Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2667: Five House God Fruit

The second thousand six hundred and sixty-seventh chapter five house **** fruit

The boat flew forward quickly.

The divine light in the distance is too dazzling, and contains a very sacred atmosphere, you can see that the treasure was born.

Everyone came to the Dead Soul Sea for a chance, so naturally you can't miss it.

Awakening quickly spread the soul thought out, and soon discovered that within a radius of thousands of miles, many traces of divine cultivation appeared, and everyone's goals were very consistent, and they were all heading for that divine light.

He was not surprised, the divine light was too dazzling, and other divine cultivation would surely discover it.

The ship moved forward at full speed, leaving a long flame tail in the air.

After a few hours, he finally approached the location of Shenguang.

At this time, the divine light had gradually dimmed after shining for several hours.

But when the distance is very close, I still feel that the divine light is dazzling and contains substantial damage. It is impossible to get close, even if the distance is thousands of miles away, I have to use the divine power to protect the body.

"What kind of treasure is it, why is there such a big movement?" Bai Xueer looked suspicious.

"It's the fifth house **** fruit." Sky Shadow Mouse said.

"According to the legend, the fifth house **** fruit that can make people survive the fifth house safely?" Bai Xueer was shocked, and the others also showed excitement when they heard this.

"Yes." Sky Shadow Mouse nodded, with his eyesight, naturally he couldn't read it wrong.

Every difficulty in the next trilemma is very difficult to overcome and is full of many dangers, but in the world, there will always be some strange things that have mysterious and unpredictable effects.

There are five divine fruits in the Five Houses, which correspond to the five internal organs of the human body. If five can be gathered together, they can be very helpful when crossing the Five Houses.

In Jiehai, there is no Five House God Fruit, everyone has just read it in ancient literature.

At this time, the legendary fetish appeared in front of you, and it was hard not to be exciting, especially for those ninth-tier peak **** masters, who missed this opportunity, and I am afraid it will be difficult to have it again in the future.

In the sky, more and more spiritual cultivation appeared.

With the passage of time, the divine light emitted by the fifth house divine fruit has become increasingly dimmed, and everyone can gradually see the appearance of the fifth house divine fruit.

There are not a few of each of the five house **** fruits, gathered together, as bright and dazzling as the sun.

In the sky, there are five huge suns floating.

Everyone has gradually recognized the Five House God Kingdom, naturally it is difficult to hide greed, excitement, and excitement.

"In a moment, we will capture different fruits of the fifth house..." Su Xing began to give orders. There are five kinds of fruits of the fifth house. One is indispensable. If one is missing, the effect will be greatly reduced.

"Wake up, Lin Shuzhi is here." Lei Xueyi said suddenly.

"Xing Hui also appeared."

"Yan Xixiang is here too."


Before the people around me reminded me, I was aware of it.

Originally everyone was scattered in the vast sea of ​​dead souls, and the chance of encountering them was not very high, but the divine light emitted by the fifth house **** fruit in this world is too dazzling, and the gods within a hundred thousand miles can be clearly detected.

This also allowed Su Xing and other top tianjiaoes in the world to encounter in advance.

"According to the original plan." Awakening expression calmly said.

"Okay!" Bai Xueer and the others didn't say anything, each one seized the final time to adjust the state, so as to **** the fifth house of the **** fruit as soon as possible when he shot later.

At this time, Lin Shuzhi, Xing Hui, Yan Xixiang and others also discovered their awakening.

But everyone is paying attention to the five house **** fruit, and there is no other idea for the time being.

At a certain moment, the five suns floating in the sky exploded violently, and then a lot of the five gods flew in all directions, just like gorgeous fireworks, extremely beautiful.

"Do it!"

Following the awakening order, everyone quickly flew forward to capture the five house gods they had locked.

Lin Shuzhi, Xing Hui, Yan Xixiang and others moved in an instant.

Including other gods and cultivators, they also shot at the first time.

Although the number of the Five Houses of Divine Fruits is quite large, the number of Divine Cultivators is more, so the competition is still very fierce. It is very difficult to collect the five kinds of Five Houses of Divine Fruits.

Awakening uses the speed to its extreme, the figure is agile and elegant, and it keeps flashing in the sky.

Every time it appears, it will inevitably be able to collect a lot of Five House God Fruits.

Suddenly, when Wake was about to take away the five divine fruits in front of him, a large handprint came, trying to wound him, and then took away the five divine fruits in front of him.

"Get out!" Su Xingduan yelled, and flicked his fingers, a sharp sword aura burst out, tearing the big handprint, and with the other hand, took away the five house gods.

Although most of the gods at the scene recognized his identity, no one flinched in the face of chance.

Xing Hui, Yan Xixiang, Lin Shuzhi and others were also attacked, but their strength is very good, and it is still difficult for anyone to really hurt them.

The area where the awakening was located was basically occupied by the Bai Xueer led by Bai Xueer, and the sky shadow mouse and others, but there were only three kinds of fifth house gods.

The quantities of the other two are very rare.

Wake up thinking for a while, and quickly swept forward, looking for the other two kinds of fruit of the fifth house.

Along the way, he will take away the other five gods.

Soon, Wake came to the most central area, where there are many people and the competition is fierce.


However, under one face, dozens of attacks flew towards the awakening, and each attack was very good, and the power contained was quite strong.

Awakening did not choose to hard-wire, the figure flashed and avoided to the left.

However, those people seemed to have no intention of letting them go easily, and they even shot him again.

Su Xing's face sank, the dragon sword appeared in his hand, a sword slashed out, the wind roared, the sword light was invisible, the gods and ghosts were unpredictable, and the head of a ninth-stage late **** master was chopped off.

This sword had some effect of establishing power.

Those people didn't expect that the seemingly simple sword of awakening would directly kill a ninth-stage late **** master.

While the other party was stunned, he awoke without being overly entangled, and quickly swept forward.

Several fruits of the Fifth House are suspended in mid-air, exuding a crystal luster, and they look very sacred. When they wake up and take them in the air, when they are about to put those fruits of the Fifth House in the bag, a finger screams. .

The finger light contained a domineering aura, tearing through the void and pointed directly at the awakened heart.


Su Xing's sword thrust straight forward, and the surging divine power in his body quickly turned into a sword light, colliding with that finger light.

Then he glanced, pointing to Mang's master, Xing Hui.

Xing Hui also came to the most central area. At this time, he was calmly staring at awakening, and said: "I want to take away the fruit of the fifth house, have you asked me?"

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