Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2135: Bai Yunfei's game

Chapter 2135: Bai Yunfei's Game

The huge phoenix ship is like a sacred mountain, suspended in the sky, exuding dazzling brilliance, and looks holy, tall, majestic, and eye-catching.

The members of the Baihua royal family under the wall, the popes of the Five Ghosts on the wall, as well as Bai Yunfei, Leng Moyou, the Queen of Baihua, and the princess all looked at the Phoenix Ship.

And in the Hundred Flower Gods in the back, there are also many gods, cautiously looking on.

The banners that represent the blessed land of Fengwu, hunt in the wind, and are highly recognizable.

And on the decks of the Phoenix Ship, at this time, there were a series of heroic figures, which were the countless Taoists of Fengwu Fudi and many elders.

Every one of them, when put outside, is a high-profile Tianjiao figure.

But at this time, they all looked at the same figure.

The figure stepped out of the Phoenix boat, tall and slender, like a peerless sword, black hair fluttering in the wind, beautiful features, and deep and bright eyes.

He is not as handsome as Bai Yunfei, but he has an extraordinary temperament of confidence and calmness, as if he can solve any problems he encounters.

It seemed that even if the heavens collapsed, he could support a piece of sky alone.


People spoke unconsciously and called out his name.

In the entire Hundred Flowers God, there are definitely not a few people who know the awakening.

The last time he came to the City of Hundred Flowers, he defeated many young talents in the palace. Even among the top ten arrogances of the Hundred Flowers, Wang Yuan, who ranked second, was defeated in his hands, so unparalleled and heroic. It is unforgettable and impressive.

What's more, the relationship between Su Xing and Miao Keer, the seventh princess, is very close, which makes people think again and again.

After a few years, Wake up to Baihua Shendu again, the heroic appearance is better than the past.

He is no longer an ordinary Taoist, but has become the supreme Taoist of Fengwu Fortune Land, his cultivation is even more unfathomable, and even the countless Taoists of Fengwu Fortune Land, as well as many elders, all regard him as the head of his horse.

This scene had a great impact on the countless spiritual cultivation in the Capital of Hundred Flowers.

Even Bai Yunfei standing on the wall, his pupils narrowed, envy, jealousy, and deeply unwilling.

Once upon a time, Bai Yunfei had also imagined that when he raised his arms, the Taoists and elders of Fengwu would respond with one answer, but never did it.

But now, Suwaken did it, and the main factor that prompted all of this was Bai Yunfei.

In the dark, as if telling Bai Yunfei, he might as well wake up.

Leng Moyou stood beside Bai Yunfei. She could feel Bai Yunfei's jealousy and unwillingness. To be fair, her awakening at this time had indeed overshadowed Bai Yunfei's grace.

The Queen of Flowers looked at her awakening from a distance, her eyes flickering, there was regret and guilt.

When she came to Baihuashendu when she woke up, she didn't want to wake up with Miao Keer, and once acquiesced to the young talents of Baihuashendu that it was difficult to wake up.

But I don't want to, today Hundred Flower God has been in such a disaster, and it turned out that Xu Xing led the people from Fengwu Fudi to rescue.

Although the Queen of Flowers knew that the main reason for waking up this time was for Miao Keer, the gratitude in her heart was still hard to suppress.

After all, not everyone can have the broad-mindedness of waking up, regardless of the predecessors.

The princess who was on the side was also moved.

The benefits of Bai Yunfei's promise, the princess was naturally a little moved.

However, as a figure who has been in the court for hundreds of years, it is not clear that Bai Yunfei's promise is only to temporarily appease Leng Moyou, and will not let herself ascend to the throne as a queen.

Because of emotion and reason, the eldest princess didn't want the Queen of Flowers to happen.

How can she be incomprehensible about the truth of her lips and teeth?

"Wake up Daozi, save us!"

"We don't want to die!"

"Save the Queen!"

The members of the Baihua imperial family who were **** by the five flowers and were thrown under the city wall undoubtedly saw the dawn in despair at this time, and their eyes were bright, and they couldn't help but scream.

Bai Yunfei calmed his mind. He didn't stop the royal family members from calling for help. Instead, he looked at the awakening outside the formation barrier and said calmly: "You really didn't disappoint me. You came so soon."

"What do you want?" Su Xing said coldly.

The Hundred Flower Gods had fallen into such a situation, and he was also moved by it. Bai Yunfei's collusion with the Demon Sect greatly increased his killing intent, but he couldn't act impulsively.

Killing Baiyun Fei is still secondary, saving the Queen of Flowers and lifting the crisis in the Capital of Flowers is the most important thing.

"Why don't we play a game, how about it?" Bai Yunfei smiled and pointed to the moat formation that was in the open state, and said: "I will give you a quarter of an hour to break this moat formation. ."

"At the same time, I will kill a member of the Hundred Flowers Royal Family every ten breaths. If you can't break through the great defense formation within a quarter of an hour, then I will kill all the members of the Hundred Flower Royal Family. How about?"

Upon hearing this, the face of the Queen of Flowers changed first.

No one knows better than her, how unbreakable the Great City of Flowers is.

Not to mention a quarter of an hour, it is three days and three nights, and it will never be broken.

Bai Yunfei's move was completely taking the lives of the members of the Baihua royal family to play and wake up.

He knew very well that the purpose of waking up was to save people, and he arranged all of this to make Awakening feel powerless and desperate, so that he could watch the people he wanted to save die one by one.

Such care is extremely vicious.

"Give me half a day!" Su Xing said solemnly.

"You are not qualified to bargain." Bai Yunfei shook his head: "Ten breaths have arrived."


Standing behind the members of the Hundred Flowers Royal Family, the cultists of the Five Ghost Sects raised their hands and cut off the head of a member of the Hundred Flowers Royal Family.

The others, members of the Baihua Royal Family, looked scared and screamed in horror.

The countless Taoists and elders standing on the Phoenix Boat changed their expressions, and there was an unconcealable killing intent in their eyes. Bai Yunfei's move once again aroused the anger in everyone's heart.

But they did not speak, but gave the decision to wake up completely.

A strong chill flashed in his awakened eyes, and he stared at Bai Yunfei deeply, and then transmitted the sound into the Phoenix ship, and soon Lei Xueyi flew out with grace.

"Elder Lei!"

Bai Yunfei was startled slightly, not understanding why he was awakened, and called out Lei Xueyi.

Could it be that Lei Xueyi was able to break through the moat?

Bai Yunfei shook his head subconsciously. When he set up this game, he had gone through some rigorous deductions. The great city of Hundred Flowers was extremely strong.

Not to mention Lei Xueyi, even if he wakes up and carries the strength of the people from the Phoenix Land, plus the Phoenix Ship, it will take at least one day to break through the great defense formation.

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