Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2826: Cause and effect

Chapter 2826: Cause and Effect

Yueshan, away from the fire peak.

Back then, this was the awakened training dojo, and it still remains today.

Yan Xixiang kept everything in Lihuo Peak and didn't let other people stay in, which made her wake up quite unexpected.

Lihuofeng occupies a vast area and can accommodate thousands of people.

Tonight's Lihuo Peak is more lively than ever before. There are now almost invincible awakenings in the sea of ​​bounds, Yan Xixiang, a goddess of destiny, and thousands of blood moon guards.

Yan Wenzhe has left and returned to the Yan family ancestral home.

Su Xing roughly knows what Yan Wenzhe wants to do. Although he took away the wealth of the Xing family and the Qi family and made the Yan family look unprofitable, this is not the case.

As the Xing family and Qi family's ancestors were taken away, the momentum suddenly dropped to the bottom, and the Yan family was also particularly powerful.

For the Yan family, this is undoubtedly a great opportunity for expansion.

Su Xing did not pay attention to this kind of thing, but in my heart, I didn't think that Yan Wenzhe's move was a wise choice.

The banquet for thousands of people is huge.

Until the eve of dawn, the banquet came to an end.

The blood moon guards were a little overjoyed when they learned that they might not leave Moon God Ridge within a short period of time.

In the early morning, Lihuofeng returned to quiet.

Su Xing and Yan Xixiang stood side by side, looking at the distant sky.

A touch of fish belly appeared white, and the morning light became brighter with the passage of time, until the sun rose eastward, illuminating the world and everything, and also elongated the two figures, and then merged together.

Reawakened: "One word of advice, let Wenzu converge."

Yan Xixiang's eyes flashed, and then sighed: "I'm afraid he might not listen to me."

Because Yan Wenzhe took the charge without authorization and betrothed her to wake up, invisibly, the relationship between Yan Xixiang and Yan Wenzhe, compared with the past, has become a lot more distant and a barrier.

Awakening no longer speaks much, just a reminder, it is the end of benevolence.

"Aren't you going to see the ancestor Yuanba?" Yan Xixiang said.

"Yes!" Su Xing nodded.

"Just on the way, I also need to return to Yan's house, let's go!" Yan Xixiang said.

The two left Lihuo Peak and flew over the lofty mountains.

At a certain moment, his awakened sight fell at the foot of a large mountain and saw a familiar figure, his speed slowed down.

There are several rows of houses at the foot of the mountain, which look rather primitive. A woman is sitting in front of one of the houses, closing her eyes and practicing, and she is surrounded by strands of divine power.

His complexion was fair, his features were delicate, his black hair fell on his waist, fluttering with the breeze.

Except for her looks, her figure is also very good, with a curvaceous curve, no more, no more.

However, such a great beauty lives in such a simple environment instead of elegant and exquisite palaces, which adds a bit of loneliness and depression.


With a flash of light, two figures emerged not far from the woman.

The woman noticed something and slowly opened her eyes. When her eyes fell on a figure that was both familiar and unfamiliar, she froze for a while.

Su Xing looked at Feng Qingyao and took the lead to break the calm: "Why do you live here?"

Feng Qingyao seemed to be thinking of something sad, and her eye circles couldn't help but red, but she didn't seem to want to show a cowardly side in front of her awakening, she raised her head slightly to prevent tears from staying.

After a while, Feng Qingyao's mood eased a little before replied, "Xing Hui let me stay here to practice."

Although she didn't say it clearly, she didn't understand how Awakened, Xing Hui's behavior was to paint the ground as a prison, imprisoning Feng Qingyao here, and could not leave.

Today, although Xing Hui is dead, he is still in Xing's family.

Even many people in the Xing family felt that Feng Qingyao was a catastrophe and would not let her go.

"How is Feng Zu?" Su Xing asked.

"Feng Zu, went to the Dead Soul Sea." Feng Qingyao said.

"Did you go to the Dead Soul Sea?" Su Xing nodded slightly, already guessing the idea of ​​Feng Zu, roughly the same as the Bai's Wizards, and wanted to find a chance to break into the God King Realm.

He had never met Feng Zu in the Dead Soul Sea, so the other party must have entered the depths of the Dead Soul Sea.


A few wisps of sword qi appeared at the fingertips of Awakening, and with a flick of his hand, she instantly submerged into Feng Qingyao's body. The next moment, there were broken voices in Feng Qingyao's body, and then her face was pale and gradually ruddy.

"From now on, you don't need to stay here anymore."

After speaking, the awakened figure flashed and disappeared.

With his eyesight, it has long been seen that Feng Qingyao has been restrained. With Feng Qingyao's own cultivation, it is difficult to break through the restraint and get out of trouble, but for awakening, it is just a matter of effort.

Feng Qingyao's downfall so far is to blame.

But in the end, there are also some awakening factors.

The sword just now not only broke the restriction in Feng Qingyao's body, but also broke the causal connection between the two. From now on, no one will owe anything to others.

"But..." Feng Qingyao looked at the waking figure and stopped talking.

"You don't need to worry about anything. The Xing family ancestral land was already breached by him last night. He said you can leave and you can leave. No one dares to make things difficult for you." Yan Xixiang said.

"The Xing family's ancestral land was breached?" Feng Qingyao was startled.

She was imprisoned here, disappeared and blocked, and many things were unclear. Last night she only perceived a huge movement, but did not understand what happened.

"Not only the Xing family, but the Qi family's ancestral land has also been breached." Yan Xixiang paused, and then said: "There are also six tribes, and many pseudo-kings and masters."

"Wake up now has the power of the King of Gods. He killed all the way from the Abyss of Transcendence to Worshiping the Moon, ruining an unknown number of false kings, including the Xing family's third ancestor, Bronze Palm, and Fu Qiwei."

Every piece of news brought Feng Qingyao a great shock.

It was like Tianlei, constantly hitting her mind. After a long time, her mood was slightly calmed down.

"Regret it?" Yan Xixiang said.

If Feng Qingyao chose to wake up instead of Xing Hui, then the situation today is completely different.

She will not be imprisoned here, and Feng Zu does not need to risk death to find opportunities in the dead soul sea. With the ability to wake up now, he can completely heal Feng Zu, repair the foundation, and return to the realm of God King.

Feng Qingyao knew that Yan Xixiang wanted to take the opportunity to mock herself.

She was silent for a while, and then said: "Actually, when I first met him, I already knew that he was an extraordinary person and his future was unlimited."

"Then you would choose Xing Hui?" Yan Xixiang looked unbelievable.

"Yan Xixiang, I'm not you." Feng Qingyao raised her eyes, with a trace of misery in her expression, "Many things are not my final say, it is not who I want to choose, who can choose."

Yan Xixiang was startled, and suddenly felt a little empathetic. She also lost interest in mocking, but said, "It's better to do it yourself!"

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