Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2722: Break through to the 9th level of the God Realm

Chapter 2722 Breakthrough to the Ninth Level of the Divine Master Realm

Kunxu Peak, the Palace of the Ruins!

As time passed by half a month, the wounds that awoke were finally completely healed.

Normally, even if he was injured, he could recover within a few hours, but it took almost half a month this time, which shows how serious his injury is.

However, this series of confrontations has also benefited.

Awakening found that he had sensed that the shackles of the ninth-order **** master had signs of a breakthrough in his cultivation.

But he didn't rush to break through, but extended his soul mind to observe the situation outside.

The outside of the Chaos Pool is as dark as ink, and the soul can only wander around the Chaos Pool. A little further away, it will be swallowed by the rich death air.

Wake up to realize where Chaos Pool is now, in the belly of that giant beast.

He didn't think about breaking open the belly of the giant beast and then killing it out.

In the previous attempts, even if he tried his best, it was difficult to hurt the sleeping behemoth. Since it was a futile effort, naturally there was no need to do it.

Awakening took back his soul, and then observed the dojo where Huanhua Fajun was.

The dojo of Fajun Huanhua is still in a locked state.

It is not an easy task to break into the Divine King Realm, and it will take quite a long time.

Su Xing turned to extend the soul thought into the medicine garden.

After the God of Cookery was seriously injured, he placed it in the medicine garden and allowed it to cultivate, but the effect was not satisfactory. The God of Cookery blew herself up in order to buy time for her to wake up.

His injury is more serious than waking up, and it has already shaken the origin.

However, half a month later, Cookery's injury has stabilized and will not continue to deteriorate. This is good news.

"It seems that you need to think of other ways to make the God of Cookery flower heal." Su Xing murmured, he can wait for the Huanhua Fajun to discuss this matter with him.

He himself, currently there is no good way.

After Soul Nian returned, he woke up and began to practice.

What he needs to do now is to wait and wait for Master Huanhua to leave the customs. At the same time, he wants to see where that terrifying behemoth will eventually go.

Unbeknownst to Awakening, the beast was diving, as if it was about to enter the bottom of the Dead Sea.

The waiting time, naturally, can't be wasted, awakening is just used to improve strength.

First of all, it is natural to break through the cultivation base.

It took a few days to successfully wake up and break through the ninth level of the Divine Master Realm.

This is the last realm of the divine lord, and further up, such as the difficulty of the fifth house, the difficulty of the seventh meeting, and the difficulty of the soul. Although everyone is habitual, they also classify it into the divine realm, but in fact, it has some essence with the divine lord. The difference.

It is equivalent to a transformation on the level of life.

Suwaken continued to practice. Compared with the other top Tianjiao in the sea, his cultivation level has always been a weakness, and he wants to make up for it.

But when the cultivation base reaches the ninth level of the Divine Master Realm, it is not something you can easily break through if you want to break through.

Even if the awakening talent is overwhelmingly impossible.

Many things need time to settle.

And the most lack of awakening is time.

Dao law realm, divine art cultivation, etc., all take time.

It has been a long time since I was awakened, and I haven't calmed down to improve the realm of Taoism because there is no time.

Improving the realm of Taoism is not like practicing divine arts and improving cultivation. The increase in the level of combat power will not be so obvious, but a subtle process.

But the realm of Taoism has to be improved.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to practice divine art, improve cultivation, etc.

After weighing it up, Awakening still chose to practice divine art and improve his cultivation level, and did not improve his realm of Taoism for the time being.

The practice of divine art is divided into many aspects.

Which can be roughly divided into two categories, swordsmanship and non-swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship category is the Heaven's Will Sword Art, the thirteenth chapter of the kendo, the nine-five return to the true reincarnation sword, etc., while the non-swordsmanship category is the God Cicada Nine Changes and the Eight Desolate Ancient God Seals.

Awakening currently has the strongest means of attack and killing, it has become a sword technique.

Although the Eight Desolation Ancient God Seal is a third-rank god-given magic technique, it is too extensive and profound. At present, Awakening has only successfully cultivated the Four-Party God Seal. It is still in a state of confusion regarding the more powerful Five Spirit God Seal and Liuhe God Seal.

In the end, Suwa determined to submerge the third form of the Heavenly Sword Art, the mountain sword.

Based on the old horse's hatchet method, he determined the first three styles for the Heaven's Will Sword Art, namely the wind sword, the fire sword, and the mountain sword.

Mountain sword cultivation is also very difficult, but it is much simpler than the five-spirit **** seal and the Liuhe **** seal.

There is no day and night in the Chaos Pool, but awakening himself divides the time.

Every day, spend six hours to comprehend the mountain sword, and then use six hours to improve cultivation.

Time passed in a hurry, no one disturbed, it is rare to wake up and calm down.

Unconsciously, three months have passed.

The awakened cultivation base finally ushered in a breakthrough again, reaching the middle stage of the ninth rank of the Divine Master Realm.

Compared to before, his divine power explosion is equivalent to two grades. If he fights Mingfang again, he will regain his confidence, even if he does not work hard, even if he does not use the Frost Knife, he can defeat the opponent.

In other words, the current cultivation base combat power level of Awakening has reached the level of the seven difficulties.

And now the Frost Knife is more powerful than before, and it is already enough to fight against those who have difficulty with a strong mind.

This is because, while the cultivation realm is improving, the awakened spirit is also stronger than before.

It is also ten times the strength of the Divine Soul, but ten times the peak Divine Lord of the eighth rank and ten times the Divine Lord in the middle of the ninth rank, naturally there is a very big gap.

In just three months, his strength has improved so much.

If this matter is learned by the top tianjiao of other world seas, I am afraid there will be a lot of pressure again, calculating **** the awakening.

Suddenly, wake up and feel the Chaos Pool violently shaking.

It seems to be moving quickly with a strong force.

He extended his soul mind and found that the Chaos Pool was indeed moving under the rich death air, but he didn't know where it would move.

"The Chaos Pool is already in the belly of the giant beast, where else can it be moved?" Su Xing was puzzled, and faintly, it seemed that he had guessed something.

At a certain moment, it seemed that there was a special force that grabbed the Chaos Pool, and then there was a soft sound: "This stone bead has not been melted by the death air in the abyss behemoth?"

"Huh? There are fluctuations in the soul, this is a space treasure?"

"Someone in there, come out."

In the Chaos Pool, his face changed slightly.

He withdrew his soul mind at the moment he noticed something strange, but he didn't expect that the other party's perception was so keen that he still caught a trace of his soul mind fluctuation.

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