Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2174: Know the secret

Chapter 2174 Knowing the Secret

On the eve of dawn, after waking up to explore all the seventeen main peaks, he merged with Nangong Yingjun.

Neither of them gained much.

Afterwards, they separated from each other, soon regained consciousness and returned to Zhou Yuan's dojo.


Based on the principle of prudence, Su Xing used his soul to scan the dojo, and found that Xiao Jingyu had returned and sat in his room.

The corners of Su Xing's mouth twitched, and there was a feeling that a lover in a private meeting in the middle of the night was caught by his feet when he returned home and was about to wait for trial.

"It's just been a day, the guise of consolidating the cultivation base should still be used." After having an idea, he awoke and walked to his room calmly and opened the door.

"you are back?"

What surprised Wake was that Xiao Jingyu didn't put on a posture of questioning like during the day, but instead had a soft voice with a hint of palpitation.

This feeling is as if something happened.

"Jingyu, what's the matter with you?" Su Xing was a little puzzled. As Xiao Jingyu, in the Hengshan Sword Sect, it would be good if she didn't embarrass others. No one should dare to hurt her.

Could it be because Xiao Guanshan and Xiao Anyuan went missing together at night?

Wake up with a movement in his heart, a bit of curiosity arose.

"I..." Xiao Jingyu stopped talking, Bai Yunfei revealed murderous intentions to her, making her still in shock until now, but this matter was too much involved, she didn't dare to say it for a while.

"Isn't anyone bullying you? Tell me, it just happened that the cultivation base broke through, and there is no chance to show off." Su Xing said.

"I'm afraid someone can crush you countless times with one finger." Xiao Jingyu muttered subconsciously.

"Really? Then I have to take a good look." Su Xing looked angry.

"Zhou Yuan, I didn't mean that. Don't be impulsive." Xiao Jingyu also realized that she had said something wrong and hurried to remedy it.

Awakening naturally will not let go of this opportunity, put on a look of reluctance, and said with a calm face: "Jingyu, tell me who bullied you, I will definitely cramp him and thwart his bones."

Xiao Jingyu hurriedly shook her head and said: "Zhou Yuan, I was wrong. Don't talk nonsense anymore. In case that person hears it, not only you and me, but also the Hengshan Sword Sect will be finished."

He woke up as if he didn't realize the danger, and squinted his eyes and said, "Jingyu, don't be alarmist. Our Hengshan Sword Sect is not a soft persimmon."

"Zhou Yuan, I'm really not alarmist, you just listen to me, OK?"

"No! Unless you tell me who the other party is."

"He is white..."

When Xiao Jingyu was halfway through, she suddenly closed her mouth.

"Bai what?" Su Xing's heart moved, already guessing something, and pretending to say casually: "Could it be the Royal White House? Even if it is them, it doesn't matter. Now the Royal White House is dead."

"Shut up!" Xiao Jingyu's expression changed, and then immediately activated the formation in the room, begging: "Zhou Yuan, don't talk nonsense."

"Then tell me who the other party is." Su Xing pressed harder.

"He is Bai Yunfei." After all, Xiao Jingyu couldn't resist the pressure and blurted out.

"Bai Yunfei? Isn't he dead?" A sharp cold light flashed in the pupils of Su Xing's eyes, but at this time Xiao Jingyu was in a state of confusion and didn't notice the abnormality.

"He is not dead, I saw him tonight." Xiao Jingyu said.

"Sure enough, I didn't die!" Su Xing secretly said in his heart. Although he also felt that Bai Yunfei was not dead, it was a speculation derived from Huanhua Fajun, which is not entirely certain.

Now, what was said from Xiao Jingyu's mouth was completely confirmed.

"Then why did he appear in our Hengshan Sword Sect?" Su Xing frowned and asked.

"Because he is Bai Shuqiu." Xiao Jingyu said.

"Bai Shuqiu?" Su Xing was startled.

"Yeah! We Hengshan Sword Sect, that genius disciple who stepped into the divine realm at the age of 20, have you forgotten?" Xiao Jingyu looked at Reawakening strangely.

"It's him!" Su Xing realized that he was barely showing his feet, and immediately put on a sudden realization. In fact, it was the first time he heard the name "Bai Shuqiu".

He did interrogate a lot of things in Zhou Yuan's place, but Bai Shuqiu, who has nothing to do with Zhou Yuan, obviously wouldn't deliberately mention it.

"Bai Shuqiu is Bai Yunfei, and I didn't know about this until tonight..." Xiao Jingyu didn't doubt he had him, and she obviously trusted Zhou Yuan.

Once the topic was opened, she no longer concealed anything, and began to talk about all the secrets she knew tonight, and what happened after seeing Bai Yunfei.

If Xiao Jingyu pays attention to it carefully, she will find that after hearing everything, she did not appear to be extremely surprised, which is abnormal.

For someone else, no matter if he heard about Dark Dragon Abyss or Bai Yunfei, it was impossible to be so indifferent.

However, Xiao Jingyu was in a mess at this time and did not carefully observe and wake up.

"Suddenly, I have to select three hundred disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect. Is this used as cannon fodder?" Su Xing said to himself: "It seems that Bai Yunfei suddenly returned to the Hengshan Sword Sect to collect more early yuan mud."

Xiao Jingyu didn't know what Bai Yunfei was doing this way, but from the perspective of waking up, he could easily understand many things.

He could already be sure that under that dark dragon abyss was the place where the mud fetus of the early yuan was hidden.

"If only Bai Yunfei is alone, that dark dragon abyss is the place of his burial. I just don't know, has the Lord Jinkui also come?" Su Xing narrowed his eyes.

He suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and in case the Lord Jinkui also came, he and Huanhua Fajun had no chance of winning. This matter must be treated with caution.

"My biggest advantage now is to hide in the dark, and I must make good use of this." Sui Xing fell into thinking and began to plan how to deal with the next situation.

At this moment, a wisp of fragrance penetrated into the tip of his nose, and then a soft jade-like body stuck to his arms.

"Zhou Yuan, I want to make up for you." Xiao Jingyu whispered in Wake's ear, exhaling like a blue, her voice full of seduction, even a soft jade hand has gradually stretched into Wake's arms.

What happened tonight made her feel upset, and now she became bolder than usual.

Awakening is also a matter of heart, and there is an inexplicable sense of restlessness in my heart.


The sacred jade lamps used for lighting in the room went out one after another.

The two silhouettes moved slowly onto the expensive bed and fell slowly.

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