Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2896: One injury and one disability

Chapter 2896: One injury and one disabled

Lin Yuxiao's expression was so bad that Lin Yuxiao was full of anger.

He can become the guardian of Xuling Cave Sky, standing at the top level of the sea, he is naturally not an ordinary person, he has just embarked on the road of cultivation back then, he is a tianjiao.

After so many years, no one dared to say that he was bad.

Now he was awakened.

What was even more annoying was that Lin Yuxiao found that she couldn't find anything to refute.

As the saying goes, shopping around has to be thrown away and people have to die.

Compared with the awakening of the Nine Tribulations Tianjiao, his talent is indeed very poor...

"Little evil animal, no matter how talented it is, no matter how high it is, it must be transformed into strength. Otherwise, it will be a waste of water in the bamboo basket. You must know that the history of the Nine Tribulations Tianjiao is not rare." Lin Yuxiao is vicious. The way.

"Really?" Awakening expression was indifferent, and then with a big hand wave, the dark divine current behind him was rolled up, set off a stormy sea, and rushed towards Lin Yuxiao with him.

Shui Fu raised his head and roared, his voice shook the sky.

Awakening stood on the head of the dragon in the water, the body was as tall as loose, and the rolling power and the water were blended together, making the power of the dark gods flow constantly climbing.

Lin Yuxiao sensed the dangerous breath, but now it was too late to retreat.

Jiuyuan Longzhu blocked the world, and he had no retreat at all.

At the critical moment, Lin Yuxiao also continuously poured the power of the gods into the Luoshui Jade Ruler, and at the same time displayed a magic skill to try to block the offensive of awakening.

"Water fills the sky!"

Lin Yuxiao roared, pushing the Luoshui Jade God Ruler forward with both hands.

In an instant, there was a terrible divine light, surging out of the Luoshui Jade God Ruler, like an endless white wave, and its momentum was far greater than before.

From a distance, two seas, black and white, appeared in the sky.

The Black Sea is surging, and the White Sea is turbulent.

The two sides advanced quickly and then crashed together.

In an instant, there was an earth-shattering roar, and two terrifying forces collided with each other, as if the two armies were engaged in a fierce battle.

Soon, people discovered that the Black Sea began to gain the upper hand.

The dragon roared, and the Black Sea kept advancing forward, wave after wave, and never stopped.

Bai Hai retreats steadily, and from the beginning it only fell into a disadvantage, and soon showed signs of a complete defeat.

Lin Yuxiao's face was extremely cold and sharp, but it was still difficult to change this decline.

At a certain moment, in the Black Sea, the current quickly condensed and turned into a sharp sword, penetrating forward.

Looking around, countless black sharp swords, densely packed, rushed into the White Sea, tearing the White Sea apart in a destructive posture, and then hit Lin Yuxiao.

At that critical moment, the Luoshui Jade God Ruler in Lin Yuxiao's hand quickly enlarged, like a white jade wall, blocking Lin Yuxiao's body.

"Du Du Du..."

The sound of breaking through the air sounded one after another, and a sharp sword hit the Luoshui Jade God Ruler.

The Luoshui Jade God Ruler is worthy of a second-grade heavenly granted artifact, and there is no sign of fragmentation, and it is unusually strong, while Lin Yuxiao has both hands out and presses it on the Luoshui Jade God Ruler to stimulate the surging power of the gods.


Lin Yuxiao resolved the impact of a sharp sword.

But at this moment, the Black Sea had already rushed, and the water rushed forward, protruding a dark golden dragon claw, and slapped it fiercely at the Luoshui Jade God Ruler. The terrifying power was released in an instant.

With a bang, I saw Luoshui Jade God Ruler together with Lin Yuxiao's figure, flew out.

After Lin Yuxiao stabilized his figure, blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and his expression was full of anger. From the confrontation to the present, it was only a matter of a few moves, and he was actually defeated.

Although this was because both sides were doing their best to shoot, the temptation link was omitted, but it was enough to shock him.

The same is the second-grade god-given artifact, the difference between recognizing the master and denying the master is too big.

Awakening and Shui Fu have the same mind, and can stimulate the dark divine flow as much as possible. If his cultivation has not yet entered the Divine King Realm, and has not yet possessed the Divine King Power, I am afraid that a single move would be enough to smash Lin Yuxiao.

Lin Yuxiao's figure flickered, rushing towards Luoshui Yushen Ruler.

However, he did not realize that the awakening that was originally standing on the head of the dragon under water had disappeared at some point.


Just when Lin Yuxiao was about to grab the Luoshui Jade God Ruler, a sharp sword light fell from the sky.

This sword not only has the right timing and exquisiteness, but also has an extremely thick and majestic breath, like a sacred mountain crushed down.

The third style of the heavenly sword, the mountain sword!

Lin Yuxiao was shocked and had to abandon the Luoshui Jade God Ruler and cast his magical skills to hit the sky. However, after all, he greeted him in a hurry, and he was injured again. Can you imagine the outcome?


Along with the terrifying roar, countless heavy sword auras penetrated through, Lin Yuxiao's figure fell from the void and fell heavily downward.

Where his figure fell, the blood poured out like rain.


Lin Chixiao, who was fighting Fu Yunlu, couldn't help but burst into tears, and shouted.

"Fight with me, do you dare to be distracted?" Fu Yunlu narrowed his eyes, waved the Thunder God's hammer, blasted out 108 hammers in one breath, and defeated Lin Chixiao's steadily fighting.

When Fu Yunlu ran out of breath, the corner of Lin Chixiao's mouth was bloody.

Confrontation between the strong is the first-line difference.

Whoever is carelessly distracted will give the other party a chance.

At this time, the black water stream plunged rapidly and poured into the ground. Soon after, a figure was detained and returned to Wake.

That figure is naturally Lin Yuxiao.

Compared to his previous domineering image, Lin Yuxiao is now bloodless, disheveled, and has a messy breath, looking embarrassed.

Mountain Sword can be regarded as the strongest blow to awaken so far.

Lin Yuxiao hadn't died, it was already very rare, and there was absolutely no possibility of surviving for anyone else.

The battle on the main peak then ended, Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan temporarily retreated. After all, Lin Chixiao and Lin Yuxiao are now injured and disabled, which means that the overall situation has been determined, and there is no need for the two of them to risk a deadly battle.

"Let go of your second child!" Lin Chixiao stared at awakening with a stern face.

"What kind of attitude do you use to talk to me? Threat? Intimidation?" Awaken glanced at Lin Chixiao coldly, and then a sword qi shot out from his fingertips, accompanied by a splash of divine blood, Lin Yuxiao's left arm was cut off.


Lin Yuxiao, who was in pain, couldn't help screaming.

"Stop! Little naughty animal, what exactly do you want to do?" Lin Chixiao's face changed, but he didn't dare to move, giving people a feeling of throwing a rat-in-law.

Obviously he also knew that Lin Yuxiao's life was completely awakened in his hands.

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