Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2893: Luoshui Jade God Ruler

Chapter 2893 Luoshui Jade God Ruler

Xia Yuanjia shrank her neck, feeling cold all over her body.

It seems to be a bit big this time?

But as long as the final outcome is good, the intermediate process should be negligible. Do you care about so many details as if you are a master teacher?

After all, Tian Anshan didn't explain anything. The seeds of suspicion have been planted. It is not so easy to remove the suspicion. Moreover, as the head teacher of Asura Mountain, he is too lazy to explain it deliberately, weakening his prestige.

The most important thing is that he does have some ideas in his heart to take the opportunity to kill the six tribes.

Knowing the son Mo Ruo father, Xia Yuanjia is not his son, but the two are like father and son.

As for Kong Xuanye, the person who knows you best is often not your friend, but your opponent. Kong Xuanye understands Tian Anshan just like Tian Anshan understands Kong Xuanye.

It sounds a little slurred, but in summary it is to know each other's roots.

"They are all very lively people. Isn't it a pity not to participate in such a lively scene!" Kong Xuanye smiled faintly, not angry.

"I will find you to settle the account later." Tian Anshan snorted coldly and took a step before breaking into the Cangwu Mountain Boundary.

Above the main peak, Lin Chixiao's face was very ugly.

He just said that anyone who would dare to break into the Cangwu Mountain realm meant that the intruder would die. In an instant, Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan broke in one after another, which was a naked face.

More importantly, although Tian Anshan and Kong Xuanye's strengths have not yet reached the second-tier mid-level of the Divine Master Realm, they are much higher than those of Xing Mingyang and others.

With the addition of these two people, the balance of victory has been tilted again.

"Thank you two." Su Xing arched his hands towards Tian Anshan and Kong Xuanye.

"Thank you, let's make a clear agreement. I will kill Qi Tian and you will kill Xing Mingyang. As a result, Xing Mingyang is still alive and well. Your kid is too unreliable and has no credibility." Kong Xuanye cursed.

"You kid, don't be passionate, the old man is just here to calculate an old account." Tian Anshan said with a straight face.

Reawakening smiled slightly and didn't care.

How can he fail to see that although the two people do have their own goals, after all, they still want to help him in his heart, but he just doesn't say it out, but he will naturally remember this favor.

The world fell into silence.

There were only four people on the side of Awakening, but there were ten people on the main peak. Even if the dragon eel patriarch lost his combat power, there were still nine people.

With four to nine, no matter how you look at it, awakening does not have the slightest advantage.


Lin Chixiao's first person couldn't help but do it.

One is that my heart is very angry, and the other is that I am worried that if we delay it, other changes will happen.

With his bare hands, a large number of Heavenly Star Hengsha gathered around him. This was a battle to spur the second-grade Heavenly Granted artifact. With his strength, the power that could erupt from Heavenly Star Hengsha was naturally very impressive. terror.

Fu Yunlu was not afraid, and chose to face Lin Chixiao.

In his hand, a black thunder hammer appeared in his hands, named "Thunder God's Hammer".

Over the years, Fu Yunlu has taken a different approach, starting with forging artifacts to practice. Not only has his strength greatly increased, but he has also forcibly created a second-tier god-given artifact, which is the Thunder God's Hammer.

The pure black lightning, surging around the Thunder God's Hammer, exudes a very heart-palpitating breath of power.

"This guy……"

The corners of Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan's mouth were twitched. They and Fu Yunlu were of the same generation, and they had no less clashes back then, but they have always been equal.

Originally thought that Fu Yunlu would degenerate when he quit Xuling Cave Sky. Unexpectedly, the latter had already begun to surpass them because of a blessing in disguise, and the two of them felt somewhat unhappy.


At this time, Fu Yunlu had already shot, holding the Thor Sky Hammer in his hand, and slammed it forward.

Li Sijin was able to use the hammer technique, but all came from Fu Yunlu, so Fu Yunlu was the master of the hammer technique. A seemingly simple hammer, it contains endless mystery and unparalleled power.

"court death!"

Lin Chixiao shouted angrily, and pushed his hands forward, countless stars of Hengsha flew out and turned into a sea of ​​sand with a radius of thousands of miles. The scene was amazing, and large hands made of countless sand particles rushed out from it.

Fu Yunlu's fighting style is quite domineering, he simply stepped out, placed himself in the sky star Hengsha, waved the Thunder God's hammer, and exploded with terrible power.

"Fu Yunlu, **** you!"

Upon seeing this, Lin Yuxiao's face was murderous, ready to cooperate with Lin Chixiao to deal with Fu Yunlu.

In Lin Yuxiao's hand, a pure white jade ruler appeared. The jade ruler was about two meters long, with countless natural mysterious lines flowing inside, which looked very good.

"It's Luoshui Jade God Ruler!"

"Unexpectedly, this second-grade god-given artifact was actually obtained by Lin Yuxiao, so the Luoshi tragedy that year was caused by Lin Yuxiao?"

Both Tian Anshan and Kong Xuanye squinted.

At that time, there was a powerful family in Boundary Sea, Luo Shi.

In Luo's territory, an ancient tomb was excavated, and Luo's obtained many treasures. Among them, the jade ruler that caused the most shock was named "Luoshui Jade God Ruler".

But he didn't want to, in one night, the Luo family was completely destroyed, and the three **** kings in the door, countless seniors, and even the old and the weak, women and children, almost all died.

For a time, countless people in Boundary Sea shook.

At that time, both Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan went quietly to investigate the cause, trying to find the real culprit, and see who did it. However, the other party acted neatly and did not leave any traces. As a result, Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan did not investigate. The reason.

But now, Lin Yuxiao took out the Luoshui Jade God Ruler, and the answer was naturally revealed.

"The one who got the Luoshui Jade God Ruler is not necessarily the real murderer who destroyed Luo Shi, you two are too arbitrary." Lin Yuxiao explained flatly.

However, this explanation is obviously very pale and weak.

He can naturally come up with better rhetoric, but he obviously doesn't bother to do that. In his capacity, it is commendable to open an explanation.

"Wow!" Lin Yuxiao waved, white light flew out from the Luoshui Jade God Ruler, like a white pike, rushed to Fu Yunlu.

But at this moment, there is a sharp sword light running through.


Jianmang stopped the training of the white horse without error, and then regained consciousness and stared at Lin Yuxiao indifferently, and said to Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan without looking back: "The two of you hold on for a while, and when I kill him, I will come back. "

Hearing that, Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan haven't said anything yet, Lin Yuxiao is already furious: "Xiao Nie Hu, the tone is quite big, you don't even have a second-grade heavenly granted artifact, why fight me?"

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