Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2158: Fat figure

The 2158th chapter fat figure

The night sky was depressed and low, and thunder and lightning continued.

The storm followed, like countless water lines, falling from the sky to the earth, majestic and majestic.

The army patrolling inside and outside the ancestral city did not choose to avoid the rain, but to use their divine power to form a light curtain to crowd out the big raindrops.

From a distance, it looks like lanterns floating on the ground.

A patrol team entered the city to perform shifts in accordance with the regulations. One of the soldiers of the Profound God Realm had some dirt on the trousers. In that dirt, a round stone was wrapped, simple and simple.

Soon after the Profound God Realm soldier entered the city, the round stone fell from his trousers.

From beginning to end, the Profound God Realm soldier didn't notice the slightest abnormality, let alone others.

The round stone slowly rolled to an unmanned corner, a gleam of light appeared on the surface, and then he woke up in black, revealing his figure.

He put away the chaotic pond that turned into a round stone, and his figure flashed into the building complex.

The ancestral city is very large, and there are many soldiers patrolling back and forth. If you want to use your soul mind to carry out a carpet-like search, it is somewhat unrealistic and it is easy to expose yourself.

The awakened face was calm and calm.

He carried out deductions in accordance with the layout of the buildings in the ancestral city, and prepared to focus on investigating those places with strong defense forces and important special places.

After some exploration, he identified three very important places.

One is that Bai Yunfei's former residence in the ancestral city is obviously questionable.

The second is the ancestral shrine of the Royal Bai family.

The third is the Tomb of Xicheng.


Wake up first to Bai Yunfei, the mansion in the ancestral city.

Although Bai Yunfei is no longer in the ancestral city, the mansion where he once lived is still cleaned in order, with servants, maids, butlers, etc., all available.

Bai Yunfei can move in anytime he comes back.

The entire mansion is very vast and uniquely furnished, with pavilions, corridors, rockeries, etc., scattered and dotted, magnificent and elegant.

Outside the mansion, there are many patrols.

Wake up and waited for a while before finding a chance to sneak into the mansion.

Afterwards, he began to focus on checking Bai Yunfei's private realm.

The so-called private realm is a place worthy of the mansion where the maids and servants are absolutely forbidden to set foot without Bai Yunfei's permission.

It took an hour to search back and forth several times, but nothing was gained.

Su Xing exited the mansion and went to the ancestor's shrine of the Royal Bai family.

The ancestors' ancestral hall, built in the most central location of the ancestral city, is extremely magnificent.

Under normal circumstances, the emperor of the Kingdom of White Feather, Bai Han, will bring members of the royal family to the ancestral shrine every year to worship the ancestors of the Bai family.

In the ancestors' ancestral hall, I found nothing for more than an hour.

Waking up, he was in a calm mood, not in a hurry, and went to the last place, the Xicheng Imperial Tomb.

The ancestors of the royal family's Bai family were buried in the tombs of the Xicheng Royal Family.

In the imperial tomb, it gives people a gloomy feeling.

Especially at this time, it was raining heavily, thunder and lightning struck the night sky, and the imperial tomb was shining white.

The faint-hearted obviously dare not set foot here at night.

Obviously there is no feeling of waking up, let alone a ghost, even a god, he doesn't know how many killed.

Standing next to a tombstone, he looked at the entire imperial tomb, and found that there were many array restrictions, and if he walked around randomly, he would be triggered.

"Is it to prevent someone from robbing the tomb, or is it deliberately covering up?" Su Xing frowned, but was not impatient.

The formation prohibition here can be avoided in advance with his extremely keen perception.

Suddenly, he woke up and found that in the tomb of the emperor, a black shadow flashed by.

As someone else, I'm afraid he'd turned around in fright, but he was brave, so he quietly approached the past.

He converged his breath to the extreme, and the nine changes of Shen Chan were smart and elegant enough that the other party did not notice anything.

In the end, Awakening stopped a kilometer away, to observe the other's every move.

The black figure looked quite fat, wearing a loose robe, seemingly cumbersome, but his movements were very light and flexible, carefully investigating something.

"Is he also looking for Chu Yuan's mud tires?" Suwaken continued to observe without moving.

"Strange, I have found eight places, but I have found nothing. It seems that I can only go to the last place and take a look." At this time, the fat figure muttered softly.


The corners of his mouth twitched when he woke up.

If the other party is also looking for Chu Yuan mud tires, it seems that they are much more professional than him.

He just inferred three suspicious places, but the other party has found eight places, and there is still one place that has not been visited.

The fat figure left the Xicheng imperial mausoleum, sneaking all the way to the outside.

Awakening quietly followed, anyway, there will be no gains in the Xicheng imperial mausoleum, and he does not care what the other party is looking for, he intends to follow it and take a look.

In case the other party is also looking for Chu Yuan's mud tires, then he can just be a oriole and save a lot of effort.

Even if they were looking for different things, it wouldn't take much time.

The most important thing is that the opponent is more professional than him.

It's really not good, he can catch the opponent and help himself with his professionalism.

A person who sneaked into the tomb in the middle of the night was not a good bird at first sight, and would not have a psychological burden when he woke up.

Soon after, Su Xing followed the fat figure to the last suspicious place that the other party was inferring.

This is a manor, as if Bai Yunfei's secret industry, few people know.

However, in this manor, the fat figure did not gain much.

"Strange! It's so strange."

"No! There must be something wrong."

"Before Bai Yunfei went to Fengwu Fudi, he was already extremely enchanting. He must have some special opportunity in Baiyu God's country. I must have missed something."

"Calm down, I want to calm down."

The fat figure, without gain all night, became irritable, hid in a corner, and kept talking to himself.

Suwa-wake had been observing the other party, naturally he had obtained a lot of useful information, and gradually understood the purpose of the other party looking around.

"There are such people, it's rare."

The obese figure was not looking for Chu Yuan's mud fetus, but wanted to find out what happened when Bai Yunfei was growing up in the kingdom of Baiyu.

This coincides with the goal of waking up.

Because according to his inference, the biggest opportunity for Bai Yunfei in the Kingdom of White Feather is the small world where Chu Yuan's womb is located.

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