Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2854: Emperor

Chapter 2854: The Emperor

The sixth heaven is Baoxintian.

The whole Baoxintian colored glaze is like a brilliant world of light.

Awakened standing in the sky, looking around, but did not see the figure of the true spirit god, as if this treasure heart would not encounter any danger in the day.

However, at a certain moment, he felt that an extremely dangerous breath approached.

When he turned his head, he was optimistic about the light of countless colored glazes, rushing towards him, as if to drown him, swallow him, and pull him into the bottomless abyss.

He woke up and patted his hands suddenly.

The power of 1.2 million dragons broke out in an all-round way, and Zhang Jin set off a terrible gust of wind, sweeping towards the front, blowing the light of countless colored glazes back and forth.

Su Xing frowned slightly, this level of attack was a bit of a play.

Moreover, the sense of danger in his heart has not subsided.


Suddenly, a ray of light appeared under his feet, and a **** of light pierced at an extremely fast speed, and finally with a bang, it shot through the awakened body and burst open.

However, there was no godless blood splattered.

I saw the awakened body quickly dissipated, it turned out to be just an afterimage.

At the moment of crisis, Wake used space to jump, avoiding the deadly arrow, and he followed the arrow to capture the breath of the person shooting the arrow behind him.


A heavy shadow of the legs covered it, covering all the places in a radius of hundreds of miles.

Accompanied by a huge roar, I don’t know how many bright rays of light were torn apart, revealing a ball of light. The ball of light seemed to be intertwined with countless **** patterns, and it was like the birthplace of light, full of extremely mysterious aura. .

"The God of Baoxin True Spirit?" Waking startled.

Starting from the first heaven, the true spirit body he encountered, no matter how tall the body is, but the whole is still human, but the **** of treasure heart true spirit looks like a light group, which is amazing.

"Swish swish!"

Countless light arrows burst out from the light group.

Every arrow contains very terrifying power, and the speed is even faster to the extreme.

If the awakening does not control the space avenue, it is impossible to avoid such a sky attack, but there is no if in this world...


Awakening continuously performed space jumps, approaching the God of Baoxin True Spirit.

No matter what form the opponent is, he has only one thing to do, crush it.

Space Avenue makes the awakened figure become too flexible, making the opponent unable to defend against. Once the distance between the two parties is close, it is the time for the physical power to show the power of terror.

The power of Baoxin True Spirit is very powerful, and as a light group, it itself is extremely flexible.

In addition, its attack methods are more varied.

When the distance between the two parties is far, the **** of treasure heart true spirit will use a light arrow to kill, and once the distance is close, dozens of arms will be extended in that light group.

Some arms held weapons such as knives, guns, swords, and halberds, while others simply raised their fists to kill.

This is a very hard bone.

Even if he awakened with all his strength, it was a fierce battle for more than a thousand rounds, and finally he narrowly defeated the God of Baoxin True Spirit, crushing the light group with one palm, and torn to pieces.

While waking up, he was absorbing the pure energy in Baoxintian days, supplementing his body's consumption, and improving his cultivation, while raising his head, he looked towards the seventh heaven, the emperor.

The seventh, eighth, and ninth cupolas are the Emperor Heaven, Yuqing Heaven, and Taiwei Heaven respectively.

As the last three heavens in the nine heavens, he has always been mysterious and unpredictable. Only the great figures in the realm of the ancestors can climb on it and get a glimpse of it.

At this time, Su Xing couldn't see the specific situation in the upper emperor's sky clearly, but felt an extremely dangerous aura.

As if there was a big horror there, stepping into it, it was the end of the bones.

His will is like a sword, his mood is like a rock, without the slightest fear, his eyes are deep and calm, step by step up to the sky, and soon he will stand in the heaven.

The scene in the upper emperor heaven is completely different from the previous six heavens.

This is a wonderful place, filled with a sense of peace and sacredness, and in the most central area of ​​the Emperor Tian, ​​there are a group of towering palaces.

The temples are clustered and dotted, one after another, like a heavenly palace, revealing a sacred and majestic aura.

Su Xing Fei came to the front of the palace, along the wide white jade stone steps, picking up the steps, not rushing nor slow, looking calm, but the aura on his body is invisible, constantly climbing.

I don't know how many stone steps I have walked, and finally awakened to stop and stand in front of an extremely majestic palace.

The palace has a total of twelve gates, all of which are open, and the scene inside is also unobstructed.

The carved beams and painted buildings are magnificent and magnificent, and everything exudes precious light.

And on that tall dragon chair, there was a person sitting right upright, wearing a golden dragon robe, handsome and upright, with a stalwart body, like an unattainable mountain.

There was no killing intent in his gaze, only an aura of no anger and majesty.

He is like a lofty emperor, enjoying the worship of hundreds of millions of people every day, possessing monstrous power.

"It's been a long time since there has been a climber to the sky. Finally, there is another one. I hope you can go through a few tricks in my hands." The person on the dragon chair said, seeming to be talking to himself, but his eyes fell. Wake up.

"Who are you?" Waking up wasn't too surprising. The other party had a sense of autonomy. After all, it was not the first time he encountered this kind of thing.

"I sit in the town and go to the emperor, naturally I am the emperor. Don't you understand such a simple matter?"

"The emperor?" Su Xing's eyes narrowed. This kind of appellation reveals a lot of extraordinary, not everyone can claim it, without a certain chance and luck, rashly calling himself emperor will definitely not end well.

"Okay! Take me a move!" The emperor was obviously not interested in continuing the conversation, and he said softly, "Emperor Tu domineering!"

When the voice fell, the emperor slammed out with a simple and direct punch, but a terrible power emerged, carrying an unmatched domineering aura.

Wake quickly shot, a palm knife cut straight down.

A huge crack appeared in the void where the knife passed, shocking.

However, when the emperor's fist gang rolled over, the void crack quickly dissipated, and the power contained in the awakening sword was also shaken away.

And the emperor's boxing gang, it is like a broken bamboo, rolling over.


Su Xing stopped his hands in front of him, but couldn't stop the opponent's punch, his body flew backwards uncontrollably, and finally fell on a white jade square.

With him as the center, the entire white jade square cracked, and numerous huge cracks emerged.

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