Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2639: The left is king

Chapter 2639: The Leftover is King

Killed the fourth wave of war spirits, awakening his own breath and showing signs of confusion.

He didn't win this battle easily.

In Mount Asura, there are very few disciples who can survive the fourth wave of trials.

While slaying the fourth wave of war spirits, Suwaken was still trying to smash the fifth seal in his body and restore more strength.

This move is not only the courage of Yi Gao, but also the situation.

Without breaking more seals, he will never pass the next test.

The effort paid off. When the fifth wave of war spirits came, Awaken successfully broke the fifth seal in his body.

A fierce battle began again.

The fifth wave of war spirits is even more terrifying. Even if his awakened strength is restored to 50%, he is still under great pressure. If he had not been experienced in fighting, he would have fallen by another person.

Naturally, Awakening did not forget to use the sword of Xuanyi to break the sixth seal.

With one heart and two uses, his strength naturally could not be fully utilized. He was dangerous a few times, but he still stood at the end.

When the sixth wave of war spirits struck, awakening broke the sixth seal in his body.

This was a fierce battle. Even though Awakening used his cultivation base and physical strength to play 60%, he was still injured by the sixth wave of war spirits.

What he didn't know was that throughout the history of Mount Asura, there were only a handful of people who could defeat the sixth wave of war spirits.

Among today's Shura Mountain disciples, only two have done it, Xia Yuanjia and Ying Xiaoyi.

And even Xia Yuanjia and Ying Xiaoyi, when they first entered the war-intent space, it was impossible for them to have such a result as awakening. They defeated the sixth wave of war spirits and entered the war-intent space for the third time. time.

War Intent Space can only enter once every three years.

In other words, Xia Yuanjia and Ying Xiaoyi spent nearly ten years in order to defeat the sixth wave of war spirits.

"Is the seventh wave coming?" Su Xing felt the roar from far and near between heaven and earth, and his expression was solemn.

He used the short rest time to recover his cultivation base and his injuries, and broke the seventh seal, but he did not dare to be careless about the upcoming seventh wave of war spirits.

Based on Ying Xiaoyi's narration and his own observations, it is not difficult to find that most of the seventh wave of war spirits are exceptionally powerful.

Just like when the fourth wave of war spirits appeared before, there would be a qualitative leap in strength.

In the field of vision, the seventh wave of war spirits has appeared.

Compared with before, the number of the seventh wave of war spirits has dropped sharply. There are two hundred and fifty war spirits in the four directions, southeast, northwest, and the total number is exactly 1,000.

However, these thousand war spirits all possess the strength of the eighth-level peak **** master.

In other words, awakening needs to use 70% of the strength to face a thousand eighth-order peak **** masters, which is simply as difficult as climbing.

"It's really a bit abnormal!" Wake up also felt a little headache, but the next moment, he rushed up without hesitation, and shot a wind sword.

The gale howled, the wind sword galloped across the sky and the earth, harvesting a war spirit who had a famous master of the eighth peak god.

At the same time, the awakened figure flashed quickly, avoiding attacks from other war spirits.

It is undoubtedly an unwise choice to collide head-on with this seventh wave of war spirits, awakening and opening the Azure Void God Realm, using the ethereal and agility of the Nine Changes of the Divine Cicada to wander among the many war spirits.

Every time he makes a shot, one or even several war spirits will die.

After all, the combat power of Awakening in its heyday is enough to step into the main **** list, even if only 70% of the strength can be used, it is very powerful, and the force is thunderous and shocking.

From a distance, the battlefield was shrouded in endless light, the wind was raging, the aftermath of power rolled and stirred, and the scene was shocking.

There are too many enemies, and none of them are weak. No matter how elegant and agile, he cannot avoid all attacks. Sometimes he can only choose to resist.

Because once he stops to fight, his own attack rhythm will be disrupted, and the opponent will be given an opportunity to take advantage of it, and then more attacks will come.

On the battlefield, the awakening injuries became more serious, and the number of enemies was rapidly decreasing.

Both sides will see who can stick to the end.

The left is king!


Su Xing's mouth was bleeding, and his face was as pale as paper, but finally he lifted the sword to kill the last war spirit.

He hurriedly sat down cross-legged and took out a drop of Nine Heavens Jade Dew.

Nine Heavens Jade Lu is not only an excellent resource for cultivation, but also has many magical effects for restoring cultivation base and healing injuries, and the effect is very significant.

Just using the Nine Heavens Jade Dew to heal and restore the cultivation base is too violent.

Wake up is now considered rich and powerful, except for the nine days of jade dew that was given away, there are still nearly four thousand drops on his body, and it will not be particularly heartache to waste some.

In addition, he has passed the seventh test and does not want to give up.

Since this space of war intent was regarded as the core inheritance by Mount Xiuluo, it was bound to be of great benefit to his cultivation.

After only five breaths, the awakened cultivation base was restored to its peak.

This is twice as good as the effect of Xingchen Infant's recovery.

After more than a dozen breaths, the awakened injury was gradually healed. Although it was much slower than the recovery speed of the cultivation base, the effect was extremely significant.

When the body was awakened, the roar of heaven and earth rolled again, like a terrible thunder, descending from the sky quickly.

The eighth wave of war spirits is about to arrive!


The awakening body's fighting spirit rolled, and the eighth seal in his body had been smashed by the sword of Xuanyi.

Every time his cultivation base recovers one more point, his confidence is even more full.

He took out the dragon sword, poured his divine power into it continuously, and then slashed the sword towards the east.

A sword went east, the sky cracked and the earth shattered.

This is the power of the Dragon Sword's Profound Sky. Looking from a distance, the broad and thick sword light turned into the shape of a huge real dragon, rushing into the hundreds of war spirits that rushed to the east.

It is worth mentioning that the number of the eighth wave of war spirits is three hundred and sixty-five, and the individual strength of each war spirit has all stepped into the level of the 9th-order **** master.

Three hundred and sixty-five nine-tier **** masters, with mighty momentum, as if they could overthrow this world.

Hundreds of war spirits in the east made their moves neatly and unanimously, their divine powers rose up into the sky like countless meteors, gathered together, turned into a long river of stars, and crashed against the dragon.


Amid the earth-shattering roar, the stars shattered and hundreds of war spirits were shaken off, especially the ten war spirits who were the first to bear the brunt. Their bodies burst and died on the spot.

However, the dragon that was transformed by the power of the Dragon Sword's Profound Sky, the light of the whole body also dimmed, the power was over-exhausted, and finally disappeared completely.

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