Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2690: Powerful soul

Chapter 2690: The Powerful Soul

"I don't believe it? Then you know why in the Sky Demon Sect, there is a memory of the battle between the Empress Void and the Devil Emperor? Because it was left by the Empress Void herself." Huanhua Law Jundao.

Naturally, I have seen that memory when I wake up.

When he entered the mountain gate of the Heavenly Demon Sect, he finally broke into the Saint Ancestor Demon Mountain, saw the memory with his own eyes, and even talked a few words with his mother.

It's just that he didn't expect that the memory was actually left by his mother.

Su Xing took a deep breath, and said: "These are after all the words of the Lord of the Fa."

"That's true." Huanhua Fajun nodded, did not refute anything, and did not continue the topic, but pointed to the huge body of the pseudo-king-level purgatory viper, and said: "Aren't you going to take this away? ?"

He was not polite to wake up, took out the Chaos Pool, and spent a lot of effort to take away the body of this pseudo-king-level purgatory viper.

Although the suction power of the Chaos Pool is much stronger than that of ordinary storage bags, the body of this pseudo-king-level purgatory viper is too large and extremely heavy. The suction power of the Chaos Pool alone cannot Suck it into it.

Must wake up and run the divine power to cooperate.

In the next time, Su Xing and Huan Hua Fajun were still in this junction area, hunting down the undead in the deep sea.

Two full days passed before they stopped the hunt.

In the past two days, two or three pseudo-king-level deep-sea undead appeared, but they were all beheaded one by one by Huanhua Fajun.

As for the Undead of the Five Houses, the Undead of the Seventh Society, and the Undead of the Origin Heart, the two of them have killed many more.

Of course, when it comes to harvest, it must have been the greatest harvest of Huanhua Fajun. Only the deep-sea undead of the pseudo-king level, she hunted four, the soul of the soul, the undead of the Qihui, and even the number of them.

Awakening is almost foreseeable. In the next time, Fajun Huanhua will surely usher in a leap-forward improvement in strength with the Shen Yuanzhu obtained this time.

Su Xing didn't feel envy or jealousy. Now, even if there are some conceptual conflicts between him and Fajun Huanhua, there is not much separation between them.

Fajun Huanhua became stronger, which was naturally a good thing for him.

And awakened myself, this time more than a hundred deep-sea undead were hunted and more than one hundred low-grade **** yuan beads were obtained. Although the harvest was not as good as Huanhua Fajun, it was actually very good.

After all, his strength is not as good as Huanhua Fajun, and it is impossible to hunt the souls of Yuanxin and pseudo-kings.

And his situation is different from Huanhua Fajun.

He didn't simply use the Divine Primordial Orb to increase the strength of the Divine Soul, but used it to absorb the power of the sky rushing to the stars.

In addition, Dingxi's harvest is not small.

The corpses of all the deep-sea undead killed were carried into the Chaos Pool.

And the altar in the Chaos Pool was very unique. It turned all the bodies of the deep-sea undead into the air of death, allowing Ding Xi to practice.

The strength of this death breath is simply unprecedented.

Awakening had completely lost sight of Ding Xi's figure, the latter was enveloped in a strong death air.

Awakening was a little worried that Ding Xi would have an accident, but Fajun Huanhua didn't need to worry about it.

Regarding this kind of thing, Wake knew that Huanhua Fajun would not make jokes, and was relieved.

Fajun Huanhua returned to the Kunxu Peak in the Chaos Pool.

Su Xing helped her to open up a practice dojo in the Kunxu Peak, and no one would be disturbed.

Awakening finally glanced at the deep sea area below, and then flew upwards.

According to Huanhua Fajun's speculation, the range of the deep sea area is also extremely large, even she cannot cross the deep sea area and reach the bottom of the Dead Sea.

After spending half a day, awakening finally returned to the front of the mountain used to condense the seven divine fruits.

He stayed for more than three days before and after the deep sea. At this time, the mountain had already gathered a lot of pure energy, and it would not take long for him to completely give birth to the seven magical fruits.


Awakening broke the sea water and returned to the surface.

"Damn! Didn't you die in the sea?" Xia Yuanjia yelled strangely when he saw the awakening, but it could also be seen that he was a little worried about awakening in the three days.

"Go to the deep sea area to take a look..." Su Xing explained it again, giving Xia Yuanjia a general understanding of the situation in the sea.

"Is it so deep?" After Xia Yuanjia finished listening, he couldn't help but slap his tongue, feeling very shocked.

"About a few hours later, the Seven Meetings of Divine Fruit will be conceived, so prepare for it." Su Xing dropped a word and returned to the cabin.

Close the door, wake up and immediately take out a God Yuanzhu, can't wait to practice.

On the way back, Fajun Huanhua had already taught him how to use the God Yuanzhu to absorb the power of the sky and the stars.


Wake up sitting down cross-legged, holding the Shen Yuanzhu in his palm, and then began to operate that method.

Soon, the energy of the Shen Yuanzhu quickly spilled out and penetrated into his mind, and at this moment, the sky in his mind was rushing to the stars, as if he had sensed something, and fell into agitation.

Visible to the naked eye, strands of energy have been drawn out from the sky above the stars.

And the energy in the acquired stars, and the energy in the gods, merged into the awakened soul.

His soul has long been condensed into a human form, sitting cross-legged in his mind.

With the influx of two majestic energies, the breath of the soul immediately grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It really works." Seeing this scene, I wake up and relax.

After a short while, a **** Yuanzhu was awakened and refined, turned into powder and disappeared in his palm.


Awakening once again took out a Shen Yuanzhu.

He wants to make a big effort to transform his soul, and at the worst, he can be stronger than he is now.

Time passed quickly, and the speed of waking up and refining the God Yuanzhu became faster and faster.

Three hours have passed, and he has refined more than thirty gods.

At this moment, in his mind, the spirit became extremely tall, like a giant standing on top of the earth, and the breath released was nearly ten times stronger than before.

Wake refining a few divine essence beads again, and finally stopped.

At this time, the intensity of his soul was ten times stronger than before, not many points, not many points.

With this effect, the energy of the Shen Yuanzhu only occupied two or three times, and the remaining 70% to 80% was because he absorbed the energy of the sky.

Because of this, compared with other people, his spirit has an extra ancient charm.

"I don't know how many miles can be covered by my current soul mind?" Su Xing's heart moved, and then released the soul mind, the next moment, he couldn't help but widen his eyes...

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