Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2844: Wake up

Chapter 2844 Awakening Appears

The sword light was like electricity, flew away from Yuxu City, appeared in front of Li Sijin at a very fast speed, and then burst out at the Thousand Star Seal displayed by the ancestor of the Xing family.


Along with the sky-shaking roar, the endless light burst.

The air waves blasted into the sky and the wind raged.

Sword Qi whistled in a vertical and horizontal direction, and quickly swept forward, tearing and obliterating the Qianxing Seal.

This sudden change made everyone shocked.

When the aftermath of power dissipated, a broken sword appeared in the void in front of Li Sijin. Although there was no blade, it gave people an indescribable sense of sharpness.

The **** king in the sky, the countless gods in Yuxu City, all looked at that broken sword.

"That's the saber that wakes up."

"Yes! That's the broken sword. I've seen it before. Wake up killed more than one false king with that broken sword."

Many people recognized Tianque Broken Sword.

With the awakening of the sea of ​​fame, the reputation of Tianque Broken Sword has also risen.

Everyone looked at a floating island in Yuxu City at the same time, and saw a figure striding to the sky, young in appearance, dressed in black, slender, and calm and calm.

However, in the seemingly calm eyes, there are strands of cold light swaying.

"Su...wake up!"

Everyone's face was filled with shock that was hard to hide.

Who could have imagined that the Xing Family, Qi Family, Xuling Dongtian, and other forces were looking for awakening, but he had already arrived in Yuxu City?

This is typical black under the lamp.

More importantly, the perceptive power of the **** king is extremely powerful, and it is by no means an easy task to conceal it from them and enter Yuxu City silently.

However, this is not too difficult for waking up.

He has too many ways to hide his whereabouts, just enter the Chaos Pond, and then let others take the Chaos Pond into the Yuxu City.

Many of the Bai's deity guards in the Chaos Pool and the masters of Mount Asura were not paid attention to by the **** king, which was enough to deceive people.


The awakened figure walked through the large array of Yuxu City and climbed into the sky step by step.

The confrontation has been suspended, and Li Sijin, Yu Yang, and Lao Ma flew to awaken one after another, Tianque Broken Sword also returned to the awakened hand, and the sword glowed like water.

"You kid can really hide!" Li Sijin came to Su Xing, punched his chest with a smile on his face.

"Master Su!" The old horse greeted Su Xing with a smile, "I heard that you have been to the Moon Church. Have you seen the young master?"

"I saw it." Su Xing smiled and nodded, then looked at Yu Yang: "Elder Yu, don't come here without problems."

"Xia Yuanjia and they are okay?" Yu Yang asked with a smile.

"All good!" Su Xing said, there is not much friendship between him and Yu Yang, knowing that the reason why the other party is willing to get involved in this matter is mainly for Xia Yuanjia and others.

"That's good." Yu Yang nodded, looking up and down to wake up.

Li Sijin, Lao Ma, and even Guangyao's deputy palace lord, Xing family grandfather, Qi Huan, and others, all focused their sights on the awakened body, as if to see him through.

Regarding the matter of awakening and possessing the battle power of the **** king, all the **** kings present have only heard about it, and have not seen it with their own eyes.

When the sword soared into the sky just now, Suwaken himself did not show up either.

Therefore, in everyone's heart, there is a bit of curiosity about how to wake up and possess the power of the king.

But even a group of divine kings with old-fashioned eyes can't see through awakening at a glance. Everyone just feels a dangerous aura from awakening.

As for the others, it needs to be gradually understood through confrontation.

"Xiao Nihu, who has been a turtle for so many days, is finally willing to show up?" The ancestor of the Xing family took the lead to speak, breaking the calm, with an ironic expression on his face.

He naturally felt that he hadn't shown up after waking up, and he didn't dare to come out.

Otherwise, why hadn't he been to Yuxu City so long that he never showed up?

In fact, even Li Sijin and Yu Yang thought so, but they would not say it, but expressed their understanding. After all, even if Awakening had the power of the **** king, it was enchanting enough, but in the face of many older **** kings, some Shyness is also normal.

Su Xing did not explain anything, and ignored the ancestors of the Xing family. Instead, he said to Li Sijin, Yu Yang, and Lao Ma: "Thank you three more for helping Qingshui Lin and Qiu to resolve the crisis."

He did not expect this incident.

He underestimated the shamelessness of the Xing family and the Qi family. The dignified **** king would actually do something to a group of ordinary gods.

"Master Su is polite." Old Ma smiled honestly and didn't care.

"Wake up, today's situation is very unfavorable for us." Li Sijin said in a deep voice. Even if she wakes up, she feels that it is difficult to change the current situation.

After all, get rid of the Xing family ancestor and Qi Huan, there are four Jade Palace.

Especially the Deputy Palace Master Guangyao, who was in the late stage of the Divine King Realm, had the highest cultivation base in the audience.

"It's okay!" Su Xing shook his head and didn't say much, but it seemed that he didn't particularly care about the situation in front of him, giving people a sense of confidence.

"Boy, do you think it's useful not to speak? Since you show up today, don't even think about seeing the sun tomorrow." The Xing Family Grand Ancestor spoke again.

He was awake and ignored it, which obviously made him very unhappy, and his face became cold.

"The people who died in my Qi family need an explanation. I will hold your head and go to their grave to pay homage to them." Qi Huan said, his voice filled with murderous intent.

"I actually think that you two can choose a place to bury your body near Yuxu City. This is also worthy of you. Your status as a **** king." Su Xing said lightly.

"Wake up so strong, I thought he would be soft."

"His tit-for-tat confrontation will only lead the situation to a more uncontrollable direction. Once the ancestors of the Xing family and Qi Huan are angry, they will eventually affect us."

"Does he not care about the survival of Yuxu City? Is he still worthy of being the Supreme Daoist?"

In Yuxu City, there was a lot of discussion.

Many people want to wake up and bow their heads to be soft. Even if it cannot be resolved peacefully in the end, they must let the matter end where they wake up, and not allow the situation to expand and cause others to suffer.

Sure enough, the faces of the grandfather of the Xing family and Qi Huan became very ugly again.

At this time, Guang Yao, who had never spoken, said indifferently: "Your mouth is quite hard, but if you are really hard, why don't you show up earlier and keep hiding?"

"Do you think you can continue to do whatever you want with Yu Yang, the woodcutter, and Li Sijin by your side?"

"Since the old man is here today, he will definitely ask for justice for the people who died in the Jade Palace. Whether you are the Supreme Daozi or any other status, it will have no effect and will not protect you."

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