Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2217: The death of the three-stripe elder

The 2217th chapter the death of the three-patterned elder

After the imprint of Mie Shen was printed, he was too lazy to look back, then turned and chased another black-robed man.


Behind him, a huge bang came out.

The black-robed man quickly fell to the Dead Soul Sea, his body torn apart.

Soon after, Wake caught up with the last black-robed man and killed him with a single move.

After the cultivation base broke out in an all-round way, his combat power had reached the late stage of the third stage of the Divine Master Realm.

There is a huge gap between each level of the Divine Main Realm.

Under normal circumstances, a Tier 3 power of the Divine Master Realm can easily kill a Tier 2 Divine Master.

"Sure enough, these black robes allowed them to resist the extreme cold in the sea."

Su Xing glanced at the Dead Soul Sea below. The three men in black robes killed by him had their clothes shattered, causing the black robes to lose their function, and their bodies were also frozen into huge blocks of ice.

Su Xing captured a ninth-tier black robe man in the Heavenly God Realm, took off the opponent's black robe, and then threw the man into the sea of ​​dead souls.

He took a closer look and found that there were many small lines on the black robe, which were very inconspicuous because the lines were black.

When he injected divine power into it, he found that those lines quickly brightened up, exuding a dark luster, and a special force was born.

Su Xing put away the black robe in his hand, and then cast his eyes on the elder with three patterns who was confronting the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly.

In this fierce battle, the six-color divine butterfly and the three-stripe elders are the key.

If the Six Color Divine Butterfly wins, the black robe man's siege plan will be disintegrated.

On the contrary, if the elders with three patterns win, it will be difficult for others to escape.

Having said that, the three-stripe elder still occupies a great advantage, because he does not need to defeat the six-color divine butterfly, just drag the opponent and wait for the other black-robed men to win.

After all, the situation on the court is that the people in black robes have the absolute initiative.


The Six-Colored Divine Butterfly has revealed its true body, playing a blockbuster of Six-Colored Divine Light.

He is also very aware of the situation on the field, and desperately wants to kill the three-stripe elders. At the worst, he will also severely inflict the opponent. The crisis will naturally be lifted by then.

It is a pity that even if the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly displayed the colored butterfly glaze body, surrounding the three-patterned elders, constantly attacking, there is still no way to defeat the opponent.

The three-stripe elder was treacherous and cunning. He took a defensive position to keep up with the changes. A dense black cloud appeared around him. In the black cloud, countless hands protruded, blocking the offensive of the Six-color Divine Butterfly again and again.

"Six-Colored Divine Butterfly, the old man's'Black Cloud Thousand Hands Power', both offensive and defensive, do you want to defeat the old man? Stop dreaming." The elder Sanwen laughed ironically.

He was trying to make the Six Color Divine Butterfly become more impatient, which caused a mess of mood, which can be described as sinister.

"Do you really think I can't defeat you?" The Six Color Divine Butterfly exuded a fierce killing intent, and a light flashed in front of him, and half of the butterfly's wings appeared.

Although it was only half of it, it was surrounded by nine-color divine light and contained nine powerful auras of Taoism, which looked extremely extraordinary.

Just as the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly was about to use the method of pressing the bottom of the box, a figure quickly swept from the opposite sky, and three huge palm prints descended from the sky.

Each palm print is the size of a grinding plate, and the three palm prints are intertwined and merged with each other, setting off an extremely magnificent momentum and bombarding the black clouds around the three-patterned elders.

The elder Sanwen was also obviously aware of the huge crisis, and shot more than six hundred hands at once, each of which contained a powerful palm strength.

With more than six hundred hands, there are more than six hundred palm strengths, all gushing out, colliding with the three palm prints.


The earth-shaking roar sounded from the side of the black cloud.

The three palm prints merged together, smashing many palms, causing blood and flesh to fly across the scene. The scene was very **** and brutal, and a large black cloud was torn apart. Even the elders of the three lines were shaken back dozens of miles.

Seeing this, the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly quickly retracted the half of the nine-color butterfly wing, and then mobilized the entire body's supernatural power to cast a hundred-foot-thick six-color beam of light, and bombarded the unstable three-stripe elder.

Although the three-stripe elder felt the attack from the six-color divine butterfly, most of his power was used to resist the three-in-one seal. It is difficult to draw more power in an instant. Used to defend the six-color **** butterfly.

More than a hundred hands rushed out of the black cloud, trying to resist the six-color beam of light that was hundreds of feet thick, and then they were beaten to pieces by just one face.

At the moment of the crisis, a huge black shield emerged from the rolling black clouds.


The six colored beams of light hit the black shield, giving birth to a vast force, and there are more six laws of will swarming, the black shield only lasted for half a breath, and it was torn apart.

Even the black clouds around were swept away.

In the end, Liu Cai Guangzhu swept across Elder Sanwen's body and flew out.


Elder Sanwen flew all over his body, his body was broken, one arm was completely gone, and there were huge wounds on his chest and abdomen, bloody.

However, as the third-order power of the Divine Master Realm, the vitality of the three-stripe elder was very strong, and he did not die, but suffered a heavy injury.


The Six-Colored Divine Butterfly took the opportunity to catch up and slapped thirteen palms in a row. Each palm's strength was wrapped in a six-color divine light, powerful.

At the end of the thirteen palms, the body of the elder Sanwen burst, and even the soul was smashed, and he was already dead to death.

Liucai Divine Butterfly retracted his palm and tilted his head to look at the awakening standing in the sky.

Just now, it was natural to wake up and make a three-in-one seal, which made the three-stripe elders have to go all out to give Liucai Divine Butterfly an opportunity.

"Don't think I will be grateful to you." Liucai Divine Butterfly said with an indifferent expression: "You hide your strength, and when you catch the butterfly, you have trapped us here. Sooner or later we have to calculate this account."

"Then I'll wait." Su Xing smiled faintly.

Six-color Divine Butterfly stopped talking, turned and flew to the battle area of ​​those monster masters and beast masters. The most urgent task is to solve the immediate crisis first.

Su Wake glanced at the battlefield, finally retracted his gaze, and looked at the huge black soul island in the distance. Then he put on a black robe, his figure fell rapidly, and entered the sea of ​​dead souls.

He swiftly moved forward in the Dead Soul Sea, aiming directly at the Black Soul Island.

Just now he helped Liucai Divine Butterfly, and it was not soft-hearted to wake up. Whether it was Liucai Divine Butterfly or Dong Guo Rumo and others, they were very hostile to him, and he naturally would not have compassion.

However, it is not a good thing for Liucai Divine Butterfly, Dongguo Rumo and others to die too fast. Keeping them, attracting the attention of Black Soul Island, waking up and then sneaking in is the best choice.

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