzhu and others followed suit.

"Thank you Su Xiaoyou!"

"Little friend Su's chest is as wide as the sea, which makes me admire him."

Tuobahu and others bowed and bowed to their awakened backs, and everyone's face was filled with a touch of happiness.

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