Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2857: Huang Tu Ba Fist

Chapter 2857 Huangtuba Fist


The awakening offensive was thunderous, constantly exerting pressure on the emperor.

The emperor's boxing techniques seem simple, but in fact they are extremely delicate, giving people a sense of simplicity.

However, at the level of power explosion, he was still weaker than Awakening after all.

And after waking up in the space jump, to a certain extent, it also made up for the lack of boxing.

At a certain moment, Awaken finally broke through the emperor's defenses and hit the opponent's spine dragon with a heavy blow. The majestic power vented away, and the roots of the emperor's spine dragon shattered.

This is a fatal blow.

Also in line with the characteristics of physical combat.

Fighting in close combat is a dangerous and unusual thing. Both sides are walking on the tip of the knife, and if they are not careful, they will lose all the games.

The emperor's body burst into light, and finally turned into a stream of light, suspended in the void.

When he woke up and explored his hands, the stream of light flew into his body. He closed his eyes and realized it quietly. After a while, his eyebrows stretched and a faint smile appeared on his face.

He did not expect that this time there would be extra gains.

The stream of light after the emperor's fall is full of his unique knowledge, that is, the kind of physical combat skill called "Huangtuba Boxing."

Huangtuba Boxing is powerful and unmatched, with a total of nine styles.

What the emperor had previously used was the first three forms, the emperor’s hegemony, the eternal power, and the emperor’s power. Although powerful, the most terrifying is the latter six.

However, those six forms also have extremely high requirements for physical strength, and cannot reach the power of 3 million dragons, and they cannot be cultivated at all.

If you practice forcibly, your body will collapse first because it cannot withstand the impact of strength.

In addition, the streamer after the emperor's fall is the source of extremely pure physical essence. After being absorbed, it will greatly benefit the awakened physical quality.

His physical strength was steadily rising, the strength of 1.3 million dragons, 1.4 million dragons, and 1.5 million dragons before it stopped.

He woke up and looked excited, and felt a lot stronger than before.

This robbery so far, although there are many thrills, but he has also obtained many benefits.

The physical power has grown from the original power of 1 million dragons to the current power of 1.5 million dragons.

The realm of cultivation was also a breakthrough, and he successfully passed through the seven difficulties.

With the power of 1.5 million dragons in a pure body, the level of combat power that can be obtained is infinitely close to the first-order peak of the Divine Lord Realm. Coupled with the eruption of the Divine Power of the Seven Difficulties, the current comprehensive combat power has been awakened and entered the Divine Lord Realm. The first-order peak.

He raised his head and looked at the eighth heaven, Yu Qingtian, like a torch.


Accompanied by a sky-shaking roar, he awakened and broke through the clouds, standing above Yuqingtian.

There are many auspicious clouds floating in the Yuqing sky, giving people a very sacred and peaceful feeling.

At a certain moment, among the auspicious clouds, an old man wearing a Taoist suit, holding a whisk, walked towards awakening, his speed was not fast, but within a few steps, he appeared not far from awakening. Place.

"Poor Dao Yuqing!" The old man looked peaceful and peaceful, with a faint smile on his face, looking very polite.

"Taoist Yuqing?" Su Xing nodded, "How are you going to stop me from crossing the sky?"

"Young man, it's better to tell me first, why are you going through the heavens?" Taoist Yuqing said with a smile.

"People don't succumb to fate, so they begin to practice, and they are part of the practice. So in the final analysis, they still want to change their destiny through their own efforts." Su Xing replied.

"But as a god, you already have endless life, and you live with the sky, and your destiny is already in your own hands. What else do you need to change?" Taoist Yuqing said.

"Although the gods have endless lifespan, they will age, but they will not die when they reach old age." Su Xing shook his head and said, "I don't like that feeling. It's like lying in a coffin all day, but I can't die. Falling, always hanging half a breath."

"Moreover, I also have many things that I need to rely on strong forces to do."

Taoist Yuqing nodded, "Then can you tell me what is the specific reason?"

Wake up and said: "Because my mother is empty..."

The word "Void" hasn't been spoken yet, it just flashed through his awakening mind, and his whole person is an agitated spirit, as if he suddenly awakened from some lost state.

His gaze swept towards the Taoist Yuqing like electricity, and the latter unexpectedly let him follow the Tao, subconsciously opening his heart to communicate with him.

If it weren't for the word emptiness, which involved the female emperor emptiness, there seemed to be a special force in the Mingming that pulled the awakening back from the lost state. He would hardly have any secrets in front of Taoist Yuqing.

"The eighth heaven, also known as the'Wen Xin Tian', young man, you are here, ask the original heart!" Taoist Yuqing finished, waving the whisk in his hand, and awakening is a sense of mystery. And the special power poured into his body.

"Are you coming?" Su Xing's eyes sank, and he immediately clung to his heart.

He has already noticed the difficulty of the eighth heaven. This level can be called the "heart demon pass."

Once all the secrets in a person's heart are exposed, it is easy for others to find weaknesses, and the inner demon can use those weaknesses to perform heavy attacks.

In the end, the robber will die under the heart demon.

Wake tried to run the cultivation base to dispel the mysterious power in his body, but found that he couldn't do it, but his willpower was amazing. Once he had the heart to defend himself, that mysterious power would be difficult for a while.

Taoist Yuqing showed a look of surprise, unexpectedly awakening his powerful willpower.

At a certain moment, two rays of light burst into the pupils of the awakening eyes, and then the figure behind flashed, and quickly rushed towards the Taoist Yuqing, blasting out with a palm in the air.


Taoist Yuqing was extremely fast, his body exploded with a bang, and soon regrouped in the distance.

It is difficult to cause any harm to him when he is a normal person, but when the figure of Taoist Yuqing just condenses, he wakes up behind him.

"Your speed is indeed good, but it is not faster than space power." When the leisurely voice sounded, Reawakening punched out, tearing Taoist Yuqing's body.

At the same time, the mysterious power that penetrated into his body also dissipated.

Su Xing realized that he had rushed past Yu Qingtian.

There was no fierce battle in this level, but in the calm, there were many murderous opportunities hidden. Once the Taoist Taoist Yuqing was awakened, or the mysterious power broke into the inner world, then It's dangerous.

In fact, the level of Yu Qingtian was jealous by countless people who crossed the robbery.

Historically, there were a large number of robbers who fell into the heavens.

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