Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2208: Take away Yangling Volcano

Chapter 2208 Taking away Yangling Volcano

At this time, both the offensive and defensive awakened, fell into a delicate balance.

For him, this is not a good thing.

Even though his current willpower is already extremely amazing, the pain caused by his body between melting and repairing still drives him almost crazy.

Suddenly, a flame in the form of a phoenix gushed out of his body quickly, releasing a powerful force of vitality, allowing his body to quickly recover.

Forced to regain consciousness, a phoenix fire was used.

There were a total of three phoenix fires in his body, and one was lost when he passed through the Tribulation on the Moonwalking Battlefield. Now, one more is used, and only the last one remains.

Such a precious life-saving hole card, even if it is awakened, after using it, it is very heartache.

With the vitality released by Phoenix Zihuo, Yang Lingyuan Fire could hardly cause damage to awakening. After more than half an hour, his state was completely stabilized and the Yang Ling flame had been completely refined.

Awakening stretched out his palm, a black flame came out from the palm of his hand, exuding a terrifying high temperature, burning and distorting the surrounding space, but it would no longer cause any harm to him.

And his body, in the process of being continuously melted and repaired, has also been tempered to a great extent.

From the outside, every muscle on his body looks very well-proportioned. There is no superfluous or lack of a point. It seems to be in line with a certain avenue rule and has a unique charm.

Although he didn't increase his physical strength, he could feel that his physical constitution had improved a lot, and the chaotic divine body had become more perfect.

The sense organs on cultivation base are also in a similar situation.

The cultivation base is still at the ninth-level peak of the Heavenly God Realm, but the divine power is more refined than before. Both the speed of the divine technique and the power it can burst have become stronger.

"This Yang Lingyuan fire is really a good thing." Su Xing secretly delighted, this harvest made him very satisfied.

He carefully observed that the Yang Lingyuan Fire was suspended next to the source of good fortune, about the size of a palm. As for the two previous Yang Ling mother fires, they had been swallowed by Yang Lingyuan Fire.

Wake up and looked down below, where the sea of ​​fire, the color became very deep, like a dark abyss, making him feel frightened.

The Yang Ling source fire he collected was just a small strand. This Yang Ling volcano contained a larger Yang Ling source fire. It is estimated that even if the **** king fell into it, it would be burned to ashes.

"Able to use Chaos Pool to take away this Yangling Volcano?" Su Xing's heart moved, and his expression was eager to try, but this idea seemed too crazy.

Ordinary divine cultivators will be satisfied by receiving a Yang Lingzi fire.

The talented evildoers like Dongguo Rumo, Liucai Divine Butterfly, etc., received the Sun Spirit Mother Fire, and were already very satisfied.

But now, wake up not only received the Yangling Source Fire, but also wanted to take away the entire Yangling Volcano. Such an idea, if anyone else learns about it, he must think he is a lunatic.

Wake up didn't care what others thought, and after flying out of the crater, he took out the Chaos Pool.

In any case, he has to try something, if it succeeds, the benefits are definitely endless.


Along with awakening and running the cultivation base with all its strength, the Chaos Pool, which was originally only the size of a stone, bloomed with brilliance and began to enlarge rapidly. In the end, it turned into a huge pool with a radius of hundreds of miles, suspended in midair.

In the pool, a huge whirlpool emerged and it circulated quickly.

A majestic suction force enveloped Yangling Volcano.

However, Yangling Volcano is huge in size, and it gives people a feeling of solidity. After several attempts to wake up, it is difficult to shake it.

"Mr. Fa, let's do it together. I'll give you a bunch of Chu Yuan mud tires." Su Xing shouted to Mr. Huanhua. When the Chaos Pool opened, Mr. Huanhua had already sensed everything outside.

Fajun Huanhua also felt a little crazy about his awakening.

"Two groups!" Huanhua Fajun stretched out two crystal jade fingers.

"Are you taking advantage of the fire? Believe it or not, I will just give up collecting Yangling Volcano."

"Do not believe."

"...Two regiments are two regiments!"

Accompanied by the Huanhua Fajun, he injected a huge and boundless soul power into the Chaos Pool. In an instant, the light of the Chaos Pool bloomed several times brighter than before.

The suction force created by the vortex in the pool has also been greatly improved.


Yangling Volcano was violently shaking, separated from the earth, and flew towards the huge pool.

After a while, Yangling Volcano, Chaos Pool, and awakened all disappeared together. Only the huge deep pit on the ground could vaguely prove that Yangling Volcano had existed.

"Where did Yangling Volcano go?"

"Goddamn, how do I feel that someone dug up Yangling Volcano?"

"My chance! If I came here after nine deaths, can I only take a look at this deep pit?"

When waking up to collect the Yangling Volcano, the huge movement that caused it attracted the nearby sky monsters and human cultivators. When everyone looked at the huge deep pit ahead, they were very angry for a while.


In the mist, Wake was walking forward while investigating the situation in the Chaos Pool.

Successfully taking away Yangling Volcano, even in his state of mind, he felt very excited, and at the same time he was a little worried about whether the Chaos Pool would be damaged by Yangling Volcano.

However, when he saw Fajun Huanhua not worrying at all, he was relieved.

If the Chaos Pool really had a problem, Fajun Huanhua would be more anxious than him.

In the Chaos Pool, the Huanhua Fajun was removed, as well as the colorful divine butterfly named "Diewu". At this time, the colorful divine butterfly looked at the Yangling Volcano that was collected into the Chaos Pond and was dumbfounded.

As a sky demon beast living in the Cangyi Mountains, the colorful butterfly is already very familiar with Yangling Volcano.

But before, their Sky Monster Beasts only tried to collect Yangling Skyfire. No one had ever thought of taking Yangling Volcano directly. One was that they couldn't do it at all, and the other was that the idea was too crazy.

"Don't be stunned, take me to Xuanyin Diyuan." Su Xing released the colorful divine butterfly from the Chaos Pool, and warned with sharp eyes: "This time, if you dare to play tricks again, I will kill as soon as possible. about you."

"I...I won't." The colorful divine butterfly said in a solemn way. After seeing the various methods of awakening, the shock in his heart could not calm down for a while, and he was more afraid of awakening.

Wake up no longer speaks, signalling the colorful **** butterfly to lead the way.

He has now collected the source fire of Yang Ling, if he gets the Xuan Yin Nether Qi again, after the two are combined, it will very likely condense the fire of Yin and Yang.

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