Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2198: Five parties

The 2198th chapter five parties gather together

In the core area of ​​the Cangyi Mountains, there are demon masters and beast masters who can be compared with the **** master realm, and there are not a few.

In the eyes of those demon masters and beast masters, it was obvious that the Cangyi Mountain Range was not the site of the Mausoleum of Heavenly Gods.

And once they are angered, the consequences are undoubtedly quite serious.

Dong Guo Rumo and Lu Xingfeng naturally had to be treated with caution.

The black coffin and huge stars have already flown to the sky, shuttled among the clouds.

And Awakening was mixed in the army of many gods, following behind both Dong Guo Rumo and Lu Xingfeng.

Not long after the flight, vibrations appeared in the sky.

In the three directions of east, west, and north, a ship, a palace, and an iron mountain flew respectively.

Dong Guo Rumo and Lu Xingfeng stopped one after another.

On the boat upstairs, there were more than a hundred figures, and everyone's cultivation base aura was quite deep. Among them, he woke up and found an acquaintance, Gongsun Run of Wuding Palace.

But at this time, Gongsun Run was not the leader of the Ding Palace, but a middle-aged man by his side named Gongsun Lan, who was his father.

And that palace belongs to Xuankong Mountain.

Among the people of Xuankong Mountain, the Taoist Sankong is not a leader, but his master, Taoist Xuanxu, a powerful figure in the realm of God.

On the other side, the people of the Fanhai Academy are standing on top of the iron mountain. Its leader is not Fankong, but his master, Huizheng.

At the beginning, Tianjiao, who participated in the Ten Thousand Dao Club Wu, did not fully grow up except for Dongguo's entry into the ink. This time, he came to see the market and experienced a lot.

When Dong Guo entered the ink, he was qualified to sit on an equal footing with Lu Xingfeng, Gongsunlan, Xuanxu Taoist, and Huizhen.

When Fan Kong, Gongsun Run, Sankong Taoist, and Lu Han stared at Dong Guo into the ink, they were very uncomfortable, and they felt like being compared with their peers.

When Dong Guo entered the ink, he completely ignored the four of Lu Han, with a faint smile on his face. He glanced at Gongsunlan, Taoist Xuanxu, and God Huizhen respectively, and said with a smile: "The three are worthy of seniors, they arrived so soon. Here."

Taoist Xuanxu smiled slightly: "Donor Dongguo, your blindfold, you still lack some heat."

Obviously, before that, Dongguo entered the ink and tried to get into this core area first, but based on the current situation, his plan was not successful.

Dong Guo entered Mo with a humble smile: "In front of many seniors, entering Mo is indeed too shallow."

Having said that, Lu Xingfeng, Gongsunlan, Xuanxu Daozhu, and Huizhen Divine Master did not underestimate Dongguo's entry into the ink, and they were quite vigilant in their hearts, completely treating him as opponents of the same level.

"Dong Guo entered the ink, since everyone is here, let's set off together! With your own power, you still can't enjoy that opportunity alone." Gongsun Lan said.

"Everyone please!" Dong Guo couldn't say no to the ink.

With the rumbling sound of the game, the five forces set off again.

In the rear, awakened among the crowd, and the curiosity in his heart became stronger.

The five forces in front can be regarded as the masters of this central land, and now they have dispatched leaders of the Divine Lord Realm, as well as many masters of the Northern Sky Ranking, to the Cangyi Mountains.

If there is no problem here, I will not believe it when I wake up.

The many spiritual practitioners around him also held the same thoughts. Many people's eyes shone and felt that this trip was the right one. It was a great opportunity to follow the five forces and drink a sip of soup.

"What is special about this Cangyi Mountain Range?" Su Xing restrained his curiosity and flew in the crowd, while not forgetting to explore the situation in the core area to see if he could find Sky Shadow Rat and Xiao Du.


With the deepening of the core area, the sky monsters here gradually appeared.

Whether it was the five forces of Dongguo entering Mo, or the many gods behind, they all encountered the attack of the sky monster.

In this core area, the weakest Sky Demon Beast also reached the Sky God Realm. Many of the Sky Demon Beasts were at the peak of the Sky God Realm, which was enough to compete with the masters on the Northern Sky Ranking.

The forces of the five parties, including Dongguo's Ink, were not only well prepared, but also tyrannical and did not encounter any danger.

However, many of the following gods have different levels of strength. Among them, there are not many masters in the Northern Sky Ranking, and they will not be united, and they will soon suffer heavy losses.


A person stood up, the black **** ape towering like a sacred mountain, possessing the peak cultivation base of the gods of the sky, stretched out two big hands, like a canopy of towering ancient trees, grabbed dozens of gods, and squeezed it hard. The screams are endless.

Immediately afterwards, the black **** ape squeezed the dead gods and stuffed them into the big mouth of the blood basin, looking very **** and brutal.

In the other direction, a giant python that looked like a mountain leaped into the air, and its huge tail swept out. I don't know how many divine cultivations it hit.

However, few of the gods who were swept by him could survive, most of them exploded directly into a cloud of blood and died on the spot.

In less than a stick of incense, countless sacred blood was spilled in this mountain and forest, and the earth was stained red.

The battle between Shenxiu and the Sky Monster Beast caused the earth to crack and the mountains to collapse, making the scene extremely majestic.

Waking up did not kill the sky monster beast, chose to avoid it instead of fighting, not wanting to expose its strength prematurely.

After a fierce battle, the many divine repairs who tried to take advantage of the opportunity to get cheap, died and injured more than 30%. At this time, some people retreated, but they soon discovered that a lot of sky monsters appeared in the rear, cut off The way out.

Obviously, this core area is not a place where you want to come and go.

In this case, everyone can only bite the bullet, follow behind the five forces, and continue to move forward.

"Why didn't you see the demon lord and beast lord?" Su Xing looked into the distance, Dongguo Inmo and other five forces' men and horses, after erupting their powerful strength, deterred many sky monsters, which made them afraid to approach them.

And the reason why this happened was because there was no demon master or beast master.

This is abnormal.

It stands to reason that this fierce battle caused such a big movement, it should have alarmed the existence of the demon master and beast master nearby.

"Could it be that the absence of those demon masters and beast masters is also related to the so-called chance?"

Su Xing thought to himself that the demon masters and beast masters, as the indigenous people in the core area, must have a good understanding of the situation here, and it is normal to be able to find opportunities.

Three days later, Dong Guo entered Mo and his party stopped.

The rugged and lofty mountains ahead were suddenly covered by a mist that obscured the sky, revealing a sense of mystery that was prohibitive.

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