Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2891: Lin Family

Chapter 2891: Lin's Patriarch

With the death of the patriarch Ziyou Seal, the balance of victory has completely tilted to the side of awakening.

The dragon eel patriarch suffered heavy losses and basically lost his combat effectiveness.

There were only seven of the original nine powerhouses left to fight.

People can almost expect that with the passage of time, there will be strong people falling. Among them, the most likely to fall is the patriarch of the six tribes.

At least for the moment, awakening is preparing to solve the six tribes first.

And once the six patriarchs fell, the fate of Lin Shuzhi, Lin Jingwei, and Xing Mingyang could be imagined.

As Su Xing said, although the Second Grade Heavenly Granted Artifact is good, it also depends on who uses it.

When the level of comprehensive combat power is down by a whole level, even the second-rank Heavenly Granted artifact can hardly make up for that gap. What's more, Awakening cultivated the Nine Changes of the Shen Cicada to the Beginning Void Realm.

His body is too flexible, and his speed is too fast. Even though he is blocked by the Nine Yuan Longzhu in the Cangwu Mountain Boundary and cannot leave, he still feels innately invincible.

"Lin Shuzhi, your time to die is here." Xia Yuanjia sneered: "It's a month away, but there are still a few hours left. I'm afraid you can't make it through."

At this time, the sky was dark, and the starry night fell, as if the shadow of death enveloped the earth.

The faces of the remaining five patriarchs were cold, and Xing Mingyang's expression was not good. They were all aware of the seriousness of the situation, but Lin Shuzhi still looked calm and did not appear to be in desperation.

"It looks like you still have a hole card." Su Xing stared at Lin Shuzhi.

"Since you can see it, there is no need to continue to hide." Lin Shuzhi bowed towards a towering palace on the main peak, and said: "Please let the two ancestors take action."

No one responded.

But the next moment, under the attention of countless eyes, two figures walked side by side out of the majestic palace.

They are very old, with white beard and hair, but they don't give people a sense of oldness and weakness. On the contrary, they have an unfathomable taste, like two bottomless abysses.

It is the two ancestors of the Lin family, Lin Chixiao and Lin Yuxiao.

"It's actually the two ancestors of Lin's Chixiao and Yuxiao. Lin's heart of killing and awakening is really strong to the extreme!" Fang Chi, the palace owner of the Jade Palace, couldn't help but speak.

"They don't want to kill the awakening, but want Lin Shuzhi to swallow the awakening. Once Lin Shuzhi has the talent for awakening, his future achievements will be limitless. For Lin, it is naturally a great thing."

"To put it bluntly, the two ancestors of Chixiao and Yuxiao are taking a chance for Lin Shuzhi and Lin's family."

"Two old foxes!"

The big figures on the cloud began to discuss.

The appearance of the two ancestors of Chi Xiao and Yu Xiao is of extraordinary significance. After all, as the guardians of the Xuling Cave, they should not interfere in the struggle at will.

And under normal circumstances, there is nothing to do, it can be worth their action.

But once they make a move, it means that there is really a big opportunity. Obviously, for Lin Shuzhi and Lin, waking up is that big opportunity.

"Today, the two of me are only fighting for the Lin family." The ancestor Chi Xiao looked around and said calmly.

"Lin Chixiao, you are embarrassed to say this kind of explanation? Are you really shameless? You are the guardian of Xuling Cave Sky. Why do you represent Lin's battle?"

Standing in the void, Li Sijin looked directly at the ancestor Chi Xiao, and said: "Now, as the elder of Liuxuantian, I want you to give a reasonable explanation, otherwise, you are deliberately discrediting Xuling Cave Sky. ."

Others would not clarify this kind of thing, and would care about the identity of the ancestor of Chi Xiao, but Li Sijin obviously would not.

"Elder Liu Xuantian?" The ancestor Chi Xiao glanced at Li Sijin indifferently, and said, "From now on, you are no longer the elder Liu Xuantian."

In a word, he was actually going to abolish Li Sijin's identity as the elder Liu Xuantian.

Such a style cannot be said to be not overbearing.

"Are you going to revoke my identity?" Li Sijin himself was taken aback.

"The old man is the Supreme Elder of Xuling Dongtian, doesn't he have this authority?" Old Ancestor Chi Xiao said indifferently.

"As far as I know, no matter how powerful the power of the elder Taishang is, he can't go beyond the cave master and directly abolish a Liuxuantian elder, right?" At this time, a flat voice sounded.

Then a middle-aged figure appeared in the sky stepping forward.

His hair was randomly scattered over his shoulders, and he was wearing a simple gown, his face was cut like a knife, with a sense of fortitude, and his eyes were as deep as an abyss.

"Who is he?"

"Dare to confront the ancestor of Chi Xiao."

Many people looked surprised.

"It's Fu Yunlu!"

"Senior Brother Lu Sheng Dongzhu!"

The big people above the clouds recognized the people.

Today's Fu Yunlu is very different from the previous image. He no longer looks old and sloppy, but a middle-aged man, who is in a period of vigor and vitality.

Even after waking up, he almost didn't recognize it at first glance.

"Lao Fu, why are you here?" A surprise appeared in Li Sijin's eyes.

"You want to help that kid with all your heart, and you are impulsive. If I don't come, what should you do if you suffer?" Fu Yunlu pointed to awakening, somewhat helplessly.

But these remarks were already on a formal occasion, and he did not hide his feelings for Li Sijin.

Many people have seen the tricky, but the situation is tense, everyone has no intention of wondering for a while.

"Fu Yunlu, you abandoner of Xuling Cave Sky, what qualifications do you have to point fingers at the rules of Xuling Cave Sky?" The ancestor Chi Xiao spoke coldly.

"Abandoned disciple?" Fu Yunlu turned to look at the ancestor Chixiao, and said, "Speaking of which, when I left Xuling Cave Sky, did you have a ‘contribution’ to you?"

Back then, one of the cave masters of Xuling Dongtian was suspended, and Fu Yunlu and Lu Sheng were the most likely two to compete for the position of cave master.

Chi Xiao and Yu Xiao seized the opportunity to fiddle with right and wrong, and the relationship between Fu Yunlu and Lu Sheng gradually deteriorated. Although there was no big fight, but the brothers who had nothing to say before, they had nothing to say.

In addition, the ancestor of Chi Xiao even discovered the beautiful relationship between Li Sijin and Fu Yunlu, and used this to make a fuss and spread rumors.

Compared with Fu Yunlu, Lu Sheng Dongzhu is inferior in character and spirit, and he has become the best candidate for Dongzhu in the eyes of the two ancestors of Chixiao and Yuxiao.

After all, a gentle Dongzhu would be more beneficial to them and Lin.

Fu Yunlu finally chose to give up his position as the master of the cave and left Xuling Cave Sky.

Now that I think about it, his departure was due to his unwillingness to tear his face with Lu Sheng Dongzhu, his unwillingness to completely cut off the relationship with Li Sijin, and the factors that caused Chi Xiao and Yu Xiao to fiddle with right and wrong.

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