Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2710: Thunderstorm

The 2710th chapter thunderstorms

Earlier, when Awakening fought against the Emperor Godzong, the Emperor Godzong was careless and did not directly urge the "innate gods battle formation", which gave the opportunity to wake up.

In this way, he could severely injure Voldelong, causing the Emperor Shenzong to throw a rat-avoidance weapon.

The confrontation with the Xing family was mainly led by the six Sky Shadow Rats. If they hadn't destroyed the Xing family's "Heaven's Punishment Array", Bai Xueer would not be able to take advantage of the victory to chase after them.

Now, Liang Jun, Tongxi, and Qian Yuan have already mobilized the big formation, and naturally there is no opportunity to wake up.

However, the six members of the Sky Shadow Mouse had just finished using the Goddess Cross Formation. Although they could use the Nine Heavens Jade Dew to restore their cultivation, it was difficult to reorganize the Goddess Cross Formation.

That quaint Heavenly Punishment Spear not only exhausted the cultivation base of the six Sky Shadow Rats, but also caused great damage to the rules between heaven and earth.

In addition, some of the power left in the Heaven's Punishment Spear invaded the six Sky Shadow Rats.

Although it won't cause too much damage to them, it can't be eliminated in a short time, which will hinder them from reorganizing the Goddess Cross Formation to a large extent.

"Old Su, leave us alone, you leave first." Xia Yuanjia's voice came over.

Su Xing's eyes were cold.

Xia Yuanjia and others were involved in this killing because of him, so naturally he couldn't leave the opponent alone.

Every time you delay a minute, it will be more detrimental to your own side.

Volterra's injury is rapidly healing, and his body is reorganizing.

The Xing family powerhouses headed by the Fourth Sage of Longshan are also recovering quickly.

Not to mention Yan Xixiang and others, they may break the wait-and-see attitude at any time, just say that the two parties, Yu Shenzong and Xing Family, once recovered, will inevitably join the battle again as soon as possible.

Lin Shuzhi watched this scene with a faint smile on his face. With his wisdom, he could naturally see at a glance that even though he woke up, he did not break the game and was still in danger.

Lin Shuzhi whispered: "The cards are exhausted one by one, wake up, are you going to die?"

"He should have died a long time ago." Lin Xuanji sneered, "I can't help but cut him."

Although Lin Xuanji had already survived the seven guilds, Wake had too many cards and too many variables, so he did not dare to take the risk and fight Wake.

Moreover, in his capacity, it is not appropriate to start with awakening on the bright side.

After all, they all belong to Xuling Cave Heaven.

"It makes no difference. It's fine if people die." Lin Shuzhi shook his head. Compared with Lin Xuanji, he liked the feeling of standing behind the scenes, waking up and playing to death step by step.

In Lin Shuzhi's eyes, the kind of thing that would kill him when he didn't agree with him was just a reckless man.

Suddenly, Lin Shuzhi frowned and looked up at the sky.

The sky of the Dead Spirit Sea is densely covered with dark clouds formed by the air of death, hanging high, like a black curtain covering the sky.

In the inland sea area, the dark cloud is thicker, giving people an unspeakable sense of oppression all the time.

At this time, the sense of oppression became stronger, making people's chest annoying, as if a storm was about to come.

This is a very normal thing.

In the inner sea area, thunder and rain often blew up, and the gods only need to avoid them in advance. From the beginning, they were a little frightened, but now, most of them are not surprised.

But if a thunderstorm broke out at this moment, it would make the scene even more chaotic.

Lin Shuzhi didn't want this to happen, because so far, everything was under his control.

Even if the Six Sky Shadow Rats displayed the Goddess Crossing Formation, even if Xiao Du's identity as the Beast Master was exposed, even if he regained his power and severely inflicted Voldelong, it still didn't really change anything.

The occurrence of thunderstorms may bring some variables.

God is not beautiful.

Although Lin Shuzhi didn't like it, he couldn't change anything.

That dark cloud was formed by a strong death air, full of terrible destructive power, and no human could stop it.

At this time, everyone was aware that a storm was approaching.

The awakened eyes glowed like electricity, calculating the specific time when the storm was coming, and then he began to silently adjust his breath, in order to make his state reach a peak.


There was lightning and thunder on the sky within a thousand miles.

The strong wind blew, and the water waves rolled in the surrounding sea, as if it was about to swallow everything in the world.

The rain fell swiftly.

Drop by drop connected into a line.

The heavy rain came and it came extremely fast.

Every black raindrop is full of strong destructive power. When it drips on the gods, it is almost impossible for the body protection and divine light to have much defensive effect. It is necessary to continuously use the magic arts to shake the surrounding rain.

But even so, there is still a strong death aura that penetrates into the gods' body like every hole.

Divine cultivators can still resist the slight breath of death.

But once there are too many, it will quickly corrode the origin of life and die in a very short time.

Yan Xixiang and others retreated in the first time, leaving the range of the rainstorm ahead of time. The powerful people of the Xing family and the Imperial God Sect were also temporarily retreating.

But Xia Yuanjia, Tongxi, Gen Yuan, Liang Jun and others did not leave.

The three Liang Jun didn't want to reveal the slightest flaw when they retreated, and gave Xia Yuanjia a chance.

They faced Xia Yuanjia, in fact, they also had a lot of pressure.

And if they did not retreat, Xia Yuanjia was naturally unable to evacuate.

Flying Snow Shenzhou carrying Bai Xueer, Miao Kerr, Lei Xueyi, Sky Shadow Mouse and others, flew away in the same way.

Only wake up and Ding Xi stayed.

Awakening possesses the Mother Earth Jade, which will not be eroded by the aura of death. It is many times better than the effect of the Tianyuan Symbiosis Pill. As for Ding Xi, a smile appeared on his face instead.

As if the fish had returned to the sea, to him, the breath of death was very kind.

At this time, everyone also discovered that Ding Xi cultivated the way of death and had already achieved impressive achievements. Otherwise, it would be impossible not to reject death in the slightest.

Su Xing and Ding Xi haven't moved for a while, they are all waiting patiently.

The torrential rain washed over the phantom of the **** of war, the phantom of the silver dragon, the phantom of the big ghost, and the palace of glazed glaze, making those phantoms, including the palace, bleak a lot.

The combined attack is powerful, but it is as if the body is also large, so the area that is washed by the rainstorm is also larger, and the pressure that it needs to bear is naturally rising.

Xia Yuanjia, Liang Jun, Gen Yuan, and Tongxi were all waiting for the moment when the other party could not hold on.

At that time, the formation will collapse, and the heavy rain will cause great harm to the people in the formation, and there will inevitably be a scene of heavy losses.


At a certain moment, the Yinjiao phantom was the first to hold on. Under the attack of heavy rain, black holes of different sizes appeared on the phantom.

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