Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2846: Terrible physical power

The 2846th chapter terrible physical power

Qi Huan joined the battle and blocked the killing for the grandfather of the Xing family.

Upon seeing this, the ancestor of the Xing family quickly took many miraculous healing medicines, forced out the remaining sword energy in the body, and quickly recovered from the injury.

Although the sword that Awakening just penetrated through the body of the Xing family's ancestor, it was weakened by the nine light wheels after all, so it was unable to cause fatal trauma to the Xing family's ancestor, and recovery became much easier.

Not long after, the ancestor of the Xing family recovered from his injuries, and then joined the battle again.

Two ancestor-level **** kings, they besieged and awakened together.

Such a scene is shocking.

"Xing Dagou, you really don't need any old faces. Is this the so-called Celestial Clan?" Li Sijin shouted, his face full of anger, and couldn't help but want to help wake up.

However, the qi of her, Yu Yang, and Lao Ma were all locked in by the three gods of the Jade Palace.

From the corner of Guang Yao's eyes, he never left them.

This makes them unable to shoot at all.

Strong activists, not only can't help wake up, but even make the scene more chaotic.

"Master Su can do it." Lao Ma said, relieved Li Sijin.

"Lao Ma, do you know something?" Li Sijin asked.

"I don't know anything, didn't I just come back from the Dead Sea with you?" Old Ma shook his head, and said again: "However, Young Master Su is not a reckless person. He must be certain that he dared to make a move. "

Upon hearing this, Li Sijin and Yu Yang were silent for a while.

They know more about Lao Ma than ordinary people. The latter seems simple and stupid, but is a wise and foolish generation, and they can often see more than other people.

In the sky, the awakened figure turned into a blue light and rushed straight to the top of the sky.

The ancestors of the Xing family and Qi Huan swiftly chased them up, and the ancestors of the Xing family once again showed nine rounds of light and three spears of heavenly punishment, which appeared in the center of the nine lights.

The emergence of the Spear of Heaven's Punishment has greatly increased the overall power of the Nine Light Wheels and has both offensive and defensive capabilities.

And beside Qi Huan, there emerged a sea of ​​endless divine light, called "the sea of ​​divine light", which was a very powerful town clan's unique knowledge of the Qi family.

What is even more frightening is that in that sea of ​​divine light, a dark golden light flickers, like a real dragon.

That was the Qi family's heavenly punishment profound strength, the profound golden dragon light.

As the ancestor of the Qi family, Qi Huan perfectly combined the Qi family's Heavenly Punishment profound strength with the Heavenly Granted Divine Art that he had learned, so that his power surged and he possessed terrible lethality.


Terrible power fluctuations emerged from the heart of heaven.

The nine light wheels vacated, and the sea of ​​divine light covered the sky and the sun. The scene was terrifying.

However, even if the great ancestor of the Xing family and Qi Huan joined forces, they still couldn't defeat the awakening. He showed extremely strong resilience and could always block the opponent's attack time and time again.

The surging divine power rushed in the body of the awakening body, and the sword light roared horizontally and horizontally.

"Nine rounds open the sky!" The ancestor of the Xing family roared, pushing his hands forward, and in an instant, the nine light wheels rushed to awakening together with three spears of heaven punishment.

Wherever he went, the void oscillated, and the infinite divine power surged.

Especially those three Heavenly Punishment Spears, after being blessed by the power of the nine light wheels, became extremely terrifying, like three peerless soldiers, as if they had slaughtered countless gods.

He awakened and stood in the void, without avoiding it, even, he let go of the Tianque Broken Sword and let it float by his side.

Then, in the horrified eyes of the ancestor of the Xing family, he woke up and reached out and grabbed the three spears of Heaven's Punishment. In an instant, terrible power emerged.


The three Heaven's Punishment Spears kept humming, trying to break free.

However, no matter how they struggled, it was just useless. When they woke up, they squeezed with a big hand, and saw a few clicks, and the three heavenly punishment spears broke in response.

"how can that be?"

Grand Ancestor Xing's eyes widened, even if he was wounded by awakening before, he had never been so shocked.

It was the Heaven's Punishment Spear. It was the thing that came into being after he had absorbed the Heaven's Punishment profound strength. It was indestructible and possessed very powerful power. How could it be broken directly?

Awakening ignored it, put away the broken spear of Heaven's Punishment, then clenched a fist with one hand, and shot forward.

The flesh **** king can kill with one blow even if he is not close to others.

The terrifying physical power turned into an invisible shock wave, and quickly rushed forward. The ancestor of the Xing family was shocked, and hurriedly recalled the nine light wheels to resist the power of this punch.

However, the powerful defensive power of the Nine Light Wheels also lost its effect at this moment.

In a series of roars, the nine light wheels shattered one after another.

Then the fist gang stepped forward layer by layer, tearing the ancestor of the Xing family's body protection light, all the power was vented on him.


Accompanied by the roar, the ancestor of the Xing family was constantly knocked into the air, the bones of the whole body followed closely, the flesh and blood were turned into powder, the vitality of the body was shaken, and the dignified king of God also fell instantly.

At this moment, Qi Huan's sea of ​​divine light shrouded.

Awakening did not evade, just standing in the sea of ​​divine light so grandly, bombarding one after another, the power of each punch made the sea of ​​divine light violently shake.

The mysterious golden dragon light hidden in the sea of ​​divine light was shaken out before it got close to him.

After counting the punches, the Sea of ​​Divine Light was torn apart, turned into endless rays of light and exploded, while the awakened figure swiftly swept away and hit Qi Huan with a punch.

The terrible power poured down, Qi Huan's body was shaken, and then in countless shocked eyes, he burst into a cloud of blood.

The world fell silent.

The entire Yuxu City became elegant and silent.

Everyone looked at the sky, that tall and majestic figure was shocked and inexplicable.

The ancestors of the Xing family and Qi Huan, the two ancestor-level **** kings, all possess them. The cultivation base of the middle stage of the **** king realm was awakened by siege and killing. The final result was that they were awakened with a sharp punch. kill?

This is incredible.

Even if the facts are in front of them, even if the blood of the king of Xing family and Qi Huan has not been dried, it is still difficult for people to accept.

I don't know how long it has passed before everyone gradually recovered.

"The Flesh God King!"

"Wake up, he actually became the king of flesh!"

"It turns out that this is his trump card today. No wonder he dared to call Guangyao and kill the Xing family ancestor and Qi Huan."

At this moment, everyone has suddenly realized.

The physical strength is very easy to distinguish. When he wakes up and punches, everyone feels it. That unmatched powerful force is the power of a million true dragons, enough to swallow the king.

Compared with the cultivation of the title of the king, the physical body reaches the power of a million dragons, and it is more difficult to claim the king of the flesh body.

But once you succeed, you can get more feedback.

In terms of combat power, the physical **** king is significantly ahead of the ordinary **** king, and the awakening cultivation is the moon **** constellation, which is even more extraordinary. Even if it exists in the late stage of the **** king realm like Guangyao, he is a big fight. .

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