Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2887: Tianxing Hengsha

Chapter 2887 The Star Hengsha

"Xia Yuanjia, since you know Tianxing Hengsha, then you can feel its power!" Lin Shuzhi looked indifferent, and did not feel grief because of Lin's heavy losses.

On the contrary, it was Lin Jingwei who was beside him, with a look of anger, and shouted: "Quickly activate Tianxing Hengsha, break the battle formation of the Shura God and kill Xia Yuanjia."


The Lin family powerhouses on 108 peaks quickly began to cast spells.

Among them, several **** kings such as Lin Xuanshan are headed.

They mobilized the power of the Lin family's powerful men to urge Tianxing Hengsha, only to see the light curtain that originally shrouded the 108 peaks, rapidly changing.

"court death!"

Xia Yuanjia was not afraid, urging the power of Shura phantom, and blasted forward with a punch.

At the same time, the light curtain outside the 108 peaks quickly turned into a huge palm, and suddenly shot out.

With one punch and one palm, they collided together with amazing power.


In the sky-shaking roar, Xia Yuanjia's fist-gang, which had always come like a broken bamboo, was disintegrated. Looking back at the huge palm, he continued to push forward.

At the moment of crisis, Xia Yuanjia swept back, and Shura Xuying blocked his arms in front of Xia Yuanjia, to withstand the impact of this power for him.

The air wave rolled and the palm screamed.

In the shocked eyes of people, the indomitable Shura phantom was actually retreating one after another.

With every step back, a footprint like a sinkhole will be left on the ground, shocking and shocking.

And in front of Shura Void, the original huge palm quickly changed and turned into a sharp and unmatched divine sword, bursting out.

The awakening from watching the battle couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Lin's Heavenly Star Hengsha is indeed a second-grade god-given artifact, possessing an extremely impressive power, and in terms of its form, it is somewhat similar to the Dark God Flow, and its attacks are unpredictable and unpredictable.

Just as he was awakening and preparing to take action to stop the murder for Xia Yuanjia, with a loud shout, a simple oven appeared in Xia Yuanjia's hand.

The oven swelled up against the storm and quickly zoomed in. The whole body was bronze, as if it were made of some unknown bronze.


Xia Yuanjia screamed, dragging the quaint bronze oven with both hands, and bombarding forward.

After the battle of the gods of Shura Tushen was deployed, the power he could mobilize was very large, and he could naturally release the power of the bronze oven. I saw the bronze oven carrying a terrifying aura, colliding with that sharp sword. Are together.


In an instant, there was a huge roar.

Two extremely powerful forces collided in the sky, but soon, dense cracks appeared on the sharp sword, and then collapsed.

However, the divine sword after the disintegration did not dissipate, but turned into countless grains of sand.

Those sand grains gleamed like stars, looking very beautiful and dreamy, but they were full of tyrannical power.

Soon, the countless sand particles quickly gathered, and wave after wave of impact on the bronze oven, and on the bronze oven, it released a monstrous might, and the two forces kept colliding and roaring. Absolutely.

"Sura Oven!"

"Second Grade Heavenly Granted Sacred Artifact of Mount Xiuluo."

At this time, people have also recognized the origin of the bronze oven.

This is not too surprising, after all, Xia Yuanjia is the son of Shura, and now he has become the king of gods, and it is normal to carry the Shura oven to fight.

"Heaven and earth are furnaces, good fortune is work, yin and yang are charcoal, and everything is copper..."

At a certain moment, Xia Yuanjia made a magnificent voice, and he himself took a step forward and stood at the top of the Asura oven, like the undefeated God of War, with boundless shores.

Afterwards, a monstrous fire broke out from the cultivation oven and rolled in all directions.

Wherever it went, Tianxing Hengsha was quickly shaken out, and was crushed like a rotten one. However, they were not crushed, but were taken back by Lin Xuanshan and others.

As a second-grade god-given artifact, it is not so easy to be destroyed, it is very strong and can be called immortal.

But this collision obviously ended in Lin's failure.

Just as Xia Yuanjia was about to continue his attack, the voice of awakening sounded: "Lao Xia, it's okay."

Although he was full of confidence in Xia Yuanjia, knowing that the latter could defeat the Lin family in one fell swoop, but on that main peak, there were nine people including Lin Shuzhi standing, and each of them possessed the level of battle strength of the second-order **** king.

Those people would certainly not sit back and watch Xia Yuanjia slaughter Lin's high-levels.

Awakening did not want Xia Yuanjia to be in danger, the latter's attack this time had already severely frustrated Lin's spirit.

"Okay!" Xia Yuanjia didn't force it. He also knew the risk of forcing a shot. However, he didn't disarm the battle of the gods of the Shura Slaughter and was ready to go back to the battlefield at any time.

The countless cultivators who watched the battle in the nearby area did not extinguish their blood because of the temporary stop of fighting.

Everyone knows that the real confrontation has not yet begun.

The battle between Su Xing and Lin Shuzhi, Xing Mingyang and others is today's battle. The most critical link is that whoever wins on both sides can have the last laugh and become the ultimate winner.

Even the big figures above the clouds, such as Fang Chi, the master of the Jade Palace, Tuobahu, the master of the Imperial God Sect, and Lu Tongtian, the master of the Five Elements Temple, have a sense of solemnity in their expressions at this moment.

And Kong Xuanye, who was hiding in the dark, and the others, also looked serious.

On the contrary, the two of Wake and Lin Shuzhi, their expressions are still calm.

Lin Shuzhi said: "It doesn't make much sense to fight for so long, wake up, you want to kill me, and I am here, so, should you do it?"

At this time, Lin's high-level powerhouses had already retreated behind the main peak.

Lin Shuzhi, Xing Mingyang, Lin Jingwei, and the six patriarchs of the six tribes stood on the main peak, facing the awakening, and were already ready to fight.

Or maybe it is, please enter the urn.

"Old Su, there are special restrictions hidden in Cangwu Mountain. I am afraid that if you step into it, it will be difficult to come out again." Xia Yuanjia looked at Suwa and couldn't help but remind.

"Xia Yuanjia was right. Lin Shuzhi made it clear that he wanted to lure you over. He may have found a way to restrain your physical strength. You have to be careful." Li Sijin also said.

"It's ok!"

The wakeful expression shook his head calmly, and then took a step forward, standing within the boundary of Cangwu Mountain.

"You finally came in."

Upon seeing this, Lin Shuzhi's face showed a successful conspiracy smile, "Wake up, since you are so confident, then pay the due price for this confidence!"

"Fold the sky and lock the earth, the nine-yuan dragon pillar, get up!"

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