Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2214: Dead Sea

The 2214th chapter dead soul sea

The cold wind was like a knife, and it was icy.

The closer to the bottom of the abyss, the amount of dark blue Xuan Yin Nether Qi increased.

In the eyes of others, encountering so many Xuan Yin Nether Qi at one time was a killing catastrophe. However, it became an opportunity for awakening. He used the Chaos Pool to continuously collect Xuan Yin Nether Qi in it.

At a certain moment, he stopped, stabilized his figure, and stood in mid-air.

He has reached the bottom of Xuanyin Diyuan.

Looking around, here is a vast expanse of water, and the mysterious atmosphere at the bottom of the water exudes a dark blue halo, reflecting the vast space very brightly.

And not far from waking up, stood an ancient stone stele, the part that was exposed to the surface of the water, about a hundred meters high, carved with three simple characters: Dead Soul Sea.

"Why is it called the Dead Soul Sea?" Wake flew to the surface of the water, squatted down, and plunged a palm into the water. In an instant, an extremely cold air rushed in and moved the entire arm along his palm. They were frozen into ice sculptures, and they were still spreading towards his entire body.

Wake hurriedly drew back his palm, and then urged the Yang Lingyuan fire. After running a circle in his arm, it would dissolve the extremely cold air, causing the ice on the arm to melt and return to normal.

"The bottom of the water contains countless profound yin and ghost energy, and at the same time there is another mysterious power that prevents the water from freezing into ice, but if it falls into the water, it will instantly be frozen to death."

Su Xing murmured: "No wonder it will be called the "Dead Sea". There are no creatures at all and can live in the sea."

He tried to use the Chaos Pool to collect the water from the Dead Sea, but found that there was a mysterious force in the Dead Sea that prevented the sea from being taken away.

"It's a pity!" Su Xing shook his head, but didn't try to force anything.

Wake up no longer staying, flying along the sea, towards the front, and shortly after he left, Dongguo entered the ink, Liucai Shendie and others, also arrived at the Dead Soul Sea.

"There is no danger at the bottom of Xuanyin Diyuan! The rumors are indeed exaggerated." Among the men of Wuding Palace, a master of the Northern Sky Ranking flew out, with a relaxed expression on his face and his feet. Fell on the sea.

In an instant, there was an air of extreme cold that penetrated into his body along his feet, and his body was quickly frozen into an ice sculpture.

The area of ​​the ice sculpture expanded rapidly, and eventually, a large ice block with a height of more than ten feet was formed.

And the master of the North Sky Ranking still had a relaxed smile on his face, but his life aura was gone and he was frozen to death.

This scene made everyone feel horrified, as if there was a chill, rushing straight into the forehead from the soles of their feet.

"Everyone, be careful not to touch the sea." Lu Xingfeng shouted, reminding everyone.

In fact, after seeing the Northern Heavens List master of the Wuding Palace, after a miserable end, no one dared to take the risk, and all put away a relaxed attitude and became extremely serious.

After all, if you can't live with anyone, you won't live with your own life.

"Chasing!" The Liucai Divine Butterfly led a group of demon masters and beast masters, following the breath left by awakening, and flew forward.

Seeing this, Dong Guo and others quickly followed suit.

When flying, everyone try to keep yourself away from the Dead Soul Sea and pull your body taller. Firstly, you are afraid of the Dead Soul Sea. Secondly, there will be a mysterious atmosphere in the Dead Soul Sea from time to time.

The distance is farther, it is easier to avoid Xuan Yin Nether Qi.

The expanse of the sea seems very quiet, and the eternal scenes also make people feel a bit boring.

At a certain moment, everyone suddenly discovered that at the end of the horizon, a black outline appeared where the water and the sky connected.

"what is that?"

A huge question emerged in everyone's mind.

The distance between the two sides was very far, and after half an hour of flying, the black outline was a little clearer.

Six-color Divine Butterfly, Dongguo Rumo, Lu Xingfeng and other divine master realm powers, with extremely extraordinary eyesight, can already tell that the black outline is a huge island.

There is an island in the Dead Soul Sea. Are there any creatures living on it?

A group of divine master realm powers were shocked, but at the same time, many questions appeared in their hearts.


At a certain moment, there was a loud noise on the sea horizon in the distance, and it seemed that someone was fighting.

"Could it be that Wake up is fighting with someone?" Dong Guo squinted his eyes and couldn't hide his gloat.

"Let's go!" Liucai Divine Butterfly greeted the other demon masters and beast masters, and flew towards the source of the rumbling.


On the sea level, awakened and stood in mid-air, hunting in clothes and long hair flying.

Not far from him, there are three black shadows standing, all of them are covered in unique black robes, they can't see their faces, but they all exude a powerful atmosphere.

These three black shadows all possess the second-order strength of the Divine Master Realm.

Undoubtedly, they were the mysterious people that Sky Shadow Mouse had encountered before, but they were a bit smaller in number.

"Who are you?" Su Xing asked.

"It doesn't matter who we are. The important thing is that since your kid is here, don't even think about going back." One of the black-robed men spoke with a hoarse voice.

"Only the three of you?" Su Xing put on a disdainful look.

"Of course there are more than the three of us. In a moment, you will know how powerful our Black Soul Island is." The black robe man continued.

"Black Soul Island?" Su Xing remembered the name secretly, and he had also discovered the island in the Dead Soul Sea, presumably Black Soul Island was its name.

And listening to the other party's tone, there seemed to be a powerful force in Black Soul Island.

"Really? I'm not afraid of you if I compete for helpers." Su Xing pointed behind him, and said, "My people will be here soon."

The three men in black robes, looking at the rear of their awakening, had already spotted Dong Guo Rumo, Liu Cai Shendie and others.

One of the people in black robes shook his head and said, "When did the supreme Taoist of the dignified Fengwu Fudi come with the forces of the Tianshen Mausoleum? It seems that your relationship is not harmonious, right?"

"Unexpectedly, I have understood my situation in such a detailed manner. It seems that your Black Soul Island is not a force of hidden world and penance." Su Xing's eyes narrowed.

The black-robed man couldn't deny: "It is indeed a good plan to drive the wolf and the tiger, but before planning, we must first weigh whether the strength of the wolf and the tiger are equal."

Along with the roaring sound, Dong Guo Rumo and others appeared not far away.

Everyone looked at the three black-robed men, they were all surprised.

Obviously, they hadn't expected that there would be another man and horse under this mysterious abyss.

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