Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2139: Hand of the King

Chapter 2139 The Hand of the God King

"Take him down first!"

Su Xing waved his hand, neither saying that Wang Yuan would be killed or letting go, which was puzzling.

After that, he began to give orders, split a team of people, stayed at the city wall, and protected Lei Xueyi, who had just finished the robbery, and the frightened royal family members.

Then led most of the troops to the palace, and solved the problem in one fell swoop. Bai Yunfei became a turtle in the urn.

"Brother wake up, let's go too." Miao Kerr helped the Queen of Flowers and came to Wake, because she had just cried, her tears were hazy, but her face was firm.

"Okay!" Su Xing nodded.

At this time, a phoenix and blessed Daozi walked into the two buildings and lifted the restrictions on the royal family, the Leng family, the princess and others.

They did not have the Heart-Biting Poison King Gu in their bodies. After the restriction was lifted, the cultivation base began to recover.

After the rest of his life, many members of the royal family couldn't help crying with joy, and they were grateful for Fengwu Fudi from the bottom of their hearts.

But after hearing that Bai Yunfei still occupies the palace, he also asked to go together.

Among them, the loudest voice is Miao Qinghuan, the hateful silver teeth clenching tightly, awakening to see her appearance, it is estimated that Bai Yun can be swallowed alive.

Soon after, the team of people left behind on the wall was removed, and the rest were all flying towards the palace.

The Phoenix ship was in front, and the other two ships were behind, quickly approaching the palace.

At this moment, countless divine cultivators in Hundred Flowers Divine Capital were cautiously watching.

Bai Yunfei is not dead, everyone is always uneasy, and he dare not come out at this time.

Under the attention of everyone, the Phoenix Ship and the other two boats came outside the palace.

On the wall of the imperial palace, Bai Yunfei changed into a clean white shirt again. He stood upright, his injuries had already recovered, and his cultivation base was quite vigorous.

"Is Phoenix Zihuo?" Su Xing stared at Bai Yunfei. The sword he had just hit Bai Yunfei severely, and the other party had healed from his injuries in such a short period of time, so it was of course Phoenix Zihuo's. effect.

When Bai Yunfei was promoted to the Supreme Daozi, he also enjoyed a baptism in the Phoenix Pond, and he was not surprised to be able to get a ray of Phoenix Fire.

On the contrary, he thinks this is good news.

The matter of Chu Yuan's fetal body gave Wake up a vigilance. He worried that Bai Yunfei in the City of Hundred Flowers was also a Chuyuan fetal body, but at present, it should not be.

Only those who have received the baptism of the Phoenix Pond can possess the Phoenix Fire.

Think about it carefully, the Chuyuan Clay Tire is extremely rare and precious. Bai Yunfei's ability to refine a Chuyuan Fetus is already great luck, and it is almost impossible to refine more Chuyuan tires.

The reason why Suwaken was very cautious was not only because he had suffered a loss, but also because he knew that Bai Yunfei was not an ordinary person, and besides being extremely talented, he was also very lucky.

Those with great luck have always had great luck. It is almost impossible for others to fall into the sky, but they can really encounter it.

It is easy for them to turn danger into a bargain, survive in catastrophe, and have good fortune.

Bai Yunfei's ability to refine the corpse of the primordial element is actually a proof.

Besides the Chu Yuan womb, did Bai Yunfei obtain other treasures and wealth?

"It's a pity that there was a phoenix fire." Bai Yunfei watched awakening. Although the pain in his chest was no longer painful, the sword that awakened before gave him some lingering fears.

However, in his state of mind, it is impossible to be defeated by a sword.

On the contrary, the fighting spirit is extremely vigorous and fierce, with invincible belief in his heart, and confidence that he will be invincible in the future.

"Wake up, we don’t have any Phoenix Fire now. It just so happens that today we can live and die in one battle." Bai Yunfei said lightly, waking up in the Moonwalking Battlefield, and used a Phoenix Fire when crossing the Ten Thousand Souls Tribulation. He saw it with his own eyes.

However, he obviously didn't know that there were two phoenix subfires in Awakening body, and thought that Awakening was just like him, in the Phoenix Pool, he only got a phoenix subfire.

He thinks so, but it's normal.

Historically, the Supreme Daozi who received the baptism of the Phoenix Pond had a very small number of people who could get the Phoenix Fire, but there was only one strand of it.

Just like waking up, there is no one who has received three wisps of phoenix fire.

Invisibly, this is also a distinction between talents.

"Stop talking nonsense, you want to fight with me, and that fight was, but the result is so many tricks, is it because of fear in your heart?" Su Xing said coldly.

"Do you want to use words to break my state of mind? Do you think it is possible?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and smiled lightly: "Wake up, there will be a battle between you and me, but I will not only defeat you, but also you will die in the most miserable way."

While speaking, Bai Yunfei's palm flashed, and a dark blue severed hand appeared.

Although it is only a severed hand, even if it is separated from the formation barrier, awakening can feel a great pressure from the dark blue severed hand. It is a unique breath belonging to the heart of will, which makes it difficult to mind. calm.

"The hand of the **** king!" Wake's pupils shrank, and that severed hand actually came from a **** king.

"That's right!" Bai Yunfei nodded and smiled: "If you want to remove the Heart-Biting Poison King Gu, you don't necessarily need the Divine King to do it in person. You only need to use the Divine King's corpse to draw the Poison Gu out."

"This divine king's severed hand came from a divine king's corpse. Using it, you can attract the poisonous gu."

It was equivalent to saying that the hand of the **** king was the antidote to the heart-biting poison king Gu.

However, the awakening complexion was still very cold and sharp. Although Bai Yunfei took out the hand of the **** king, he would not be so kind to hand it over.

"Heart Devouring Poison King Gu!"

"Why did Bai Yunfei suddenly mention that poisonous thing?"

"Could it be that anyone among us has caught the Heart-Biting Poison King Gu?"

Behind his awakening, a lot of discussions sounded.

It is true that Bai Yunfei suddenly took out the God King severed his hand, which looked very strange.

Bai Yunfei watched this scene, and immediately understood what he said with a smile: "Wake up, it seems that you don't want Miao Keer to worry, you haven't told the truth of the matter!"

"Shut up!" Su Xing gave a cold voice.

"Hahaha..." Bai Yunfei laughed loudly, ignoring his awakening, and looking at Miao Keer, and said: "Don't you know that your mother emperor has eaten the heart poisonous king Gu?"

Miao Keer's face changed.

Just now, after the royal family members lifted the ban, they are all recovering their cultivation base step by step. Only the Queen of Hundred Flowers, without the slightest breath of cultivation base, is already suspicious.

At this moment, when Bai Yunfei said this sentence, Miao Kerr couldn't help but believe more than half.

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