Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2876: Never hired

Chapter 2877 Never Hire

Su Xing was not interested in discussing with the cave master Lu Sheng. Regarding the topic of the Nine Tribulations Tianjiao, he said straightforwardly: "How does the cave master plan to deal with me? Expel Xuling Cave Sky?"

Lu Sheng did not answer directly, but said: "Wake up, do you care about Xuling Cave Sky in your heart?"

Wake up and said flatly: "Isn't this kind of thing always mutual?"

Lu Sheng said, "So you let the situation develop and are too lazy to explain something, just to test my attitude? If I don't keep you, you will leave Xuling Cave, right?"

Waking up noncommittal without explanation.

Although because of Luo Qingxue's sake, he has always regarded the Xiantian Daochang as a goal, but he also has his own arrogance in his heart.

He will not abandon his dignity and ask Dong Master Lu Sheng to let him stay in Xuling Cave.

Anyway, he is now the arrogant of the Nine Tribulations, and Xuling Cave Heaven is not needed, and the congenital dojo does not accept it, there will still be a lot of forces who want to earn him under his command.

You're welcome, I don't want to stay here, there is a place to stay.

"Xuling Dongtian really can't keep you." Cave Master Lu Sheng said, this is a direct showdown.

"Okay!" Su Xing frowned, but didn't say much, cherishing words like gold.

"This matter, in fact, has nothing to do with the Lin family." Dongzhu Lu Sheng naturally saw the unpleasantness of waking up, and explained: "In fact, long before I entered the Dead Soul Sea, I had already submitted it to the Xiantian Daochang for you to go to the Southern God Realm. Application."

"I know that between you and the Lin family, sooner or later, fire and water will not tolerate, but I have already seen your extraordinary talents. I want you to go to the Southern God Realm as soon as possible. You will not be under the same roof with the Lin family. There will be no conflicts anymore."

"However, when I came back this time, I found that the application I submitted was rejected by Xiantian Daochang."

Wake up startled.

Such an answer really exceeded his expectations.

"What is the reason for Xiantian Dojo's rejection?" Su Xing asked.

"I don't know." Lu Sheng stared deeply at awakening, and then said: "On the rejected document, there are only four words, never hire!"

"Never hire?" Su Xing's eyes sank, and her brows frowned involuntarily.

Simple four words, but with a ruthless taste, completely blocked his path, without any chance.

"Wake up, did you offend someone in Xiantian Daochang?" Lu Sheng looked at Wake up, and said with emotion: "The application documents I have submitted are no longer a few, but there has never been a reason for rejection like yours. "

"Dong master has the heart." Su Xing did not explain anything, but bowed to the cave master Lu Sheng.

Although Dongzhu Lu Sheng did not make any choice between him and the Lin family, and did not give him support, the other party did indeed consider him sincerely.

A few years ago, he began to apply for him to go to the Xiantian Dojo.

Awakening has always been a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. This favor will naturally be written down.

"On the Lin family, Lin Jingwei is not a difficult person to deal with. The real threat comes from the two ancestors of the Lin family, Lin Chixiao and Lin Yuxiao."

Dong Master Lu Sheng paused, and then said: "Although I came forward today and forcibly stopped your fight with Lin Jingwei, I can only give you a copy and take the opportunity to leave."

Su Xing understands what Dong Master Lu Sheng meant. If he really fought Lin Jingwei today, then the two ancestors of Lin's Chi Xiao and Yu Xiao might not be able to sit still, and it is likely to participate.

Because of this, Dongzhu Lu's actions today can be regarded as resolving a crisis for awakening.

However, even if the cave master Lu Sheng does not appear, he will have the confidence to leave Xuling Cave Sky and return to the Nine Changes of the Void Realm, making him extremely flexible. Whether to leave or stay depends entirely on his heart.

Lord Lu Sheng was afraid of waking up and was unwilling to reconcile, so he counseled: "Wake up, with your talent, you can go to the Southern God Realm first, then you will have more choices, don't worry about where you will go in the future."

"Dongzhu, I want you to promise me a few things." Su Xing said suddenly.

"You said." Lu Sheng said.

"First, since you don't intervene in the fight between me and the Lin family, then never intervene." Wake up said straightforwardly: "Secondly, my friends, Ding Xi, Kerr and others, need to enter the Xiantian Taoist Temple."

"Okay! I can promise you." Lu Sheng nodded, and added: "It doesn't matter if Dingxi and the others can go to the Xiantian Dojo, I can only help them submit the application documents."

"It's okay." Su Xing said.

He believed that with the talents of Ding Xi and others, it was not difficult to go to the Xiantian Taoist Temple, and "Never Hire" was only aimed at him alone and would not affect Ding Xi and the others.

Since I can't go to the Xiantian Taoist Temple, wake up will not let Ding Xi and the others continue to follow him.

In addition, he also wanted Ding Xi and the others to take care of Luo Qingxue.

Moreover, Li Yixiao and Murongyan are now in the Xiantian Taoist Temple. If they are there, they will naturally take care of Ding Xi and others.


Su wake did not say anything, turned and left Yuexing Hall.

Soon after, when he returned to Tianlongyuan, he saw Li Sijin waiting for him here.

"How is it? What did the cave owner say?" Li Sijin asked.

"Aunt Li, I may have to leave Xuling Cave." Su Xing said.

Li Sijin's expression changed, and he asked, "Is this what the Lord Lu Sheng meant?"

Su Xing shook his head and said, "This is what I meant."

There were many secrets involved in this incident, and he couldn't fully inform Li Sijin, and he didn't want the other party to go down to find Dongzhu Lu Sheng and cause something unpleasant.

"Su Xing, why are you doing this? If you leave Xuling Cave Sky now, do you know what the outside will say? Lin will definitely not let it go and take the opportunity to slander you."

"Also, the patriarchs of the six major tribes have all come to the Central Continent. I don't know how many gods are hidden in secret. Once you step out of the Yuxu Sky, murderous opportunities will come!"

Li Sijin was in a hurry, for fear of awakening and frivolous.

"Aunt Li, I am not impulsive, but have my own plans." Su Xing shook his head and said: "The identity of Xuling Dongtian Supreme Daozi can protect me, but it will also bring fetters."

"Without this identity, I have no scruples about Lin and other people."

Li Sijin thought about it carefully, and realized that this is really the case, she immediately said: "Then I will also withdraw from Xuling Dongtian, one more person, always one more helper."

"Aunt Li, don't." Su Xing hurriedly shook his head.

"I'm not acting impulsively. The sky in the Xuling Caverns is almost covered by Lin's hand. The old lady feels aggrieved when she stays, so it's better to leave." Li Sijin said.

"Aunt Li, Xuling Dongtian doesn't belong to the Lin family. When the Lin family is destroyed, you won't feel aggrieved." Su wakes up.

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