Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2137: White clothes stained with blood

Chapter 2137: White Clothes Stained with Blood

In the sky, Lei Xueyi changed her former grace and calmness, and she acted swiftly and resolutely during her shots. The graceful and graceful God's body released a monstrous fighting spirit with a mighty spirit.

She knew that every time she delayed a point, the members of the Hundred Blossoms royal family would suffer more serious deaths and injuries, so she wanted to end the catastrophe sooner and break the defense formation earlier.

However, Lei Xueyi had to treat it with caution when he encountered the attack of eight purple thunder dragons.

And the aftermath of the confrontation between her and the eight-headed purple thunder dragon can be said to be earth-shattering, constantly impacting the barrier of the great defense formation.

Especially the surviving power originating from the Zixu Sky Thunder is very tyrannical and quickly wiped out. The protective power of the formation enchantment makes the formation enchantment shake and tremble again and again.

Su Xing retracted his gaze and caught a glimpse of the members of the Hundred Flowers Royal Family under the city wall. During the period of Lei Xueyi’s robbery, many people died. He couldn’t help but said to Bai Yunfei: “The great defense array will be destroyed soon. According to the agreement, you Let these members of the Hundred Flowers Royal Family."

"What agreement?" Bai Yunfei pretended not to understand.

"Do you have such a bad memory?" Su Xing asked in a deep voice.

"Wake up, is it because I have a bad memory or you have no brains?"

Bai Yunfei stared contemptuously at his awakening, and said: "I just said that if you can't break the moat within a quarter of an hour, I will kill all the members of the Hundred Flowers Royal Family."

"But I didn't say, if you do it in a quarter of an hour, I will let them go."

This kind of thing is called a word game if it sounds good, but it is shameful if it sounds bad.

Before waking up, Leng Moyou, who was standing next to Bai Yunfei, couldn't help but speak: "Yunfei, since waking up can break through the moat, it's better to let the members of the Hundred Flower Royal Family go! It won’t do you any good without them."

"Shut up!" Bai Yunfei sipped coldly.

Leng Moyou was stunned for a while, completely unexpected that Bai Yunfei would treat himself with this attitude.

"This woman..." Su Xing was rather surprised, and stared at Leng Moyou, but he didn't expect that the other party would plead for the members of the Hundred Flowers Royal Family.

But this doesn't work, let Su Xing feel grateful to Leng Moyou.

What Leng Moyou had done before could not be simply erased just because of a plea for members of the Baihua royal family.

Moreover, Awakening didn't think that Leng Moyou could succeed. He was so smart. Seeing that the members of the Leng clan and the princess were also imprisoned in their cultivation base, he knew that in Bai Yunfei's heart, he did not fully trust Leng Moyou.

However, Leng Moyou did not seem to notice this.

Maybe I found it, but I didn't want to believe it.

"Wake up, or let's play another game!"

Bai Yunfei's eyes fell on his awakened body again, and the corners of his mouth were teasing: "I will let the five ghosts **** the members of the Baihua royal family to the palace. If you can stop them, then you can save them. If you can't, then When we arrive at the palace, that is, when the Baihua royal family is destroyed."

After the words fell, the five ghosts around him, commanding a group of congregations, quickly moved into action and loaded the members of the Baihua royal family, the Leng family, the eldest princess, and others into the two ships.

At this time, Lei Xueyi had just begun to encounter the ninth wave of offensive, and there was still some time before the big shield was torn apart.

And this period of time was enough for the Five Ghosts to **** the members of the Baihua imperial family to the palace.

In this way, even if the speed of awakening is fast, it is impossible to intercept the members of the Hundred Flower Royal Family in advance.

This is another impossible thing.

As an ordinary person, when encountering this situation, it is estimated that he would have jumped and scolded his mother a long time ago. Everyone can see that Bai Yunfei is awakening deliberately.

However, Awakening still looked calm, but deep in his eyes, the sharp color became more intense.


Two boats rose into the sky and flew toward the direction of the palace.

But Bai Yunfei, Leng Moyou, and Empress Baihua remained on the wall.

"Wake up, there is not much time left for you, don't you hurry up and find a way?" Bai Yunfei stared at the wake up outside the formation barrier, and smiled faintly.

He wanted to see the awakening anxious, but helpless, and finally in grief and indignation.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

Not only did he wake up without grief and anger, but the figure gradually became illusory, as if it would disappear at any time, and said plainly: "Bai Yunfei, do you think I am really playing this game with you?"

"Clone?" Bai Yun's eyes condensed, staring at awakening.

Compared to his primordial fetal body, Awakening, a clone that was purely condensed by divine power, was not that smart, and the reason why he could talk to him was just hiding a ray of soul in the clone.

However, it was difficult for Bai Yunfei to find out what was separated from the formation barrier.

When the awakened clone exists for too long and dissipates spontaneously, he will react.

And since the awakening outside the formation barrier was just a clone, then where did his true body go?

Suddenly, there was a strong danger sign in Bai Yunfei's heart. Almost without thinking, he struck a building behind the city wall with a punch.

But before that, there was a figure that flashed out of the building, at a very fast speed, as if it was a space jump and shuttle. The moment before was still far away, the next moment it avoided Bai Yunfei's fist. Gang, appeared on the edge of the city wall.


Bai Yunfei's fists bombarded the building, and in an instant, the building was turned into dust, and other buildings around it were also involved in it, causing great dust.

At the same time, the figure that swept to the edge of the city wall also started.


A wave of surging and sharp sword auras roared out like a mountain torrent, carrying a biting murderous intent, and impacted towards Bai Yunfei.

This was a long-planned blow. The timing, speed, strength, etc., were all grasped to the pinnacle. Bai Yunfei had no way to avoid it. Almost all methods were difficult to exert.

At the moment of crisis, he could only have time to activate the body guard's divine light, and a divine jade hanging from his waist was also automatically protected, releasing a light curtain with divine patterns flowing on it, blocking Bai Yunfei's body.


The light curtain released by Shenyu was quickly torn apart under the constant impact of the surge of sword aura.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yunfei's body protection divine light was quickly obliterated.

But these two methods finally bought him a little bit of time, barely raised his hand and punched, but this hurried punch was obviously not enough to completely block the attack of Jian Qi, and it was also quickly disintegrated.


In the end, the Yu Wei of Jian Qi slammed on Bai Yunfei's body.

His footsteps kept retreating, his body trembled again and again, and the scarlet blood on the spotless white clothes was shocking.

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