Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2143: Nine style sword

Chapter 2143 Nine Style Sword

The Dark God Flow spread out before waking up, turning into a gloomy curtain of water, which seemed weak, but in fact it was solid.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sword tide collided on the gloomy water curtain, erupting with an earth-shaking roar, and was finally resisted.

But the waking face was not pretty.

Nine-style piano sword, this is only the first style, it actually makes him feel a little hard to resist, this is definitely not a good sign.

"The wave of swords is like a wave of sound. It is invisible and unpredictable. Coupled with the subtle and mysterious of the heart sword, this makes this nine-style piano sword very extraordinary."

Wake up and think sharply, thinking about how to break the game.

But soon, he discovered that he wanted to find the trajectory of the sword tide, which was almost impossible in a short time.

"There is no need to force it, and Heart Sword is not invincible!" Awakening quickly made a decision. Since he couldn't break the game with skill, he chose to break the game with force.

This was exactly the same as the choice Murong Yan had made when he fought Bai Yunfei in the Tianzhu Divine Realm. It was also Bai Yunfei who was defeated with a strong and arrogant knife.

Awakening recalled the Shenluan epee again, pouring in an endless stream of mighty divine power, and at the same time letting the dark divine flow form a dark divine armor, which was worn on his body.

At the same time, Bai Yunfei plucked the strings again, and the second wave of swords surged out.

He had prepared beforehand that the sound of the piano could no longer affect his awakened mind, and he didn't care where the sword tide would appear, and he swung the Shenluan epee directly towards Bai Yunfei.

It's always changing, it doesn't matter where the sword tide appears, but Bai Yunfei himself is important.

As long as Bai Yun was killed, the sword tide would naturally break through.

Naturally, Bai Yunfei would not let his awakening get his wish. He used the nine-style piano sword. He himself was the biggest weakness. With a thought, the second wave of swords appeared in front of the Shenluan heavy sword and crashed into it.

But this time, after gathering the surplus of the first wave of swords, the more powerful second wave of swords actually failed to shake the Shenluan Epee, but was crushed and defeated by the Shenluan Epee.

This is because before waking up, swinging Shenluan's epee was just a hasty move, but this time, he was fully prepared. After the massive divine power was poured in, the power of Shenluan's epee had been mobilized by him. Extreme.

That thick and majestic aura, as if any existence in front could be crushed.

Breaking up the second wave of swords, awakening again swung the Shenluan epee, still mobilizing the power to the extreme, and continued to chop towards Bai Yunfei.

At the same time, Bai Yunfei plucked the strings again, and the third wave of swords roared out.

Nine-style piano sword, after each shot, can gather the remaining power in front, making one style stronger than the other, unpredictable.

But this third wave of swords is still the Shenluan epee that can't shake a full-scale outbreak.

Competing for strength, this is the area where Shenluan Epee is best at, and he is not shy at all.

Soon, the fourth wave of swords converged, and after the continuous stacking of power, it actually shook the Shenluan Epee. The two were like a pinpoint to the wheat, and they were inextricably matched.

This awakened was also a secret surprise, Bai Yunfei's nine-style piano sword, its quality, I am afraid that it has reached the second-grade heavenly magic.

When the fourth wave of swords dissipated, the Shenluan Epee was also shaken out.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei plucked the strings again, and the fifth wave of swords quickly formed. After absorbing the remaining force of the fourth wave of swords, an extremely surging breath of power spread out.


Su Xing's complexion was calm and calm, without the slightest panic, a large amount of dark divine currents gathered in the palm of his palm, which turned into a dragon sword. With a sword swing, 108 golden wandering dragons screamed and rushed to the fifth. Sword tide.


The earth-shattering roar rang from 108 golden dragons and the fifth wave of swords. The two were equally intractable and inextricably divided.

As the fifth wave of swords dissipated, the 108 golden wandering dragons also dimmed and returned to their awakened bodies. They needed a period of recuperation before they could be used again for combat.

Everything did not end there. Bai Yunfei plucked the strings for the sixth time, and the sixth wave of swords also began to brew.

Once, when Bai Yunfei and Murongyan were in the Tianzhu Divine Realm, they could only display the previous five forms.

Murong Yan broke his fifth sword wave, and he also lost.

Now more than four years have passed. Although Bai Yunfei's cultivation base has not broken through to the Divine Master Realm, he has also made substantial progress, which is many times stronger than before.

This also made him more powerful in his control of the nine-style piano sword.

However, the emergence of the sixth wave of swords was much slower. Obviously at this time, even Bai Yunfei was a little strenuous.

Of course, the speed of casting here has slowed down, which is only relatively speaking.

In fact, the process of casting spells is not particularly slow.

When the sixth wave of swords suddenly formed, the world centered on Bai Yunfei shook suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the sixth wave of swords carried a terrifying aura and shocked to wake up.

At this moment, the palm that had already been awakened was shot forward.

365 stars of light representing the will of the small Zhoutian law, enveloping the three types of fusion and unity, dragging a long flame tail in the air, and in the inner world of the printing method, three statues of gods slap a palm at the same time .

The extremely surging divine power vented away at the moment it collided with the sixth sword wave.


In the deafening sound, countless aftermaths exploded between the two terrifying forces, sweeping in all directions, and when they touched the many buildings and palaces below, they razed them to the ground in an instant.

After one blow, the originally magnificent palace became devastated, and only some special buildings that had been reinforced by formations survived.

This blow is still evenly matched.

Between Awakening and Bai Yunfei, no one can do anything.

However, Bai Yunfei still looked indifferent, looked at awakening from a distance, and said, "As far as I know, your hole cards seem to have been used up, right?"

"However, I can perform the seventh style. In this battle, you will eventually lose."

It is not an exaggeration to describe Bai Yunfei as an exhaustive strategy.

At the beginning of this confrontation, he had already anticipated this scene, and when he awakened his cards were exhausted, he performed the seventh style, one move determines the outcome, and at the same time divides life and death.

He wants to wake up and feel desperate, he wants to wake up and die in despair.

What about the Eight Jade Tianjiao?

In the end, it was not his stepping stone, being beheaded by him, becoming his most eye-catching record.

However, Bai Yunfei did not see the slightest despair on his awakened face. The latter was upright, as if he was always so calm and calm.

"You think you know me well, and you think you can count on everything you can do. Today I will let you know that your greatest weakness is actually your blind confidence."

The voice of awakening sounded slowly, and at the same time, the surging divine power was vented in his body, turning into a translucent divine sword, suspended in front of him.

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