Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2836: Pressure

Chapter 2836: Pressure

The ancestor of the Xing family came to the second ancestor's side and looked at the black armored figure together until the opponent disappeared, and finally did not choose to pursue it, trying to tear the opponent's disguise.

They are not sure.

Under the cooperation of the dozens of scarlet figures, it was the King of War God.

And that black armor figure must be stronger.

The ancestor of the Xing family and the second ancestor, there is no need to fight each other life and death, after all, the two sides have no feud.

"Second, although the other party wants to use us, in fact, what he said is also reasonable. Instead of returning to the moon worship, we might as well go directly to Xuling Dongtian." The ancestor of the Xing family said.

"Then go! As long as you can kill and wake up, it doesn't hurt to be used once." The second ancestor of the Xing family said.

"I don't know what's going on in the Qi family?" The ancestor of the Xing family thought for a while, took out a light talisman for transmission and hit it out, a day later, he received a light talisman for transmission.

After reading it, the ancestor of the Xing family looked at the second ancestor and said: "That guy also moved the two of the Qi family."

The second ancestor nodded: "I don't know what the four gods of God Sect think?"

The ancestor of the Xing family said: "With the strength of the two of us, it is enough for the other to wake up, plus the words of the two of the Qi family, it can make the kid hard to escape. As for the Emperor Godzong, whether to come or not, It's not important anymore."

"It's true!" The second ancestor said nothing.

The flying speed of the **** king itself is extremely fast, not to mention that the ancestors of the Xing family and the second ancestors can also use many teleportation formations along the way, which is more convenient.

A few days later, the two set foot on the Central Continent.

They did not deliberately hide their whereabouts, on the contrary, they are happy to make everyone know.

Soon after, the ancestor and second ancestor of the Xing family met the two ancestors of the Qi family, Qi Huan and Qi Yuanqing.

The two parties had already passed the news to each other before, and they were not surprised when they met.

The four went on the road together to Yuxu City.

Outside the Xuling Cave, there is a Yuxu Canopy shrouded in it, possessing a strong defensive power, even the four great ancestors of the Xing family cannot break the Yuxu Canopy.

And even if the Yuxu Sky Curtain is broken, there is a high probability of awakening from the Xuling Cave, and it is useless to go.

Therefore, the four ancestors of the Xing family chose Yuxu City to settle down.

Yuxu City is large in scale and densely populated. It is the most important city of Xuling Cave Sky. There are many industries and wealth in it. It is more conducive for them to walk the news and put pressure on Xuling Cave Sky.

At this time, the news that the four grandparents of the Xing family went to Yuxu City had spread quickly.

Not only the Central Continent, but countless divine cultivators in the entire boundary sea are paying attention to this matter.

The divine cultivators in Yuxu City are even more panicked. The high-level personnel of Xuling Dongtian also feel a great deal of pressure. Before the return of Lu Sheng Dongtian, the four divine kings came together. It is definitely one thing. A sensational thing.

If this matter is not handled properly, it may cause unimaginable consequences.

Finally, the four ancestors of the Xing family arrived in Yuxu City.

Many Liuxuantian elders in the Xuling Cave Sky ran out to greet them. The so-called not to hit the smiley people with their hands, they hoped to resolve this contradiction in this way.

However, this is destined to be impossible.

The Xing family and Qi family suffered heavy losses, so how could they easily let go of their awakening.

Yuxu City, on a floating island.

In the magnificent palace, the ancestors of the Xing family, the second ancestor, Qi Huan, and Qi Yuanqing were seated. Opposite them, there were a dozen six Xuantian elders.

The strength of the elder Liu Xuantian is strong and weak.

At this moment, the dozens of six Xuantian elders are all pseudo-kings. Among them, Lin Xuanshan has the most advanced cultivation base. He is a peak pseudo-king just like the fallen Xing family's third ancestor.

There are three outstanding figures of Lin Xuanzi generation, Lin Xuanji, Lin Xuanxu, and Lin Xuanshan.

Among them, Lin Xuanxu had the highest talent, not only the city lord of Yuxu City, but also the top ten existence on the main **** list. Later, he went to the Dead Soul Sea and is now a **** king.

However, it seems that it has not yet returned.

And Lin Xuanshan, his talent is second only to Lin Xuanxu, although not as long as the three ancestors of the Xing family, but after failing to attack the Divine King Realm, he also became a peak pseudo-king.

The dozens of six Xuantian elders in the palace are naturally headed by Lin Xuanshan.

Lin Xuanshan raised his glass and said to the ancestor of the Xing family: "Xuanshan has admired the great ancestor's reputation for a long time, and today I finally have the fate to see him, here is a glass of respect to the ancestor, please!"

After speaking, he drank all the wine in the glass.

He put his posture very low, regarded himself as a junior, and was polite and polite.

However, on the opposite side of him, the ancestor of the Xing family did not touch the glass, with a cold face, not giving face at all.

The second ancestor of the Xing family sneered and said: "Lin Xuanshan, if people don't talk secretly, you should be very clear that the purpose of our trip is to hand over our awakening. Then we will leave Yuxu City, and the water of the well will not violate the river."

Lin Xuanshan smiled bitterly: "Awakening is the supreme Taoist of our Xuling Dongtian. His position is respected. He is not much shorter than us six Xuantian elders, and we have no right to command him!"

The ancestor of the Xing family said: "Lin Xuanshan, isn't your Lin family's relationship with Awakening, and it's not very good? What are you doing to protect him?"

Lin Xuanshan shook his head and said, "The great ancestor's words are wrong. There is no conflict between our Lin family and Su Xing. If there is, it is just a small misunderstanding. In the final analysis, we still belong to the Xuling Cave."

When the other Six Xuantian elders heard this, they all looked at Lin Xuanshan with some admiration.

Not all Liu Xuantian elders are from the Lin family. Most of the Liu Xuantian elders present are of neutral faction. They originally thought that Lin Xuanshan would take the opportunity to fall into trouble, but the result was unexpected.

"I admire the mind of Elder Xuanshan."

"It's all to blame for waking up, killing too much, making such a big thing, but not showing up, let us wipe our ass."

"How can such a person be worthy of being a supreme Taoist?"

Some Liuxuantian elders couldn't help complaining.

They came to receive the four ancestors of the Xing family today. They were all under tremendous pressure and felt angry in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the Xing family couldn't help but stare deeply at Lin Xuanshan.

Just now, he was still wondering why Lin Xuanshan was so generous and dedicated to maintaining his awakening. At this moment, he finally understood. The latter was just taking the opportunity to win over the other Six Xuantian elders.

I have to say that this hand is indeed clever.

Without a trace, he awakened in the Xuling Cave, in an isolated state.

"Stop talking nonsense, Lin Xuanshan, I only give you ten days." The ancestor of the Xing family stood up and said simply: "After ten days, if you still can't see your awakening, don't blame us for being polite."

After speaking, he turned and left.

The second ancestors of the Xing family, Qi Huan, and Qi Yuanqing also left one after another.

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