Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2898: Mingyuan appeared

The 2898th chapter Mingyuan appears


After hearing this name, countless spiritual practitioners trembled unconsciously.

As if that name is like death, like a taboo, just being mentioned will make people feel nervous subconsciously.

Because the other party is the helm of Ming Yuan.

As the most evil and gloomy force in the world, Ming Yuan didn't know how many gods he had killed. It was frightening and he was so fierce, and You Wang, the man at the helm of Ming Yuan, was an extremely terrifying existence.

In the minds of countless gods, he is the most terrifying demon king in the world.

No one thought that Lin Shuzhi would call Youwang, could it be said that there is any connection between the two?

Not to mention other people, even Lin Chixiao, Lin Jingwei, and Lin Xuanshan and other high-level Lin clan members, their expressions changed.

"Shuzhi, do you know what you are doing?" Lin Jingwei looked at Lin Shuzhi suspiciously, his face very ugly.

Once Lin Shuzhi really got involved with Ming Yuan, then the Lin clan would not be able to get rid of the relationship, and once it was thought that the Lin clan and Ming Yuan were related, how could they return to Xuling Cave?

You know, the purpose of the three gods of Xuling Dongtian, Jade Palace, and Five Elements Temple has always been indifferent to the power of Mingyuan. The giants of Xiantian Daochang have always been determined to destroy the demons and eradicate the power of demons.

It is equivalent to saying that Lin Shuzhi's move is pushing Lin's family into a place where they cannot be recovered.

"Shuzhi, don't talk nonsense." Lin Chixiao said coldly, his face was also unsightly, and as his identity, he naturally understood the advantages and disadvantages in an instant.

Lin Shuzhi didn't rush to answer anything, but calmly looked at the sky, as if waiting for something.

At this time, the entire main peak of Cangwu Mountain also began to shake violently, and then a burst of magic energy rushed out of the mountain body of the independent peak and quickly rushed to the sky.

Thousands of devilish qi, dyed the sky as black as ink, and enveloped the evil and cold atmosphere between the sky and the earth.

Suddenly, amidst the surging devilish energy, a dim aperture emerged, and that aperture quickly expanded and soon became as wide as a hundred miles.

Behind the aperture, there is an endless black earth, full of rich devilish energy, like a **** of a forest.

"Lin Shuzhi, if I had made the move earlier, how could I make Lin's back and throw into my Ming Yuan's command in one fell swoop?" An indifferent voice came from the dim light circle.

"It's Youwang!"

"It turned out to be him."

Many big figures above the clouds spoke.

They had apparently met with King You and recognized each other's voice.

Moreover, the world revealed in the dim light circle, like a demon domain, cannot be faked.

"The old man had been wondering before, why Lin Shuzhi chose to face the awakening in Cangwu Mountain. It turned out that Cangwu Mountain was the entrance of Mingyuan."

Some big shots exclaimed.

At this time, people also realized it suddenly, and countless people were shocked and their faces were incredible.

Who could have imagined that the entrance of Ming Yuan was in the northern border of the Central Continent? Back then, the three gods joined forces, but the entrance to Mingyuan was never found.

The other party not only hides deeply, but also unexpectedly.

The title killer Wuya, who had also imprisoned Mingyuan at the beginning, was unable to figure out the specific location of Mingyuan from the opponent's mouth. When he was about to search for his soul, the other party directly chose to explode.

"King You, you have a wishful thinking, do you want to hide in the dark to reap the benefits of the fisherman?" Lin Chixiao said with a cold face.

"The ancestor Chixiao calmed down his anger, and my Mingyuan was exposed, but I also took a huge risk, so I naturally need to be cautious." Inside the dim light circle, the voice of King You came again.

"Ancestor, Patriarch, with today’s situation, if Ming Yuan doesn’t take action, I’m afraid we will all die here. By then, Lin’s family will still be over. It’s better to break the boat. Perhaps this is our chance for Lin’s Nirvana transformation. It."

Lin Shuzhi looked at Lin Chixiao and Lin Jingwei, and spoke calmly.

"Lin Chixiao, you asked Lin to help Lin Shuzhi, it was a very stupid thing, now you have to make mistakes again and again?" Kong Xuanye shook his head: "Don't you see that Lin Shuzhi doesn't care about Lin's Life and death?"

"That kid only sees himself, Lin, but his tool."

"Unfortunately, you still want to count on him to lead the Lin family to become Huang Tengda?"

Tian Anshan also shook his head.

Everyone is not a fool, who can't see through Lin Shuzhi's thoughts?

"Shut up!" Lin Chixiao glanced at Xuan Ye coldly, then took a deep breath, looked at the dim light circle, and said: "Kill Awakening, Lin's enchantment."

"Hahaha...a deal!" A hearty laugh came from the dim light circle.


With a ray of light rising into the sky, the figure of Dongzhu Lu Sheng emerged. He stared at Lin Chixiao coldly and said, "Lin Zu, are you sure you want to do this?"

As the cave master of Xuling Dongtian, he undoubtedly has the most say at this time.

People can also understand the mood of the cave master Lu Sheng, awakening has left the Xuling Cave Sky, and now if the Lin family collectively enchants, the impact on Xuling Cave Sky will be too great.

At that time, Xuling Dongtian's strength will inevitably plummet, which is equivalent to a major earthquake.

Although all this cannot be attributed to Dongzhu Lu Sheng, he is probably also to blame.

"Lu Sheng, I can only blame you for being too indecisive. Do you think that not helping each other is the best way? You are wrong. When it is time to stand in line, you should stand in line."

Lin Chixiao stared at Cave Master Lu Sheng indifferently: "At this point, you are not as good as Kong Xuanye."

Master Lu Sheng was taken aback.

People thought about it carefully and found that what Lin Chixiao said was indeed very reasonable.

Kong Xuanye and Lu Sheng are both at the helm of the two major forces. Their situation is similar in some respects, but their choices are completely different.

Kong Xuanye chose to work together to wake up, destroy the Xing family and Qi family in one fell swoop, and clean up the internal relations of the Moon Worship Church.

And Dongzhu Lu Sheng has never made a clear statement. More precisely, he has no clear idea in his heart. Just like Lin Chixiao said, he is indecisive.

It is rare for Kong Xuanye to take the opportunity to taunt the cave master Lu Sheng, but to say: "Lu Sheng, it's time to speak up. It's too late, but it's better than not making up."

Lu Sheng took a deep breath and looked at Lin Chixiao, his eyes coldly said: "In the name of the cave owner, this seat announced that Lin's betrayal of Xuling Cave Sky has caused numerous crimes and will be destroyed."

"A good sentence, Lu Sheng, you are also decisive." Lin Chixiao smiled coldly, but didn't care. Since he made a choice, he would naturally stand on the opposite side of Xuling Cave.

Although he also knew that Lin Shuzhi was using Lin's family, at this time, he had no turning back.

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