Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2643: Return to Xuling Cave

Chapter 2643: Return to Xuling Cave

Under normal circumstances, the nine ancient monuments outside will not respond to what achievements have been made in the War Intent Space.

To check the results, you need to go through a special method, and you can also ask Tian Anshan.

But there are exceptions.

That is, when someone passes all the tests in the War Intent Space, the nine ancient monuments outside will burst into the sky, just like now.

The nine ancient monuments represent the nine trials.

The nine monuments are all bright, and they pass the test perfectly.

This is why Xia Yuanjia couldn't help but explode.

Not only Xia Yuanjia, but also Ying Xiaoyi, Fu Zhuqi, and the elders of Rakshasa, such as Yu Yang and Linghuhou, were all shocked.

"This, this... the old man is right?"

"It's impossible for us all to be dazzled together!"

"You said, could it be the problem with these nine ancient monuments?"

"Do you think that's possible?"


A group of Raksha elders are almost incoherent.

"Wake up, you have passed all the tests in the war-intent space?" Li Sijin also looked at Wake up with an unbelievable look. Although she knew that Wake up was outstanding, the scene before her still caused a great impact.

"Almost!" Su Xing nodded.

Seeing him personally confess, a group of Raksha elders have no chances or ideas anymore.

Xia Yuanjia suddenly felt ashamed, especially since he had just passed the seventh wave of tests before waking up.

"Cough cough! Let me go over by the palm education." Xia Yuanjia left a sentence and fled the top of the mountain in embarrassment. He felt that every extra breath on the top of the mountain was a torture.

"Picking up a rock and hitting him in the foot." Ying Xiaoyi shook his head without saying much.

It didn't feel much to wake up, and soon left with Li Sijin.

Time was long, and a few days later, the awakened group of people was ready to leave for Xuling Cave. After all, they did not belong to Xiuluo Mountain and should not stay here for long.

And the seven Luohai River maps have been collected, and the opening of the Dead Soul Sea is just around the corner.

A group of Raksha elders headed by Yu Yang came to bid farewell. There is no difference between the sadness of the time, because in the near future, everyone will meet again in the Dead Soul Sea.

Xia Yuanjia didn't show up, which caused some surprises to wake up.

Ying Xiaoyi explained: "After that day, he went to retreat."

Waking up with a smile, Xia Yuanjia, as the son of Shura, naturally has the arrogance that belongs to her in her heart, especially in the will to fight, she has always been proud of it. There was fighting spirit.

Before leaving, Lord Fu Zhuqi looked at Li Sijin and said, "If you become a **** king, I will no longer oppose anything."

Hearing this, Li Sijin's eyes became much brighter.

Su Xing stood beside Li Sijin, and clearly felt a burning fighting spirit from the latter.

"A word is final." Li Sijin said solemnly.

Although Su Xing did not deliberately inquire about anything, but these days, through other people's discussions, I also roughly know the relationship between Li Sijin and Fu Zhu.

Fu Yunlu originally belonged to Xuling Cave Heaven, with a very high status, and was qualified to compete with Lu Sheng for the position of Cave Master.

Fu Zhu is Fu Yunlu's daughter.

Li Sijin is Fu Yunlu's first apprentice.

Fu Yunlu and Li Sijin had feelings between their masters and apprentices. Although Fu Yunlu's wife had already passed away, he could not accept Li Sijin in the face of public opinion, tradition, and opposition from his daughter Fu Zhu.

Compared with Fu Yunlu, although Li Sijin is a woman, she dares to love and hate.

Finally, Fu Yunlu left Xuling Cave.

Fu Zhu chose to join Shura Mountain in his heart, not wanting to stay in the Central Continent.

Li Sijin was ashamed of Fu Zhu, and now that Fu Zhu made the offer, she naturally agreed.

Taking the Divine King Realm as a condition does not mean that Fu Zhu is snobbish.

She seemed to be indifferent to Li Sijin, but in fact she offered this condition for the sake of Li Sijin, because only when Li Sijin became the king of the gods could it be regarded as being on the same level as Fu Yunlu in the true sense.

By then, it will be difficult for the world to say anything.

It is a good story for the **** king to form a Taoist couple.

Su Xing is sincerely happy for Li Sijin.

Putting aside stereotypes and breaking all conventions, this sentence is easy to say but difficult to do.

Li Sijin persisted for so many years, and now he finally sees hope.

The group of people rode on the teleportation array of Mount Xiuluo, and after several rounds, they successfully reached the coastline to the east of West Desert Continent, and then entered the boundary sea.

With Li Sijin present, basically no one dared to make any bad ideas against everyone.

The powerhouse ranked eighth on the main **** list, not everyone has the courage to provoke.

It is worth mentioning that before leaving, Awakening had been sent to Xiao Du. In the end, Xiao Du successfully joined everyone near the east coastline.

In addition, Reawakening gave Li Sijin a total of 500 drops of Nine-Day Jade Dew.

It wasn't that he was overly generous, but before and after he joined Xuling Dongtian, Li Sijin took care of himself and Ding Xi and others.

One cannot forget the gratitude.

Li Sijin didn't refuse this kindness. First, she was not a twitchy character, and second, five hundred drops of Nine Heavens Jade Dew, which really helped her break through to the Divine King Realm.

While on the way, everyone is also working hard to cultivate.

With nine days of Yulu's help, coupled with the hard work of everyone, everyone's cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds.

When everyone successfully returned to Xuling Cave Sky, the awakened cultivation level was improved again, reaching the middle stage of the seventh-order of the Divine Master Realm. Ding Xi and others also gained a lot.

Then he woke up and did not practice any more, and went to see Dongzhu Lu Sheng with Li Sijin.

It would be difficult to find Dongzhu Lu Sheng as someone else, but Li Sijin not only had a high status, but was also powerful. Finding Dongzhu Lu Sheng was not difficult.

In the end, Su Xing and Li Sijin met Dongzhu Lu Sheng in a grass pavilion not far from the waterfall.

The master Lu Sheng dressed in a green shirt, tasting tea with an air of grace and elegance.

It is worth noting that there are still two tea cups placed in front of him. The tea has already been poured, and there is a faint mist. Obviously, he has learned in advance that Wake and Li Sijin are coming.

"You are here, the freshly poured tea, have a taste?" Dongzhu Lu Sheng smiled slightly.

"Thanks to Dongzhu." Even Li Sijin, with a carefree personality, did not rush to speak, but pulled her to wake up and sat down to drink tea.

"I remember the last time I tasted Dongzhu's tea, it was three years ago!" Li Sijin said.

"If you are willing, you can come over and enjoy tea at any time." Dong Master Lu Sheng smiled lightly.

Li Sijin did not answer, but looked towards awakening, and said: "Wake up, Dongzhu Lu's tea, named'Wuxin Tea', is great for consolidating the cultivation base. You can taste it."

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