Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2694: Bliss Forest

Chapter 2694: Bliss Forest

Ahead, although the speed of the mountain peak has slowed down, it has not stopped yet, but continues to move forward.

Looking far away, the sea is vast, and there is no clue.

The vastness of the inner sea area of ​​the Dead Spirit Sea obviously far exceeds the outer sea area. Otherwise, after more than a month, it should have reached the end of the inner sea area, but now it seems that it is far from being reached.

Reawakening released the soul mind to investigate the situation.

After a while, his face changed slightly.

Now, even if the power of Tianchong and the stars is not aroused, his soul thought can cover an area of ​​100,000 li, which allows him to observe the scene in the extreme distance.

However, in the observation of Soul Mind, there were many mountain peaks about thirty thousand miles away.

Every mountain peak is like the mountain in front of Feixue Shenzhou. It is not too surprised. It stands densely on the surface of the sea. Even the awakened soul can't observe the end.

The thing that caught his attention most was a seemingly ordinary mountain peak with three simple characters, "Elysium Forest".

Taking mountain peaks as trees, painting land into forests.

Obviously such a big deal is very unusual.

Su Xing immediately informed everyone on the Feixue Shenzhou.

After listening, everyone was very surprised.

Xia Yuanjia murmured: "There is a Rebirth Mountain in the open sea area. Suddenly a Bliss Forest appeared in this inner sea area. How does it sound that the Dead Soul Sea is like a large cemetery, strangely infiltrating."

Fu Zhuqi said: "This Bliss Forest is different from Wangsheng Mountain. There are obviously many opportunities, and I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle."

After this period of time, the strength has improved the most, except for awakening, in fact, it was Fu Zhu and other more than ten banner owners of Mount Asura, and Yinyou beside Bai Xueer.

They succeeded in refining the divine fruit of the Seven Meetings and overcame the difficulties one after another.

Generally speaking, the strong who survived the seven difficulties are enough to be ranked in the thousand on the main **** list.

There are only 10,000 positions in the main **** list. Although the number of the main gods on the main **** list will increase significantly after the appearance of the fifth house **** fruit and the seventh meeting **** fruit, it is a very high ranking to be able to rank among the thousand. .

It is equivalent to a watershed.

"Let's see what old opponents have arrived." In Xia Yuanjia's eyes, a fire-like fighting intent appeared. He was a fighting madman.

What's more, as the world's top arrogant, no one is convinced, and everyone wants to overwhelm the other side.

It is currently known that the opportunity in the Bliss Forest is the seven divine fruit hidden in the peaks, but it is not yet known how to obtain it.

In the case of a strong attack, Xia Yuanjia and others tried it more than a month ago, which is not desirable.

But perhaps when it comes to Bliss Forest, the situation will be different, and it is unknown.


Feixue Shenzhou accelerated, crossed the mountain, and flew towards the Bliss Forest.

Now that I knew it, the ultimate destination of that mountain was Bliss Forest. Naturally, there was no need to continue to follow others foolishly.

Su Xing continued to observe with his soul mind, and more and more peaks gathered towards the Bliss Forest.

This made him wonder whether there was no Bliss Forest in this sea area before, but the gathering of peaks before it finally formed.

He thinks this possibility is very high.

And as he gets closer and closer to the Bliss Forest, the range that can be observed when he wakes up will keep moving forward and deep.

However, he still couldn't reach the full picture of Bliss Forest.

It seems that in the deepest part of the Bliss Forest, there is a special mysterious power that can block the prying of his soul.

Awakening shifted his goal, instead of trying to spy on the full picture of the Bliss Forest, he turned to observe the towering peaks, and soon he discovered that not all the peaks have bred the seven magical fruits. .

At first glance, every mountain is not too surprised, there is light lingering inside, which is the reason why I didn't notice the abnormality before waking up.

But after careful observation, you will find that the light inside those peaks still has some subtle differences.

It is not difficult to infer from this that the things bred in the mountains are not all the same.

There may be treasures, such as the divine fruit of the Seven Meetings, or some evil things may be released.

Of course, these are just speculations about waking up to the present, and they cannot be counted.

Although Feixue Shenzhou did not fly at full speed, it was also extremely fast and kept approaching the Bliss Forest.

At a certain moment, the people standing on the deck of the flying boat, looking at the sea in the distance, already saw that the countless peaks that stood on the sea were scattered and magnificent.

And after removing the mountain, there are still many gods nearby.

Those people were quite coincidental. They were near the Bliss Forest and rushed to hear the movement.

In general, it was early to wake up their group.

Suddenly, Wake felt a strong fighting spirit emerging from Xia Yuanjia's body.

He couldn't help looking sideways, looking at Ying Xiaoyi, and asked, "Did Xia Yuanjia and Liang Jun have a holiday?"

"When I first debuted, I was defeated by Liang Jun once." Ying Xiaoyi explained that for the fighting madman Xia Yuanjia, this is undoubtedly difficult to accept.

But at that time, he had just become the son of Shura not long, and Liang Jun had long been the son of God in the Jade Palace, so that battle was not fair to Xia Yuanjia, and it was not surprising that he lost.

Ahead, at the edge of the Bliss Forest, Liang Jun stood in front of hundreds of masters in the Jade Palace, and he also sensed Xia Yuanjia's fighting spirit in the air.

But he didn't show any intent to fight, he just looked over with plain eyes.

"You also came to West Desert Continent last time, why didn't you go to Xiuluo Mountain as a guest in the end?" Xia Yuanjia said.

"The appearance of the worrisome **** has caused too much chaos. At that time, I only had to escape. Where can I go to Xiuluo Mountain as a guest?" Liang Jun responded calmly.

At that time, he was also in the tomb.

But just as he said, in that chaotic scene, both Liang Jun and Xia Yuanjia were a bit overwhelmed, and naturally they would not put their personal hatred on the table.

This incident is not a secret, Liang Jun said it generously, not ashamed.

After all, what they were facing was a **** from the ancient times.

"Then no one seems to be able to bother now, why don't you fight a fight?" Xia Yuanjia directly invited the battle. He was a good commander and a handsome talent, but at the same time, he was also a fighting madman.

The two are not contradictory.

On the battlefield, Xia Yuanjia can handle everything calmly, but in private, he dared to fight with others, without blood loss in his bones.

"Yes!" Liang Jun nodded, "I also want to see, after so many years, what is your current strength."

Xia Yuanjia narrowed her eyes.

Why can't he hear Liang Jun's tone of being a winner?

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