Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2685: Deep sea hunting

The 2685th chapter deep sea hunting


The cold sea water kept rolling, and countless bubbles emerged.

Along with the muffled sound, a deep sea grouper came into view.

The body of dozens of feet is not particularly large compared to the undead outside, but the whole body is as solid as a rock, with a wide open mouth, revealing a row of sharp fangs, actually intending to wake up and Huanhua Fajun in one bite. Eat it together.

"The appetite is quite big." Su Xing smiled.

"Then you have to see if its mouth is good." Huanhuafa Junyu's hand was filled with light, and a mark of gleaming light flew out towards him.


The mark seemed small, but the moment it collided with the undead grouper, a powerful might exploded.

That piece of sea water, as if turned into a black hole, swallowed everything around it, causing huge fluctuations, and soon a vacuum domain emerged.

The water pressure in this deep sea area is already terrifying.

It's still possible to hit a vacuum field, which can't help but make people stun the tongue. It is hard to imagine how powerful the destructive power of Huanhua Fajun this seemingly simple blow is.

However, the performance of that deep-sea grouper also appeared to be expected to wake up.

After abruptly withstood a blow from the Huanhua Fajun, it was not dead yet. Although it was dying, it was already very tough.

Even Huanhua Fajun said with some surprise: "The defensive power of this undead grouper is really good."

The strength of the undead grouper is comparable to that of the gods who have survived the fifth house.

But if you change to another Five Palace Undead, and withstand a blow from Huanhua Fajun, you will definitely die on the spot, while the grouper Undead has surprisingly strong defense.

Wake up guessing, it's him who wants to kill this undead grouper, without using methods like the patron saint Wang Li, I am afraid it will take a lot of work to do it.


Huanhua Fajun slapped the undead grouper's head with a palm, ending his life.

Then with a gentle move from her jade hand, the undead grouper was picked up by the air.

Fajun Huanhua lightly glanced at Wake up, "God's Yuanzhu belongs to me, and the corpse belongs to you."

"Deal!" Awaken took out the dragon sword and slashed it on the head of the undead grouper. It took a while before he took out a divine essence pearl, exuding a faint light.

Awakening can feel that the energy contained in this grouper undead soul is more majestic than the energy contained in the **** essence orb he obtained from the squid undead.

Obviously, the stronger the strength of the undead, the higher the quality of the Shen Yuanzhu in its body.

However, the soul pearl of the undead grouper is still only a low-grade soul pearl.

After Huanhua Fajun's introduction, Su Xing had a detailed understanding of Shen Yuanzhu, which was divided into four grades, namely low grade, medium grade, high grade, and top grade.

It is the same as the grade division of Shenjing.

And even the most inferior God Yuanzhu, for the soul cultivation of the God King realm, that is, the "soul king" in people's words, it is also quite a good resource for cultivation.

The middle-grade and top-grade Shen Yuanzhu are more precious.

The Supreme God Yuanzhu, even if it is the "Soul Lord", will be very valued, and it is even more likely to trigger a fight and fight among the "Soul King".

This is also the reason why Huanhua Fajun, who has always ignored world affairs, will take the initiative to walk out of the Chaos Pool.

This is a very good opportunity for Fajun Huanhua.

After all, her current cultivation base was only restored to the level of the pseudo-king, so even the most inferior God Yuanzhu would also be of great help to her restoration.

"Actually, you also need God Yuanzhu." Huanhua Fajun glanced at regaining consciousness.

"What Fajun is referring to is, I can get more divine essence beads to help Kerr and Xueling cultivate?" Su wakes up, Miao Kerr and Xue Ling are both soul cultivation.

If they can have a large number of God Yuan Orbs, their cultivation speed will inevitably be faster.

Practicing spiritism will get twice the result with half the effort.

"This is one of them." Huanhua Fajun said: "You can also use the Shen Yuanzhu to practice."

"In terms of spirits, I currently have limited time and it is difficult for me to deepen it." Su Xing shook his head.

Although his spiritual attainments are not bad, his talent in this aspect is also very high. He has already cultivated the "Heaven Chong Soul Revolving" in the Ninth Revolution of the Heavenly Soul, but it is really difficult for him to not only enlighten Dao Fa, but also cultivate the physical body. Free up the extra time to cultivate spirits.

"You will be wrong, I mean, you can use the God Yuanzhu to arouse the power of the sky and the stars and grow your own soul. This does not take too much time." Huanhua Fa Jun said.

Awakening eyes lit up. It has always been difficult for him to absorb the power of the sky against the stars.

It's like a treasure mountain in front of you, but you can't get the treasure. It doesn't feel good.

Now that he can absorb the power of the heavenly stars through the Shen Yuanzhu, he will naturally be happy to wake up. That way, he can absorb the two powers of the Shen Yuanzhu and the heavenly stars at the same time. It is difficult for the soul to not grow. .

"First collect the God Yuanzhu, then I will teach you the cultivation method." Huanhua Law Jundao.

"Thanks a lot, then." Su Xing smiled.

Unconsciously, the relationship between him and Fajun Huanhua seemed to be much better than before.

It turned out that they were guarding each other.

But when he was awakened last time, after giving Chu Yuan's mud tires to Fajun Huanhua, the defense between the two was disappearing bit by bit.

This is naturally a good thing.

"Here is a big guy." Huanhuafa Jundao, even in this deep sea area, her perception is very keen and can catch danger in advance.


In the tumbling sea, a huge head like a mountain slowly emerged.

It was a deep-sea octopus, with its tentacles floating in the sea like chains of gods, with a strong death breath lingering on it, as if it could drag people into the abyss of hell, which was extremely scary.


In an instant, those tentacles rushed towards Awakening and Huanhua Fajun, extremely fast, rushing, and containing very terrifying power.

Huanhua Fajun took a step forward, not dodge or avoid, slapped out with one palm.

In an instant, where Zhang Jin passed, the sea water in front was evaporated in a large area, and the tentacles that quickly penetrated through them were all shaken out.


Su Xing held the dragon sword, but did not rush to the deep-sea octopus, but slashed towards the rear.

Another deep-sea undead appeared.

The strength is not as good as the deep sea octopus, but it is also quite good, like a hunter hiding in the dark, very cunning.

It's a pity that I still haven't been able to hide the perception of awakening.

The sword light was as fierce as fire, breaking through the heavy sea water, traversing dozens of miles, and the momentum was amazing.

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