Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2124: Ring the bell

Chapter 2124 Ringing the Divine Bell

Tianxin Pavilion can help people understand Taoism and practice divine arts, so the Tianxin elder who is an instrumental spirit has extremely high attainments in this respect.

It can make him feel magical, and this alone is enough to explain that the Nine-Five Guizhen Reincarnation Sword is extraordinary.

Cultivation has no years.

It took three months to regain the amazing comprehension, the solid foundation in kendo, and the assistance of the eight times the training efficiency of the Tianxin Pavilion, and finally the nine-five-year return to the true sword rain style was finally successful.

This seems very incredible.

Among the several divine arts he mastered, the difficulty of cultivation of the Nine-Five Guizhen Reincarnation Sword is undoubtedly the first, even the Eight Desolate Ancient God Seal.

Of course, this does not mean that the Eight Desolate Ancient God Seal is worse than the Nine-Five Guizhen Reincarnation Sword.

When Jiang Dongliu taught the Eight Desolate Ancient God Seals of Awakening Third-Rank Heavenly Grant level, he also passed his own cultivation experience to Su Xing so that he could practice the Eight Desolation Ancient God Seals. It was not so difficult.

However, the Ninth Five-Year Returning True Reincarnation Sword has only one cultivation method, and everything needs to be awakened to explore.

Outside Tianxin Pavilion, Lei Xueyi, wearing a long green skirt, stood quietly.

The graceful posture, the exquisite and flawless face, the fair skin like jade, Lei Xueyi's beauty is enough to linger on, and the temperament is even more elegant and unparalleled.

The Taoists nearby all cast envious eyes, and at the same time they were very curious, who Lei Xueyi was waiting for.

When I wake up and walk out of Tianxin Pavilion, the answer is naturally revealed.

In this regard, the nearby Taoists also suddenly realized.

During this period of time, rumors spread between Suwa and Lei Xueyi, and of course Miao Keer was indispensable.

Many Daozi secretly envied them. The three beauties in Fengwufu Land, Lei Xueyi, Miao Keer, and Leng Moyou, actually took up two of them in Suwakening, and they hugged left and right, envious of others.

I am envious, and in all fairness, it seems that only by waking up to such an eight-journal arrogant can we have this kind of beauty.

The matter about waking up and overcoming the Myriad Souls Tribulation had already spread at this time.

Everyone now knows that Reawakening has entered the ranks of the Eight Tribulations.

His aptitude completely overshadowed Bai Yunfei, and he became Fengwufudi, the recognized first person with aptitude.

After three months, I saw Lei Xueyi again, and I looked up and down when I woke up. Apart from feeling very amazing, he was also surprised at Lei Xueyi's cultivation base.

"The Divine Master Realm is Tier 2?" Su Xing smiled.

"Thanks to your two drops of basalt real blood." Lei Xueyi smiled.

"It seems that it is not only as simple as breaking through the cultivation base!" Su Xing also felt a very profound Dao Fa breath from Lei Xueyi's body.

Lei Xueyi explained: "I have refined the Purple Void Sky Thunder, and the law will reach the perfect state, it depends on whether I can penetrate the heart of will."

"Then you are not going to cross the Tribulation?" Su Xing asked, Lei Xueyi was originally in the ranks of the Five Tribulations, but this time with such a great harvest, it should be able to survive the Flying Tribulation and enter the ranks of the Six Tribulations.

"Of course I have to cross the catastrophe, not only me, but Ding Xi and Ke'er are also preparing to cross the catastrophe." Lei Xueyi said.

"That's it! Why don't you go to the Phoenix Palace after you cross the Tribulation?" It's not too surprising to wake up, Ding Xi and Miao Ke'er's talents can indeed cross the Flying Tribulation.

"Not so anxious, it is important to solve the Yun League, Shi Zun's side is also ready." Lei Xueyi awakened through a voice transmission.

"That's good! It's better to hit the sun if you choose another day, just today!" Su Xing nodded, and then left with Lei Xueyi and flew directly to Haoting Mountain.

Not far in front of the Phoenix Palace, there is a simple stone pavilion with a stone bell hanging in it. On the surface of the stone bell, there are many **** patterns, which are like traces left by the years, revealing a sense of vicissitudes.

"Are you ready?" Lei Xueyi asked softly, standing beside him.

"Yeah!" Su Xing smiled slightly, and immediately waved with one hand, a divine power whizzed out and fell on the stone clock, causing ripples, and quickly illuminating the **** pattern on the stone clock.


A huge and distant bell rang.

"Clang clang!"

The bells continued to ring, spreading towards the distance.

Soon, the entire Fengwu Fudi was reverberating with huge bells.

Countless Taoists, some communicated in front of the Tianwu Pagoda, and some practiced in the dojo, but at this time, all raised their heads and looked towards the Haoting Mountain.

In addition, many elders also came out of the dojo.

The bell rings, this is a big event.

At Yunyu Peak, Bai Yunfei sat in the pavilion, and Leng Mo was quietly opposite him, making tea for him. The fragrance of the tea was overflowing, and the smoke was full of smoke. At first glance, he knew that he was not a common product.

And Leng Moyou's tea-making skills are even more sophisticated, with elegant movements and flowing water.

At this time, the sound of the bell also interrupted Leng Moyou's tea making, and the hot tea sprinkled on the back of her white jade-like hands, causing her to tremble slightly.

Bai Yunfei looked in the direction of the Phoenix Palace, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and then he looked at Leng Moyou, and said, "You are leaving now and return to the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers."

"What's the matter?" Leng Moyou was so wise, he noticed something was wrong, and said, "Yun Fei, is the bell this time aimed at you?"

"I don't know, it just feels something wrong." Bai Yunfei said.

"Then I can't leave, let's advance and retreat together." Leng Mo said quietly.

"Listen to me, you will understand when you arrive in the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers." Bai Yunfei's face sank.

"I see." Leng Mo nodded quietly.


In the sky around Haoting Shenshan, there were divine lights, and the breath of divine Dao intertwined and shuttled, which was brilliant and spectacular.

The bell sounded like a calling order, and the Taoists and elders of Fengwu Fudi flew over.

Suddenly, a bright golden light emerged from the sky, exuding a majestic and terrifying sense of coercion, covering the whole world.

Immediately afterwards, an indifferent and majestic voice sounded: "Wake up, who made you sound the alarm and cause riots? Do you think that after becoming the Supreme Taoist, you can do whatever you want?"

Su Xing raised his head and glanced at the sky, and said coldly: "Mountain Lord Jinkui, I call everyone to come, naturally there is my intention."


As the golden light emerged, the figure of the mountain lord Jinkui appeared in the sky, his stalwart body exuding unparalleled divine power fluctuations, and said majesticly: "I think you are too swollen, then this mountain lord will make you sober Something."

As the voice fell, there was a terrifying coercion, rolling down like thunder, shrouded in awakening.

Su Xing's eyes became extremely cold. He didn't expect that the Lord Jinkui was so domineering that he would directly attack him without asking why.

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