Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2720: Horrible behemoth

The 2720th chapter terrifying behemoth

The huge roar spread for an unknown number of miles.

The mere sound waves caused the sea to boil violently, and numerous bubbles appeared.

It's hard to imagine how terrible the lethality is in the center of the explosion.

All of Ming Yuan's title killers changed their faces drastically.

They have seen that Mingfang has only one head left, and suffered an unimaginable severe damage, worrying that Mingfang will die in such an explosion.

However, their worries are redundant.

The remaining four patterned light wheels were beyond imagination, and they actually resisted the impact of the patron saint Wang Li.

But Mingya seemed to lose his mind and closed his eyes.


Dozens of title killers quickly appeared around Mingya and protected him.

One of the title killers took out a space treasure, exuding a pale green light, and put Mingya's head in.

Everyone saw the title killers, although they were furious, but there was a hint of fortune on their faces, it was not difficult to see that Mingya would not die here, but it would take some time to heal.

"Is even Mingya almost killed?" Liang Jun, Tongxi, Qian Yuan and other top celestial arrogances in the world, there was a lingering fear in their eyes.

Waking up is too evil.

Under this circumstance, he even almost killed Mingfang.

"Do you still chase?" Tongxi asked.

"Forget it!" Gen Yuan said.

Liang Jun's face changed slightly, and the team that was chasing and killing him was a little different.

"Everyone, if you just let go of waking up, when he grows up in the future, who can deal with him? At that time, he wants revenge, can everyone stop it?" Longshan Fourth Sage said unwillingly.

"It's not that we don't chase it, but the time to recover the Hundred Turns Talisman is approaching." Tongxi shook his head and said: "We must always leave enough time to return to the sea."

"Liang Jun, do you still have the Hundred Resurrection Talisman? The old man can spend money to buy it." Longshan Fourth Holy Path.

"There are some more." Liang Jun said.

"Even if the Resurrection Hundred Turns Talisman is resolved, it is useless. There are so many undeads in this deep-sea area. I think you have already felt it. If you chase it down, who knows how many deep-sea undeads will be encountered?"

"At that time, we may even be wiped out."

Qian Yuan shook his head and said, but did not waver.

Just now, they delayed a lot of time because they encountered a large number of deep-sea undead.

When waking up and fighting Mingya, Gen Yuan and others also fought against the deep sea undead.

Get rid of the undead of the deep sea, the depression that surrounds everyone in this deep sea area also makes everyone unable to ignore, worrying about greater danger at any time.

"Then are you planning to let go of waking up?" Longshan Fourth Sage said Shen.

"Awakening may not be able to survive. He has already suffered heavy losses in the battle with Mingya, and the fighting here is bound to attract more deep-sea undead. Then, how can Awaken escape?" Tongxi said.

"Awakening has space for treasures, and hiding in it is enough to be safe and sound." Longshan Fourth Holy Path.

"It's better to pursue and kill another distance! If we are in danger, we shall return immediately without delay." Liang Jun looked at Tongxi and Qian Yuan and persuaded.

"Well then!" Tongxi and Gen Yuan looked at each other, and reluctantly agreed.

Upon seeing this, Liang Jun took out more Pick-up Hundred Turn Charms and distributed them to everyone.

"Go!" Longshan's fourth sacred killer's heart of awakening was the strongest, and led the Xing family's strong, the first to rush down.

They are not worried about waking up.

The sea water can't erase the foundation of awakening. Wherever he passes, there will be divine power fluctuations.

The chase started again. Although no war broke out, there was a sense of depression in awakening, not only from this deep sea area, but also from the chasing soldiers behind.

Thousands of people chased him together, and they would encounter deep-sea undeads in the middle. The movement caused was great, so even if they were separated by a certain distance, they would be able to feel their awakening.

"Don't give up yet?" Su Xing's eyes narrowed slightly, and the injury in his body had reached the edge of an outbreak. Even if he took Jiu Tian Yulu, it could not be suppressed.

What he needs most now is to find a quiet place to heal his injuries.

However, he did not have that time.

Su Xing silently endured the severe pain caused by his internal injuries, he could even clearly feel that as he flew at full speed, his bones were breaking apart.

At a certain moment, a huge sense of crisis enveloped his awakened body.

Awakening stopped his figure immediately, but at this moment, there was a huge suction power coming from the gloomy sea below, even if the awakening divine power broke out, he couldn't break free.

The awakened body sank bit by bit, completely out of his control.

Just like a person cannot break free from death.

As time passed, his awakened pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw that in the sea below, a huge "deep" appeared, with almost no end in sight.

When the distance was close, he awakened and realized that the so-called "Abyss" was the mouth of a terrifying behemoth.

An extremely terrifying breath enveloped him.

He has been locked by that giant beast.

Wake up, my heart sank, the room leaked in the night rain.

At this moment, Liang Jun and others had already appeared above the awakened head, but they stopped their figure in time and did not rush closer.

"Wake up, do you know? This is called the heaven dying you." Longshan Fourth Sage said loudly, with a look of excitement.

"Don't struggle, this is your life." Liang Jun said flatly.

"It seems that this trip really didn't go in vain." Tongxi and Qian Yuan also smiled at each other, and they were naturally extremely happy to see their awakening and death with their own eyes.

They made no secret of their gloat.

If it weren't for worrying about angering the behemoth, they would even take the opportunity to make a fatal blow.

Awakening did not speak, but took out the dragon sword, with a mind imperial sword, slashed towards the giant beast's blood basin with a big mouth.

Jianguang stretched quickly, sharp and sharp.

Upon seeing this, Liang Jun and others couldn't help but change their expressions: "Go, wake up and try to wake up the giant beast, and burn with us."


Thousands of chasing soldiers left without looking back.

Everyone is at full speed, flying towards the top, for fear of a step too late.

During their observation just now, they all found that the terrifying behemoth was in a deep sleep state, even if it was locked and awakened, it was just a sleeping instinct.

Because of this, everyone is in no danger.

But once that giant beast wakes up, it will die if it wakes up, and other people are probably inevitable.

The coercion radiated from the giant beast is too terrifying, comparable to a **** king.

No one can be confident of surviving under the hunt of giant beasts.

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