Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2170: Cultivation breakthrough

The 2170th chapter cultivation base breakthrough

Zhou Yuan belonged to the Hengshan Sword Sect, the youngest and most promising elder.

He married the daughter of the head teacher as his wife.

Its status is naturally extremely high.

His residence is an independent mountain surrounded by formations. Inside, there are countless Qionglou palaces, beautiful scenery, and many beautiful maids.

"Elder Zhou, you are back!" When Wake walked into the mountain, many young and beautiful maids greeted me. Among them, the best looking maids secretly sent Qiubo towards Wake with spring eyes.

Wake up and feel the heart twitching.

Although he had learned from Zhou Yuan that he had had a relationship with several beautiful maids, but facing this scene of Yingying and Yanyan, it was still a bit difficult to resist.

Suddenly he regretted a little, and he changed into Zhou Yuan.

" all step back! This elder had an epiphany last night and needs to practice in retreat." Su Xing had a straight face, waved back the many maids around him, and then walked into a palace.

After no one was around, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But this method can't always be effective, and it can't make Zhou Yuan have an epiphany every day, right? Even the Nine Tribulations Tianjiao can't do it!

"This Hengshan Sword Sect is likely to be the place where the Chuyuan's fetal mud is hidden. After finally winning this identity, it cannot be exposed. It must be disguised." Su Xing thought to himself.


Suddenly, the back door of the palace was gently pushed open a gap.

Immediately afterwards, several graceful and graceful figures walked in one by one, and it was those beautiful maids who had secretly sent Qiubo towards their awakening.

Su Xing hurriedly closed his eyes and assumed a posture of spiritual practice.

As a man who is mentally and physically normal, he has vaguely guessed why those beautiful maids crept in at this time.


One of the maid, who was very graceful and graceful, skillfully opened the formation hidden in the palace.

Then she and the other maids walked towards awakening together.

"Elder Zhou, the sisters have been waiting for you all night, don't you share with us your mood last night?" A charming voice came into your ears, and there was a burst of feminine body fragrance from the tip of your nose.

Several beautiful maids were already surrounded by his awakened body, and his graceful and graceful body sometimes touched his arms and back, evoking unlimited reverie.

"That's right! Is it comfortable for Senior Sister Qingwan to serve? Did you agree to serve Elder Zhou with us?"


Even if he wakes up in a very good mood, he almost spurts blood after hearing this sentence.

This week, can you still play a little more?

"Ahem...Don't mess around, Qingwan has a thin face, and this matter needs to be cyclically progressed." At this time, there was no way to rejuvenate and practice, so she had to speak.

When he opened his eyes, he almost spurted blood again.

The several beautiful maids around, unexpectedly took off half of their clothes, exposing large areas of white skin, incredibly fragrant.

"Elder Zhou, this kind of thing once reborn and re-acquainted twice, wasn't the sisters particularly shy at the beginning? Under your guidance, aren't they all familiar with the road now?"

"If you want me to say, just take Elder Zhou with us. When the time comes, the sisters will train Senior Sister Qingwan together. When she tastes the sweetness, she will naturally..."


Before finishing speaking, the whole palace trembled suddenly.

"Zhou Yuan, come out for me!"

Outside the palace, there was a soft drink.

The beautiful maids around Wake suddenly paled, hurriedly arranged their clothes, and stood respectfully behind Wake.

Su Xing vaguely guessed who was here. There was no tension, but he was relieved. There was a feeling of being rescued. He stood up, waved his hand, and lifted the formation in the palace.

With a bang, the gate of the palace was smashed to pieces, and a graceful and graceful figure flew in and stood on the opposite side of awakening.

She was wearing a sky blue dress with exquisite features, a graceful figure, and a gentle and graceful temperament like everyone.

But at this time, her delicate and pretty face was filled with unbearable anger, a pair of star eyes stared at Wake up, and shouted: "Zhou Yuan, what did you do last night?"

"Wander around in the sect." Su Xing answered flatly.

The other party was Zhou Yuan's wife, the head teacher of the Hengshan Sword Sect, and Xiao Anyuan's daughter, Xiao Jingyu.

"You can go shopping all night? And why can't I find you?" Xiao Jingyu obviously didn't believe it, and asked.

"Jingyu, I don't have time to explain to you more now. I had an epiphany last night. I need to retreat immediately. I may have to break through the cultivation base." Su Xing said.

"Breakthrough?" Xiao Jingyu couldn't help but sneered, "Zhou Yuan, then I will wait and see how you broke through."

Cultivation breakthrough is very important. If you miss the opportunity, it will be difficult to break through. So even if Xiao Jingyu still didn't believe it, she didn't continue to say anything.

After all, even if you have to settle accounts, you are not in a hurry.

Suwaken also knew this, so he said so deliberately, and Zhou Yuan's cultivation was originally at the eighth level of the True God Realm, staying for a long time, and breaking through at this time would not be so surprising.

Of course, as far as the awakening is concerned, it is only necessary to suppress the cultivation base and disguise the appearance of the ninth level of the true god.

He changed a palace again, and after starting the formation, his ears finally returned to silence.

In the evening, the palace was reopened after waking up.

Xiao Jingyu stayed outside, walked into the palace for the first time, closed the palace gate again, opened the formation, and then looked towards awakening.

A touch of arrogance appeared on Su Xing's face, and said, "I have broken through."

"Really?" Xiao Jingyu's eyes lit up.

"Can this be fake?" Su Xing glanced at Xiao Jingyu faintly, and with a wave of his hand, a divine power burst out, revealing a vigorous meaning, which happened to be the ninth-level cultivation base aura of the true god.

Xiao Jingyu's face immediately showed unconcealable joy, and said excitedly: "It's great, you break through to the ninth level of the True God Realm, and no one will dare to say anything in the future as the head teacher."

Waking up, he gave a hum, and said, "Don't be surprised anymore, isn't it just missing all night?"

A look of shame appeared on Xiao Jingyu's face, she stepped forward, leaned in her awakened embrace, and said bitterly: "It's not because you are too romantic, of course, I am also wrong. I have not been able to satisfy you well."

It was clear that this matter had recovered. When Zhou Yuan was interrogated, the other party had also explained it.

Although Xiao Jingyu is Zhou Yuan's wife, she rarely engages in men and women affairs with him, and will not be as relaxed as those beautiful maids. This is also one of the reasons that Zhou Yuan's style is messed up.

"Brother Yuan, I will be with you tonight. You can do whatever you want." Xiao Jingyu said leisurely.

"..." Waking up couldn't help his body tighten. He deliberately made a breakthrough in his cultivation, just to resolve the crisis of not being questioned by Xiao Jingyu. He never thought that Yanfu came to him.

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